

I don't know where they met each other, for he won't tell. He said he and uncle might go into business together some time. Between you and me, I think uncle would like to get rid of him. I know he doesn't like him."

This set Carl to thinking, but something occurred soon afterwards that impressed him still more.

Occasionally a customer of the house visited Milford, wishing to give a special order for some particular line of goods. About this time a Mr. Thorndike, from Chicago, came to Milford on this errand, and put up at the hotel. He had called at the factory during the day, and had some conversation with Mr. Jennings. After supper a doubt entered the mind of the manufacturer in regard to one point, and he said to Carl: "Carl, are you engaged this evening?"

"No, sir."

"Will you carry a note for me to the hotel?"

"Certainly, sir; I shall be glad to do so."

"Mr. Thorndike leaves in the morning, and I am not quite clear as to one of the specifications he gave me with his order. You noticed the gentleman who went through the factory with me?"

"Yes, sir."

"He is Mr. Thorndike. Please hand him this note, and if he wishes you to remain with him for company, you had better do so."

"I will, sir."

"Hannah," said Mr. Jennings, as his messenger left with the note, "Carl is a pleasant addition to our little household?"

"Yes, indeed he is," responded Hannah, emphatically.

"If he was twice the trouble I'd be glad to have him here."

"He is easy to get along with."


"Yet his stepmother drove him from his father's house."

"She's a wicked trollop, then!" said Hannah, in a deep, stern voice. "I'd like to get hold of her, I would."

"What would you do to her?" asked Mr. Jennings, smiling.

"I'd give her a good shaking," answered Hannah.

"I believe you would, Hannah," said Mr. Jennings, amused. "On the whole, I think she had better keep out of your clutches. Still, but for her we would never have met with Carl.

What is his father's loss is our gain."

"What a poor, weak man his father must be," said Hannah, contemptuously, "to let a woman like her turn him against his own flesh and blood!"

"I agree with you, Hannah. I hope some time he may see his mistake."

Carl kept on his way to the hotel. It was summer and Mr. Thorndike was sitting on the piazza smoking a cigar. To him Carl delivered the note.

"It's all right!" he said, rapidly glancing it over. "You may tell Mr. Jennings," and here he gave an answer to the question asked in the letter.

"Yes, sir, I will remember."

"Won't you sit down and keep me company a little while?" asked Thorndike, who was sociably inclined.

"Thank you, sir," and Carl sat down in a chair beside him.

"Will you have a cigar?"

"No, thank you, sir. I don't smoke."

"That is where you are sensible. I began to smoke at fourteen, and now I find it hard to break off. My doctor tells me it is hurting me, but the chains of habit are strong."

"All the more reason for forming good habits, sir."

"Spoken like a philosopher. Are you in the employ of my friend, Mr. Jennings?"

"Yes, sir."

"Learning the business?"

"That is my present intention."

"If you ever come out to Chicago, call on me, and if you are out of a place, I will give you one."

"Are you not a little rash, Mr. Thorndike, to offer me a place when you know so little of me?"

"I trust a good deal to looks. I care more for them than for recommendations."

At that moment Phil Stark came out of the hotel, and passing them, stepped off the piazza into the street.

Mr. Thorndike half rose from his seat, and looked after him.

"Who is that?" he asked, in an exciting whisper.

"A man named Stark, who is boarding at the hotel.

Do you know him?"

"Do I know him?" repeated Thorndike. "He is one of the most successful burglars in the West."

  • The Life of Stephen A. Douglas

    The Life of Stephen A. Douglas

  • 大花的微小说集


  • 绝心冷后


  • 刹那间,走进你的世界


  • 出云秘谭


    石田刚彦敲了敲出云警察署刑事课课长上条宏志的办公室大门,得到“进来”的回应后,他打开了门。他向课长敬了一个礼,道:“石田刚彦,前来报道。”上条课长50多岁,头发有点斑白,平庸的身材长相与刑事课课长这个位置略显不够般配。他点了点头,朝他微笑道:“ 你比档案照片上长得还帅气呀。”石田爽朗地笑道:“课长过奖了。”
  • 我的囚徒日记(全3册)


  • 半亩方塘我自闲:那些叩击心灵的经典哲理


  • 老婆请负责


  • 脸盲妈咪


  • 秘药

