

"Father," cried the boy, half laughing, half vexed, springing to his side, and keeping step with him, "we found her brother; he came along when we were by the side of the road. We couldn't go any further, for the poor little thing was all tired out. And don't you think they live over in Badgertown, and"-- "Well," said the old gentleman, pausing in his walk, and taking out his watch to wonder if that paper would ever come, "she had probably followed the organ-man; so it served her right after all.""Well, but father," and the boy's dark eyes glowed, "she was such a cunning little thing! she wasn't more than four years old; and she had such a pretty little yellow head; and she said so funny--'I want Polly.""Did she?" said the old gentleman, getting interested in spite of himself; "what then?""Why, then, sir," said Jasper, delighted at his success in diverting his thoughts, "Prince and I waited--and waited; and I was just going to bring her here to ask you what we should do, when"--"Dear me!" said the old gentleman, instinctively starting back as if he actually saw the forlorn little damsel, "you needn't ever bring such people here, Jasper! I don't know what to do with them, I'm sure!""Well," said the boy, laughing, "we didn't have to, did we, Prince?"stroking the big head of the dog who was slowly following the two as they paced up and down, but keeping carefully on the side of his master; "for just as we really didn't know what to do, don't you think there was a big wagon came along, drawn by the ricketiest old horse, and a boy in the wagon looking both sides of the road, and into every bush, just as wild as he could be, and before I could think, hardly, he spied us, and if he didn't jump! I thought he'd broken his leg"--"And I suppose he just abused you for what you had done,"observed the old gentleman, petulantly; "that's about all the gratitude there is in this world.""He didn't seem to see me at all," said the boy. "I thought he'd eat the little girl up.""Ought to have looked out for her better then," grumbled the old gentleman, determined to find fault with somebody.

"And he's a splendid fellow, I just know," cried Jasper, waxing enthusiastic; "and his name is Pepper.""Pepper!" repeated his father; "no nice family ever had the name of Pepper!""Well, I don't care," and Jasper's laugh was loud and merry; "he's nice anyway,--I know; and the little thing's nice; and I'm going to see them--can't I, father?""Dear me!" said his father; "how can you, Jasper? You do have the strangest tastes I ever saw!""It's dreadful dull here," pleaded the boy, touching the right string;"you know that yourself, father, and I don't know any boys around here; and Prince and I are so lonely on our walks--do permit me, father!"The old gentleman, who really cared very little about it, turned away, muttering, "Well, I'm sure I don't care; go where you like,"when a knock was heard at the door, and the paper was handed in, which broke up the conversation, and restored good humor.

The next day but one, Ben was out by the wood-pile, trying to break up some kindlings for Polly who was washing up the dishes, and otherwise preparing for the delights of baking day.

"Hulloa!" said a voice bethought he knew.

He turned around to see the merry-faced boy, and the big, black dog who immediately began to wag his tail as if willing to recognize him.

"You see I thought you'd never look round," said the boy with a laugh. "How's the little girl?""Oh! you have come, really," cried Ben, springing over the wood-pile with a beaming face. "Polly!"But Polly was already by the door, with dish-cloth in hand. "This is my sister, Polly," began Ben--and then stopped, not knowing the boy's name.

"I'm Jasper King," said the boy, stepping upon the flat stone by Polly's side; and taking off his cap, he put out his hand. "And this is Prince," he added.

Polly put her hand in his, and received a hearty shake; and then she sprang over the big stove, dish-cloth and all, and just flung her arms around the dog's neck.

"Oh, you splendid fellow, you!" said she. "Don't you know we all think you're as good as gold?"The dog submitted to the astonishing proceeding as if he liked it, while Jasper, delighted with Polly's appreciation, beamed down on them, and struck up friendship with her on the instant.

"Now, I must call Phronsie," said Polly, getting up, her face as red as a rose.

"Is her name Phronsie?" asked the boy with interest. "No, it's Sophronia," said Polly, "but we call her Phronsie." "What a very funny name," said Jasper, "Sophronia is, for such a little thing--and yours is Polly, is it not?" he asked, turning around suddenly on her.

"Yes," said Polly; "no, not truly Polly; it's Mary, my real name is--but I've always been Polly.""I like Polly best, too," declared Jasper, "it sounds so nice.""And his name is Ben," said Polly.

"Ebenezer, you mean," said Ben, correcting her.

"Well, we call him Ben," said Polly; "it don't ever seem as if there was any Ebenezer about it.""I should think not," laughed Jasper.

"Well, I must get Phronsie," again said Polly, running back into the bedroom, where that small damsel was busily engaged in washing "Baby" in the basin of water that she had with extreme difficulty succeeded in getting down on the floor. She had then, by means of a handful of soft soap, taken from Polly's soap-bowl during the dish-washing, and a bit of old cotton, plastered both herself and "Baby" to a comfortable degree of stickiness.

"Phronsie," said Polly--"dear me! what you doing? the big dog's out there, you know, that scared the naughty organ-man; and the boy"--but before the words were half out, Phronsie had slipped from under her hands, and to Polly's extreme dismay, clattered out into the kitchen.

"Here she is!" cried Jasper, meeting her at the door. The little soapy hands were grasped, and kissing her--"Ugh!" he said, as the soft soap plentifully spread on her face met his mouth.

"Oh, Phronsie! you shouldn't," cried Polly, and then they all burst out into a peal of laughter at Jasper's funny grimaces.

  • 训蒙骈句


  • 林间录后集


  • 文赋


  • 阿育王子法益坏目因缘经


  • 上清灵宝大法


  • 都市之武魂系统


  • 阴阳秘录


  • 极品女仙历劫手札


  • 石遗室诗话


  • 不惑之虚


  • 二次元扮演者


  • 将军女婢不好惹


  • 山鸟不啼2:白狐之怨


  • 消夏集


  • 灌篮之翔阳斗魂

