

"Pride must suffer pain," replied the old lady. Oh, how gladly she would have shaken off all this grandeur, and laid aside the heavy wreath! The red flowers in her own garden would have suited her much better, but she could not help herself: so she said, "Farewell," and rose as lightly as a bubble to the surface of the water. The sun had just set as she raised her head above the waves; but the clouds were tinted with crimson and gold, and through the glimmering twilight beamed the evening star in all its beauty. The sea was calm, and the air mild and fresh. A large ship, with three masts, lay becalmed on the water, with only one sail set; for not a breeze stiffed, and the sailors sat idle on deck or amongst the rigging. There was music and song on board; and, as darkness came on, a hundred colored lanterns were lighted, as if the flags of all nations waved in the air. The little mermaid swam close to the cabin windows; and now and then, as the waves lifted her up, she could look in through clear glass window-panes, and see a number of well-dressed people within. Among them was a young prince, the most beautiful of all, with large black eyes; he was sixteen years of age, and his birthday was being kept with much rejoicing. The sailors were dancing on deck, but when the prince came out of the cabin, more than a hundred rockets rose in the air, making it as bright as day. The little mermaid was so startled that she dived under water; and when she again stretched out her head, it appeared as if all the stars of heaven were falling around her, she had never seen such fireworks before. Great suns spurted fire about, splendid fireflies flew into the blue air, and everything was reflected in the clear, calm sea beneath. The ship itself was so brightly illuminated that all the people, and even the smallest rope, could be distinctly and plainly seen. And how handsome the young prince looked, as he pressed the hands of all present and smiled at them, while the music resounded through the clear night air.

It was very late; yet the little mermaid could not take her eyes from the ship, or from the beautiful prince. The colored lanterns had been extinguished, no more rockets rose in the air, and the cannon had ceased firing; but the sea became restless, and a moaning, grumbling sound could be heard beneath the waves: still the little mermaid remained by the cabin window, rocking up and down on the water, which enabled her to look in. After a while, the sails were quickly unfurled, and the noble ship continued her passage; but soon the waves rose higher, heavy clouds darkened the sky, and lightning appeared in the distance. A dreadful storm was approaching; once more the sails were reefed, and the great ship pursued her flying course over the raging sea. The waves rose mountains high, as if they would have overtopped the mast; but the ship dived like a swan between them, and then rose again on their lofty, foaming crests. To the little mermaid this appeared pleasant sport; not so to the sailors. At length the ship groaned and creaked; the thick planks gave way under the lashing of the sea as it broke over the deck; the mainmast snapped asunder like a reed; the ship lay over on her side; and the water rushed in. The little mermaid now perceived that the crew were in danger; even she herself was obliged to be careful to avoid the beams and planks of the wreck which lay scattered on the water. At one moment it was so pitch dark that she could not see a single object, but a flash of lightning revealed the whole scene; she could see every one who had been on board excepting the prince; when the ship parted, she had seen him sink into the deep waves, and she was glad, for she thought he would now be with her; and then she remembered that human beings could not live in the water, so that when he got down to her father's palace he would be quite dead. But he must not die. So she swam about among the beams and planks which strewed the surface of the sea, forgetting that they could crush her to pieces. Then she dived deeply under the dark waters, rising and falling with the waves, till at length she managed to reach the young prince, who was fast losing the power of swimming in that stormy sea. His limbs were failing him, his beautiful eyes were closed, and he would have died had not the little mermaid come to his assistance. She held his head above the water, and let the waves drift them where they would.

In the morning the storm had ceased; but of the ship not a single fragment could be seen. The sun rose up red and glowing from the water, and its beams brought back the hue of health to the prince's cheeks; but his eyes remained closed. The mermaid kissed his high, smooth forehead, and stroked back his wet hair; he seemed to her like the marble statue in her little garden, and she kissed him again, and wished that he might live. Presently they came in sight of land; she saw lofty blue mountains, on which the white snow rested as if a flock of swans were lying upon them. Near the coast were beautiful green forests, and close by stood a large building, whether a church or a convent she could not tell. Orange and citron trees grew in the garden, and before the door stood lofty palms. The sea here formed a little bay, in which the water was quite still, but very deep; so she swam with the handsome prince to the beach, which was covered with fine, white sand, and there she laid him in the warm sunshine, taking care to raise his head higher than his body.

  • 上清佩符文诀


  • 郊庙歌辞 德明兴圣

    郊庙歌辞 德明兴圣

  • 太上老君内丹经


  • 西樵语业


  • 皇明恩命世录


  • 穿越木叶开宝箱


  • 影帝之路


  • 顽劣娇妻超难追


    [本文男女主皆双洁,喜请跳坑。]一朝魂穿,一切事物都那么陌生,堂堂将军府的大小姐,文武双全,叱咤风云,竟成了只靠姐夫存活的私生女。 一向闯荡江湖习惯的她,面对这样的情况,只一个字,闯。 新鲜事物不懂,学,姐姐装白莲花,虐渣,原主的姐夫纠缠不清?和她什么关系,滚。 可是太疯狂的她,一切都做的顺理成章,让人刮目相看,偏偏招惹了他。 洁癖严重,嫌弃她,偏偏还缠着她,怎么破? 咱能矜持点? 【本文绝对的宠文,双男主,】 【推荐旧文:豪门宠婚之总裁娇妻升职记】 【推荐旧文:遇到她时天很蓝,校园文,】
  • 迷界·焰幻


  • 缺陷管理


  • 重生之再为将军妻


  • 我家校草又又又炸了


  • 影帝想吃回头草


  • 唐僧取经日记


    这是一个特殊的唐僧,他由一个文弱的僧侣,在西天取经的路上不断成长。最终得到了美丽、善良的观音的爱情,并吸收了她的法力。在西天取经的路上,所见到的人间一幕幕悲剧与阴暗,常令他痛心不已。与徒弟在取经路上,结下深厚的师徒情意。 通过日记的形式,反映了唐僧内心世界的爱恨情仇,无情地对现实中的丑恶给与批判,又对正义给与宣扬。 在这追逐钱权,崇尚享乐的极端时代,唐僧逆潮流而为大众利益出发,消耗自己十余年的生命,长途跋涉,历尽艰险,最终取得大火中侥幸幸存下来的真经残片。也为人间芸芸众生,无法过上统一幸福的生活,而发出一声遗憾的叹息。
  • 送僧澄观

