

(2.ii.61) If we may, thus, infer, that human happiness cannot be secured by taking forciblemethods to make capital increase as fast as population; and if, on the other hand, it is certain,that where births take place, more numerous than are required to uphold a populationcorresponding to the state of capital, human happiness is impaired, it is immediately seen, thatthe grand practical problem is, To find the means of limiting the number of births. It has alsoappeared, that, beyond a certain state of density in the population, such as to afford in perfectionthe benefits of social intercourse, and of combined labour, it is not desirable that populationshould increase. The- precise problem, therefore, is, to find the means of limiting births to thatnumber which is necessary to keep up the population, without increasing it. Were thataccomplished, while the return to capital from the land was yet high, the reward of the labourerwould be ample, and a large surplus would still remain. If the natural laws of distribution wereallowed to operate freely, the greater part of this net produce would find its way, in moderateportions, into the hands of a numerous class of persons, exempt from the necessity of labour, andplaced in the most favourable circumstances both for the enjoyment of happiness, and for thehighest intellectual and moral attainments.

(2.ii.62) We have yet to mention, that government, instead of lending, may itself employ thecapital which it forcibly creates. It is evident, however, that whether government employs thiscapital, or lends it to be employed by others, all the effects, which we have traced its arisingnecessarily from its increase, will be, the same. The best mode, perhaps, which could beinvented for employing, by government itself, a portion of the annual produce, forcibly takenfrom the owners, to accelerate the growth of capital, would be that which has been so earnestlypressed upon the public attention by Mr. Owen, of New Lanark. Mr. Owen proposes, that theportion of the annual produce thus converted into capital should be employed by government inmaking certain establishments; each of a mixed nature, partly for agricultural, partly formanufacturing industry; in erecting the houses, in providing the instruments or machinery, theprevious subsistence, and raw materials which might be required. In these establishments, Mr. Owen is of opinion that labour might be employed under great advantages, and with unexampledmeans of felicity to the individuals employed. Mr. Owen, however, must intend one of twothings;-either that population should go on, or that it should stop. If it is to go on, capital ofcourse holding pace with it, all the evils which would, as above, result from the forcible increaseof capital, when lent by government, would result from its forcible increase, when employed inthose establishments. If Mr. Owen means that population should not go on, and if expedients canbe employed to limit sufficiently the number of births, there is no occasion for theseestablishments, still less for the forcible and painful abduction of a part of their income from thepeople. The limitation of the number of births, by raising wages, will accomplish every thingwhich we desire, without trouble and without interference. The limitation of the numbers, if thatobject can be attained, may be carried so far as not only to raise the condition of the labourer toany state of comfort and enjoyment which may be desired, but to prevent entirely theaccumulation of capital.

Section III. Profits (2.iii.1) When it is established, that the whole of the annual produce is distributed as rent,wages of labour, and profits of stock; and when we have ascertained what regulates the portion whichgoes to rent, and what the portion which goes to wages, the question is also determined withregard to profits of stock; for it is evident that the portion which remains is profits.

(2.iii.2) From preceding expositions, it appears, that rent is something altogether extraneousto what may be considered as the return to the productive operations of capital and labour. As soonas it is necessary to apply capital to land of an inferior quality, or upon the same land to apply afurther dose of capital with inferior return, all that is yielded, more than this inferior return, is asif it did not exist, with respect to the capitalist and labourer. Whatever is yielded beyond thislowest return, either on particular spots of ground, or to particular portions of capital, might beannihilated, the moment it is produced, without affecting the portion which goes to either ofthose two classes. As soon as a new portion of capital is employed with inferior return, the casewould be the same, if the productive powers of all the capital employed upon the land werereduced to this inferior return, and a quantity of produce, equal to the additional return, whichused to be made, to the former portions of capital, were, by miracle, rained down from heavenupon the possessors of the land which yielded it.

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