

"A thing not only atrociously vulgar at all times, but under the circumstances--need I say more? Mr. Carter, you were engaged in chasing my son's future bride round a table!""Pardon me, Lady Mickleham. Your son's future bride was engaged in chasing me round a table.""It is the same thing," said Lady Mickleham.

"I should have thought there was a distinction," said I.

"None at all."

I fell back on a second line of defense.

"I didn't let her catch me, Lady Mickleham," I pleaded.

Lady Mickleham grew quite red. This made me feel more at my ease.

"No, sir. If you had--"

"Goodness knows!" I murmured, shaking my head.

"As it happened, however, my son entered in the middle of this disgraceful--""It was at the beginning," said I, with a regretful sigh.

Upon this--and I have really never been so pleased at anything in all my life--the Countess, the violence of her emotions penetrating to her very fingers, gripped the handle of her "starers" with such force that she broke it in two! She was a woman of the world, and in a moment she looked as if nothing had happened. With me it was different; and that I am not now on Lady Mickleham's visiting list is due to (inter alia et enormia)the fact that I laughed! It was out before I could help it. In a second I was as grave as a mute. The mischief was done. The Countess rose. I imitated her example.

"You are amused?" said she, and her tones banished the last of my mirth. I stumbled on my hat and it rolled to her feet.

"It is not probable," she observed, "that after Miss Foster's marriage you will meet her often. You will move in--er--somewhat different circles.""I may catch a glimpse of her in her carriage from the top of my 'bus," said I.

Lady Mickleham rang the bell. I stooped for my hat. To tell the truth, I was rather afraid to expose myself in such a defenseless attitude, but the Countess preserved her self control. The butler opened the door. I bowed, and left the Countess regarding me through the maimed "starers." Then I found the butler smiling. He probably knew the signs of the weather. I wouldn't be Lady Mickleham's butler if you made me a duke.

As I walked home through the Park, I met Miss Dolly and Mickleham. They stopped.

I walked on. Mickleham seized me by the coat tails.

"Do you mean to cut us?" he cried.

"Yes," said I.

"Why, what the deuce?--" he began.

"I've seen your mother," said I. "I wish, Mickleham, that when you do happen to intrude as you did the other day, you wouldn't repeat what you see.""Lord!" he cried. "She's not heard of that. I only told Aunt Cynthia."I said something about "Aunt Cynthia."

"Does--does she know it all?" asked Miss Dolly.

"More than all--much more."

"Didn't you smooth it over?" said Miss Dolly reproachfully.

"On reflection," said I, "I don't know that I did--much." (Ihadn't, you know.)

Suddenly Mickleham burst out laughing.

"What a game!" he exclaimed.

"That's all very well for you," said Dolly. "But do you happen to remember that we dine there tonight?" Archie grew grave.

"I hope you'll enjoy yourselves," said I. "I always cling to the belief that the wicked are punished." And I looked at Miss Dolly.

"Never you mind, little woman," said Archie, drawing Miss Dolly's arm through his, "I'll see you through. After all, everybody knows that old Carter's an ass."That piece of universal knowledge may help matters, but I do not quite see how. I walked on, for Miss Dolly had quite forgotten me, and was looking up at Archie Mickleham like--well, hang it, in the way they do, you know. So I just walked on.

I believe Miss Dolly has got a husband who is (let us say) good enough for her. And, for one reason and another, I am glad of it. And I also believe that she knows it. And I am--Isuppose--glad of that, too. Oh, yes, of course, I am. Of course.

  • 爱的欺负:驯服小老婆


  • 灵韵新生


  • 健康生活一点通


  • 圣弑苍穹


  • 真希望我30岁之前就知道的30件事


  • 3411的后大学时代


    官场、商场、情场,一个都不会少。 3411宿舍,来自于四个不同的家庭,从大学到工作,从单身到结婚,每个人都在挣扎,都在奋斗!到底自己需要什么?希望拥有别人拥有的,又不想放弃自己拥有的!人生只有一次,虽有万般可能,更有万般无奈,把握当下,不是彼此!
  • 混在天堂


  • 换头之后


  • 上下而求索(科学知识大课堂)


  • 最让你顿悟一生的感动故事(智慧背囊)

