3. In the next place, having moistened the strip of cotton cloth, with the juice of the great tithymallus, and sprinkling on it the flos aeris, roasted and triturated, and having made it into a tent equal in length to the fistula, and having passed a thread through the ends of the tent again through the stalk, and having placed the patient in a reclining position, and having examined the ulcerated parts of the rectum with a speculum, pass the stalk by it, and when it reaches the rectum, take hold of it and draw it out until the tent be pushed through, and be brought on a level above and below. When it (the tent?) has been pushed inward, introduce a ball of horn into the rectum (the rectum having been previously smeared with Cimolian chalk), and leave it there, and when the patient wants to go to stool, let it be taken out and again replaced, and let this practice be continued for five days. On the sixth day let it be removed, and drawing the tent out of the flesh, and afterwards pounding alum and filling the ball (pessary) and introducing it into the rectum, leave it until the alum melts. Anoint the rectum with myrrh until the parts appear to be united.
“我”与叶梓翔历尽千辛万苦回到宋地,面对的是满目疮痍,人事全非。六哥在风雨飘摇之际建立的南宋小朝廷摇摇欲坠,然而此时“我”又发现六哥赵俊对我有着狂热的占有欲,超出寻常的兄妹之情。恰逢此时金国发生巨变,完颜磐坐上了皇位。为了使心心念念的爹爹重归宋地,“我”秘密来到金国,答应了完颜磐的条件——成为他的皇后,没想到后宫争斗和复杂的局势却使爹爹和深爱“我”的李容疏魂断金国。“我”难以承受深重的打击,回到南宋又亲眼看到叶梓翔在监狱中被人毒害而亡,心血耗尽,最终了却了颠沛流离的一生。International Law