

Of all that long season of snow, I remember most pleasantly the days that were sweetened with the sugar-making. When the sun was lifting his course in the clearing sky, and March had got the temper of the lamb, and the frozen pulses of the forest had begun to stir, the great kettle was mounted in the yard and all gave a hand to the washing of spouts and buckets. Then came tapping time, in which I helped carry the buckets and tasted the sweet flow that followed the auger's wound. The woods were merry with our shouts, and, shortly, one could hear the heart-beat of the maples in the sounding bucket. It was the reveille of spring. Towering trees shook down the gathered storms of snow and felt for the sunlight.

The arch and shanty were repaired, the great iron kettle was scoured and lifted to its place, and then came the boiling. It was a great, an inestimable privilege to sit on the robes of faded fur, in the shanty, and hear the fire roaring under the kettle and smell the sweet odour of the boiling sap. Uncle Eb minded the shanty and the fire and the woods rang with his merry songs. When I think of that phase of the sugaring, lam face to face with one of the greatest perils of my life. My foster father had consented to let me spend a night with Uncle Eb in the shanty, and I was to sleep on the robes, where he would be beside me when he was not tending the fire. It had been a mild, bright day, and David came up with our supper at sunset. He sat talking with Uncle Eb for an hour or so, and the woods were darkling when he went away.

When he started on the dark trail that led to the clearing, I wondered at his courage - it was so black beyond the firelight.

While we sat alone I plead for a story, but the thoughts of Uncle Eb had gone to roost early in a sort of gloomy meditation.

'Be still, my boy,' said he, 'an' go t' sleep. I ain't agoin' t' tell no yams an, git ye all stirred up. Ye go t' sleep. Come mornin' we'll go down t' the brook an' see if we can't find a mink or tew 'n the traps.'

I remember hearing a great crackling of twigs in the dark wood before I slept. As I lifted my head, Uncle Eb whispered, 'Hark!' and we both listened. A bent and aged figure came stalking into the firelight His long white hair mingled with his beard and covered his coat collar behind.

'Don't be scairt,' said Uncle Eb. ''Tain' no bear. It's nuthin' but a poet., I knew him for a man who wandered much and had a rhyme for everyone - a kindly man with a reputation for laziness and without any home.

'Bilin', eh?' said the poet 'Bilin',' said Uncle Eb.

'I'm bilin' over 'n the next bush,' said the poet, sitting down.

'How's everything in Jingleville?' Uncle Eb enquired.

Then the newcomer answered:

'Well, neighbour dear, in Jingleville We live by faith but we eat our fill;An' what w'u'd we do if it wa'n't fer prayer?

Fer we can't raise a thing but whiskers an' hair.'

'Cur'us how you can'talk po'try,' said Uncle Eb. 'The only thing I've got agin you is them whiskers an' thet hair. 'Tain't Christian.'

''Tain't what's on the head, but what's in it - thet's the important thing,' said the poet. 'Did I ever tell ye what I wrote about the birds?'

'Don' know's ye ever did,' said Uncle Eb, stirring his fire.

'The boy'll like it, mebbe,' said he, taking a dirty piece of paper out of his pocket and holding it to the light.

The poem interested me, young as I was, not less than the strange figure of the old poet who lived unknown in the backwoods, and who died, I dare say, with many a finer song in his heart. I remember how he stood in the firelight and chanted the words in a sing-song tone. He gave us that rude copy of the poem, and here it is:


Young robin red breast hed a beautiful nest an' he says to his love says he:

It's ready now on a rocking bough In the top of a maple tree.

I've lined it with down an' the velvet brown on the waist of a bumble-bee.

They were married next day, in the land o' the hay, the lady bird an' he.

The bobolink came an' the wife o' the same An' the lark an' the fiddle de dee.

An' the crow came down in a minister gown - there was nothing that he didn't see.

He fluttered his wing as they ast him to sing an' he tried fer t' clear out his throat;He hemmed an' he hawed an' be hawked an' he cawed But he couldn't deliver a note.

The swallow was there an' he ushered each pair with his linsey an' claw hammer coat.

The bobolink tried fer t' flirt with the bride in a way thet was sassy an' bold.

An' the notes that he took as he shivered an' shook Hed a sound like the jingle of gold.

He sat on a briar an' laughed at the choir an' said thet the music was old.

The sexton he came - Mr Spider by name - a citizen hairy and grey.

His rope in a steeple, he called the good people That live in the land o' the hay.

The ants an' the squgs an' the crickets an' bugs - came out in a mighty array.

Some came down from Barleytown an' the neighbouring city o' Rye.

An' the little black people they climbed every steeple An' sat looking up at the sky.

They came fer t' see what a wedding might be an' they furnished the cake an, the pie.

I remember he turned to me when he had finished and took one of my small hands and held it in his hard palm and looked at it and then into my face.

'Ah, boy!' he said, 'your way shall lead you far from here, and you shall get learning and wealth and win - victories.'

'What nonsense are you talking, Jed Ferry?' said Uncle Eb.

'O, you all think I'm a fool an' a humbug, 'cos I look it. Why, Eben Holden, if you was what ye looked, ye'd be in the presidential chair. Folks here 'n the valley think o' nuthin' but hard work - most uv 'em, an' I tell ye now this boy ain't a goin' t' be wuth putty on a farm. Look a' them slender hands.

'There was a man come to me the other day an' wanted t' hev a poem 'bout his wife that hed jes' died. I ast him t' tell me all 'bout her.

'"Wall," said he, after he had scratched his head an' thought a minute, "she was a dretful good woman t' work."

'"Anything else?" I asked.

'He thought agin fer a minute.

'"Broke her leg once," he said, "an' was laid up fer more'n a year."

"Must o' suffered," said I.

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