

Then we'll get along with the work."

The train rushed swaying on through the darkness. Desmond was back in the Pullman car in a few minutes arrayed in a pair of dark gray tweed trousers, a white shirt and black boots and socks. A cut-away coat and waistcoat of the same tweed stuff, a black bowler hat of rather an old-fashioned and staid pattern, and a black overcoat with a velvet collar, he left in the compartment where he changed.

He found that Crook had opened his tin box and set out a great array of grease paints, wigs, twists of tow of various colors, and a number of pots and phials of washes and unguents together with a whole battery of fine paint brushes. In his hand he held a pair of barber's clippers and the tips of a comb and a pair of scissors protruded from his vest pocket.

Crook whisked a barber's wrap round Desmond and proceeded, with clippers and scissors, to crop and trim his crisp black hair.

"Tst-tst" he clicked with his tongue. "I didn't realize your hair was so dark, Major. It'll want a dash of henna to lighten it."The man worked with incredible swiftness. His touch was light and sure, and Desmond, looking at his reflection in the glass, wondered to see what fine; delicate hands this odd little expert possessed. Matthews sat and smoked in silence and watched the operation, whilst the special ran on steadily Londonwards.

When the clipping was done, Crook smeared some stuff on a towel and wrapped it round Desmond's head.

"That'll brighten your hair up a lot, sir. Now for a crepe beard just to try the effect. We've got to deliver you at Cannon Street ready for the job, Mr. Matthews and me, but you won't want to worry with this nasty messy beard once you get indoors. You can grow your own beard, and I'll pop in and henna it a bit for you every now and then."There was the smart of spirit gum on Desmond's cheeks and Crook gently applied a strip of tow to his face. He had taken the mirror away so that Desmond could no longer see the effect of the gradual metamorphosis.

"A mirror only confuses me," said the expert, breathing hard as he delicately adjusted the false beard, "I've got this picture firm in my head, and I want to get it transferred to your face.

Somehow a mirror puts me right off. It's the reality I want."As he grew more absorbed in his work, he ceased to speak altogether. He finished the beard, trimmed the eyebrows, applied a dash of henna with a brush, leaning backwards continually to survey the effect. He sketched in a wrinkle or two round the eyes with a pencil, wiped them out, then put them in again. Then he fumbled in his tin box, and produced two thin slices of grey rubber.

"Sorry," he said, "I'm afraid you'll have to wear these inside your cheeks to give the effect of roundness. You've got an oval face and the other man has a round one. I can get the fullness of the throat by giving you a very low collar, rather open and a size too large for you."Desmond obediently slipped the two slices of rubber into his mouth and tucked them away on either side of his upper row of teeth. They were not particularly uncomfortable to wear.

"There's your specs," said Crook, handing him a spectacle case, "and there's the collar. Now if you'll put on the rest of the duds, we'll have a look at you, sir."Desmond went out and donned the vest and coat and overcoat, and, thus arrayed, returned to the Pullman, hat in hand.

Crook called out to him as he entered"Not so springy in the step, sir, if you please. Remember you're forty-three years of age with a Continental upbringing. You'll have to walk like a German, toes well turned out and down on the heel every time. So, that's better. Now, have a look at yourself!"He turned and touched a blind. A curtain rolled up with a click, disclosing a full length mirror immediately opposite Desmond.

Desmond recoiled in astonishment. He could scarcely credit his own eyes. The glass must be bewitched, he thought for a moment, quite overwhelmed by the suddenness of the shock. For instead of the young face set on a slight athletic body that the glass was wont to show him, he saw a square, rather solid man in ugly, heavy clothes, with a brown silky beard and gold spectacles. The disguise was baffling in its completeness. The little wizard, who had effected this change and who now stood by, bashfully twisting his fingers about, had transformed youth into middle age. And the bewildering thing was that the success of the disguise did not lie so much in the eternal adjuncts, the false beard, the pencilled wrinkles, as in the hideous collar, the thick padded clothes, in short, in the general appearance.

For the first time since his talk with the Chief at the United Service Club, Desmond felt his heart grow light within him. If such miracles were possible, then he could surmount the other difficulties as well.

  • 大机场


  • 大建筑商


    刚毕业的职场萌新林秋意外得到大建筑商系统,可以给他提供和建设相关的所有商品进行选购。系统改变命运啊!只要有系统,猪也可以飞起来!只要有系统,我也可以定个小目标!只要有系统,我也可以不知道眼前这些美女有多美!只要有系统,十年以后,我也可以后悔创立......系统:“宿主,如果你是猪,本系统一定不会带你飞。”林秋:“别打岔! 建了个群:701573235,进来看看。
  • 千万别要结果


    正如作者自己高呼的那样:“没有结果,都是扯淡!” 在当今社会,没有结果的个人,没有结果的企业,再怎么将自己鼓吹得天花乱坠,终究也只是成功者的垫脚石。结果?到底什么是结果?如何获得结果?又如何获得好的结果?著名系统建设管理专家,卓越演说家周士人先生在《千万别要结果》一书中,直面员工、企业、领导者、团队、客户等群体,从创造力,驾驭力,策划力,合作,竞争,精神等各方面详细生动地指导如何获得优质完美的结果,给所有渴望成功的个体、团体指明了一条通往成功的康庄大道。
  • 无尽超武系统


  • 人生要经得起诱惑,耐得住寂寞


  • 南澳牧场


    新书《西部庄园主》,请大家多多支持! 跑马放牧,出海钓鱼,萌宠为伴,驾驶越野车穿越澳洲!失意青年成为澳洲牧场主,邻居竟是只呆萌的考拉。在这一望无际的草地上,他尽情享受这份乡间的快乐生活。牧羊犬赶羊群、剪羊毛、围着篝火烤面包、墨尔本杯、塑料钞票,这里有独一无二的澳式文化。放牧归来,到小镇酒吧要上杯啤酒,和漂亮女孩开开玩笑。闲暇之余,出海钓鱼,周末派对,荒野探险,露营打猎,跟随楔尾鹰一起驰骋!每一滴汗水都是荷尔蒙。
  • 通天神捕


  • 乌鹊南飞


  • 希望


  • 大清三杰

