无论是事业还是生活,可以说,成功是男人的*目标。但在追求成功的过程中,很多男人会自觉或不自觉地陷入一些误区,这些误区让他们步入了人生的败局,与成功失之交臂,从而使自己的一辈子居于平庸的境地。有成功就有失败,有快乐就有悲伤,现实生活就是这样,可以说它残酷,也可以说它不近人情。说什么已经无所谓,重要的是男人要用什么样的心态去面对一个又一个困境和坦途。Confidential Clerk
The Confidential Clerk was first produced at the Edinburgh Festival in the summer of 1953.'The dialogue of The Confidential Clerk has a precision and a lightly felt rhythm unmatched in the writing of any contemporary dramatist.' Times Literary Supplement'A triumph of dramatic skill: the handling of the two levels of the play is masterly and Eliot's verse registers its greatest achievement on the stage-passages of great lyrical beauty are incorporated into the dialogue.'