

"Son," she replied, delighted with the proposal -- and what old woman would not be? --"there is no need for putting off so urgent an affair till the morrow. Get your paper ready, and I will immediately give it."Trembling with pleasure, the prince ran to find his friend, who was seated in the garden reading, as usual, and told him what the old nurse had engaged to do. He then began to debate about how he should write his letter, to cull sentences and to weigh phrases;whether "light of my eyes" was not too trite, and "blood of my liver" rather too forcible. At this the minister's son smiled, and bade the prince not trouble his head with composition. He then drew his inkstand from his waist shawl, nibbed a reed pen, and choosing a piece of pink and flowered paper, he wrote upon it a few lines. He then folded it, gummed it, sketched a lotus flower upon the outside, and handing it to the young prince, told him to give it to their hostess, and that all would be well.

The old woman took her staff in her hand and hobbled straight to the palace. Arrived there, she found the Raja's daughter sitting alone in her apartment. The maiden, seeing her nurse, immediately arose, and making a respectful bow, led her to a seat and began the most affectionate inquiries. After giving her blessing and sitting for some time and chatting about indifferent matters, the nurse said, " O daughter! in infancy I reared and nourished thee, now the Bhagwan (Deity) has rewarded me by giving thee stature, beauty, health, and goodness. My heart only longs to see the happiness of thy womanhood, after which I shall depart in peace. Iimplore thee read this paper, given to me by the handsomest and the properest young man that my eyes have ever seen."The princess, glancing at the lotus on the outside of the note, slowly unfolded it and perused its contents, which were as follows:


She was to me the pearl that clings To sands all hid from mortal sight, Yet fit for diadems of kings, The pure and lovely light.


She was to me the gleam of sun That breaks the gloom of wintry day;One moment shone my soul upon, Then passed --how soon! - away.


She was to me the dreams of bliss That float the dying eyes before, For one short hour shed happiness, And fly to bless no more.


O light, again upon me shine;

O pearl, again delight my eyes;

O dreams of bliss, again be mine! --

No! earth may not be Paradise.

I must not forget to remark, parenthetically, that the minister's son, in order to make these lines generally useful, had provided them with a last stanza in triplicate. "For lovers," he said sagely," are either in the optative mood, the desperative, or the exultative."This time he had used the optative. For the desperative he would substitute:


The joys of life lie dead, lie dead, The light of day is quenched in gloom The spark of hope my heart hath fled --What now witholds me from the tomb?

And this was the termination exultative, as he called it:


O joy I the pearl is mine again, Once more the day is bright and clear, And now 'tis real, then 'twas vain, My dream of bliss - O heaven is here!

The Princess Padmavati having perused this doggrel with a contemptuous look, tore off the first word of the last line, and said to the nurse, angrily, "Get thee gone, O mother of Yama,

O unfortunate creature, and take back this answer" --giving her the scrap of paper -- "to the fool who writes such bad verses. I wonder where he studied the humanities. Begone, and never do such an action again!"The old nurse, distressed at being so treated, rose up and returned home. Vajramukut was too agitated to await her arrival, so he went to meet her on the way. Imagine his disappointment when she gave him the fatal word and repeated to him exactly what happened, not forgetting to describe a single look! He felt tempted to plunge his sword into his bosom; but Fortune interfered, and sent him to consult his confidant.

"Be not so hasty and desperate, my prince," said the pradhan's son, seeing his wild grief; "you have not understood her meaning. Later in life you will be aware of the fact that, in nine cases out of ten, a woman's 'no' is a distinct 'yes.' This morning's work has been good;the maiden asked where you learnt the humanities, which being interpreted signifies 'Who are you?"'

  • Casanova


  • 御猎


  • 连城壁


  • 太上虚皇天尊四十九章经


  • 五虎平南


  • 小花仙之圣灵奇迹再现


  • 换种方式与孩子沟通


  • 愿有时光收藏爱


  • 仙上,请留步


  • 临渊而不羡鱼:张中行散文


    《张中行散文》是散文大家张中行的散文精选集 ,内容涉及文史、古典、佛学、哲学等,有浓厚的古 典韵味和人生哲学。本选集对浙江文艺出版2008年版的《张中行散文》进行整理并重新出版。同时,为 便于读者阅读,将全书篇目按内容分成“心声偶录” 、“旧迹发微”、“睹物思情”、“灯下忆友”四个 部分。
  • 消失的黑匣子:寻找空难密码


  • 这重生有毒


    重生回到末世前,带着异能回来的林兮愿望很简单:找出父母的死因,努力提升异能,和那个不太给力的男票分手!只是……为啥某人,不对,某死人,也不对,某丧尸王也跟着重生了?林兮:(炸毛)泥奏凯,离我远点,你这人有毒!某前丧尸王:(一本正经)明明是你有毒,我甘愿被毒倒……林兮望天:明明是这重生有毒,否则堂堂丧尸王为什么这么不要脸……作者还著有《重生之整形师》《末世点心师》 新书(重生之大灵医)求收藏
  • Earthbound


    In 1982, before Matheson had fully achieved the cult-and-grandmaster status that he enjoys today, Playboy Press published a version of his erotic ghost story that was so severely edited that Matheson took his name off the book and instead published it under the name Logan Swanson.In this restored version of the original manuscript, David and Ellen Cooper's 21-year-old marriage is nearing the rocks, so they decide to leave Los Angeles for a honeymoon and go to Long Island. Soon after they arrive at their beach cottage, a strange woman, Marianna, appears to David, and he is immediately entranced.
  • 二分之一韩小夏


    【女主双重人格,男主是银行行长】1V1双洁,有后妈,爹不渣,轻松正能量。 后妈时不时地给张卡,有事没事撑个腰。 弟弟软萌可爱,妹妹高冷傲娇(求人先打自己脸) 韩小夏无力扶额:韩灵,咱不用这么跟自己过不去。。。 ―― 可能脑袋被驴踢了,小夏总想着给秦湛送温暖。 初次见面,秦湛扔了她碰过的西装。经过不懈的努力,她成功地让自己从头伤到脚。 …… 小夏收拾东西准备走人,秦湛冒雨拦住了她。 在大雨倾盆中,他的声音哑的发颤,“夏夏,我爱你。” 她冷冷一笑,“我是第二人格,祁寒。” …… 记者:秦行长曾有个心尖宠,不知道您知不知道? 小夏抬手打了个电话,挑眉按了免提。 清风拂过,电话里的低音深情温柔。 “从始至终,我只有你。”
  • 抢来的娘娘(已完)

