

'Oh, uncle, why have you not spoken to me? Why have you not told me what to do? Why have you not advised me? Why are you always so silent?'

'Silent about what?'

'You know, uncle; silent about him; silent about Frank.'

Why, indeed? What was he to say to this? It was true that he had never counselled her; never shown her what course she should take; had never even spoke to her about her lover. And it was equally true that he was not now prepared to do so, even in answer to such an appeal as this. He had a hope, a strong hope, more than a hope, that Mary's love would yet be happy; but he could not express or explain his hope; nor could he even acknowledge to himself a wish that would seem to be based on the death of him to whose life he was bound, if possible, to preserve.

'My love,' he said, 'it is a matter in which you must judge for yourself. Did I doubt your conduct, I should interfere; but I do not.'

'Conduct! Is conduct everything? One may conduct oneself excellently, and yet break one's heart.'

This was too much for the doctor; his sternness and firmness instantly deserted him. 'Mary,' he said, 'I will do anything that you would have me. If you wish it, I will make arrangements for leaving this place at once.'

'Oh, no,' she said, plaintively.

'When you tell me of a broken heart, you almost break my own. Come to me, darling; do not leave me so. I will say all that I can say. I have thought, do still think, that circumstances will admit of your marriage with Frank if you both love each other, and can both be patient.'

'You think so,' said she, unconsciously sliding her hand into his, as though to thank him by its pressure for the comfort he was giving her.

'I do think so now more than ever. But I only think so; I have been unable to assure you. There, darling, I must not say more; only that I cannot bear to see you grieving, I would not have said this:' and then he left her, and nothing more was spoken on the subject.

If you can be patient! Why, a patience of ten years would be as nothing to her. Could she but live with the knowledge that she was first in his estimation, dearest in his heart; could it be also granted to her to feel that she was regarded as his equal, she could be patient for ever.

What more did she want than to know and feel this? Patient, indeed!

But what could these circumstances be to which her uncle had alluded? 'I do think that circumstances will admit of your marriage.' Such was his opinion, and she had never known him to be wrong. Circumstances! What circumstances? Did he perhaps mean that Mr Gresham's affairs were not so bad as they had been thought to be? If so, that alone would hardly alter the matter, for what could she give in return? 'I would give him the world for one word of love,' she said to herself, 'and never think that he was my debtor. Ah! how beggarly the heart must be that speculates on such gifts as those!'

But there was her uncle's opinion: he still thought that they might be married. Oh, why had she sent her letter? and why had she made it so cold? With such a letter as that before him, Frank could not do other than consent to her proposal. And then, why did he not at least answer it?

On the Sunday afternoon there arrived at Greshamsbury a man and a horse from Boxall Hill, bearing a letter from Lady Scatcherd to Dr Thorne, earnestly requesting the doctor's immediate attendance. 'I fear everything is over with poor Louis,' wrote the unhappy mother. 'It has been dreadful. Do come to me; I have no other friend, and I am nearly worn through with it. The man from the city'--she meant Dr Fillgrave--'comes every day, and I dare say he is all very well, but he has never done much good. He has not had spirit enough to keep the bottle from him; and it was that, and that only, that most behoved to be done. I doubt you won't find him in this world when you get here.'

Dr Thorne started immediately. Even though he might have to meet Dr Fillgrave, he could not hesitate, for he went not as a doctor to the dying man, but as the trustee under Sir Roger's will. Moreover, as Lady Scatcherd had said, he was only her friend, and he could not desert her at such a moment for an army of Fillgraves. He told Mary he should not return that night; and taking with him a small saddle-bag, he started at once for Boxall Hill.

As he rode to the hall door, Dr Fillgrave was getting into his carriage.

They had never met so as to speak to each other since that memorable day, when they had their famous passage of arms in the hall of that very house before which they both now stood. But, at the present moment, neither of them was disposed to renew the fight.

'What news of your patient, Fillgrave?' said our doctor, still seated on his sweating horse, and putting his hand lightly to his hat.

Dr Fillgrave could not refrain from one moment of supercilious disdain: he gave one little chuck to his head, one little twist to his neck, one little squeeze to his lips, and then the man within him overcame the doctor. 'Sir Louis is no more,' he said.

'God's will be done!' said Dr Thorne.

'His death is a release; for his last days have been very frightful.

Your coming, Dr Thorne, will be a comfort to Lady Scatcherd.' And then Dr Fillgrave, thinking that even the present circumstances required no further condescension, ensconced himself in the carriage.

'His last days have been very dreadful! Ah, me, poor fellow! Dr Fillgrave, before you go, allow me to say this: I am quite aware that when he fell into your hands, no medical skill in the world could save him.'

Dr Fillgrave bowed low from the carriage, and after this unwonted exchange of courtesies, the two doctors parted, not to meet again--at any rate, in the pages of this novel. Of Dr Fillgrave, let it now be said, that he is now regarded as one of the celebrities of Barchester.

  • 襄阳守城录


  • 琅嬛记


  • Bird Neighbors

    Bird Neighbors

  • 词径


  • 上清高圣太上大道君洞真金元八景玉录


  • Time out of Time

    Time out of Time

    In book two of the Time out of Time series, the excitement and mystery continue as Timothy; his sister, Sarah; and their friend, Jessica, journey to Edinburgh, Scotland, where they seek the Four Treasures, especially the Telling Stone. They must keep the treasures from falling into the hands of Balor, who will use them to deprive the world of good. The children pass through Time out of Time as they undertake their quest, encountering mythic and folkloric characters, including the Tuatha Dé Danann, Gwydon, and Cerridwyn. A code hidden in an ancient map is the key to finding the Telling Stone. The book includes a four-color map and concludes with a glossary of the many historical, literary, and folkloric references mentioned in both this and the first Time out of Time volume.
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