

Oh, Hagnes! when I was in the volunteer corps, in eighteen hundred and - '

'I declare I'll scream. Be quiet, sir, will you?' (Another bounce and a scuffle.)'What's that?' exclaimed Tibbs, with a start.

'What's what?' said Agnes, stopping short.

'Why that!'

'Ah! you have done it nicely now, sir,' sobbed the frightened Agnes, as a tapping was heard at Mrs. Tibbs's bedroom door, which would have beaten any dozen woodpeckers hollow.

'Mrs. Tibbs! Mrs. Tibbs!' called out Mrs. Bloss. 'Mrs. Tibbs, pray get up.' (Here the imitation of a woodpecker was resumed with tenfold violence.)'Oh, dear - dear!' exclaimed the wretched partner of the depraved Tibbs. 'She's knocking at my door. We must be discovered! What will they think?'

'Mrs. Tibbs! Mrs. Tibbs!' screamed the woodpecker again.

'What's the matter!' shouted Gobler, bursting out of the back drawing-room, like the dragon at Astley's.

'Oh, Mr. Gobler!' cried Mrs. Bloss, with a proper approximation to hysterics; 'I think the house is on fire, or else there's thieves in it. I have heard the most dreadful noises!'

'The devil you have!' shouted Gobler again, bouncing back into his den, in happy imitation of the aforesaid dragon, and returning immediately with a lighted candle. 'Why, what's this? Wisbottle!

Tomkins! O'Bleary! Agnes! What the deuce! all up and dressed?'

'Astonishing!' said Mrs. Bloss, who had run down-stairs, and taken Mr. Gobler's arm.

'Call Mrs. Tibbs directly, somebody,' said Gobler, turning into the front drawing-room. - 'What! Mrs. Tibbs and Mr. Evenson!!'

'Mrs. Tibbs and Mr. Evenson!' repeated everybody, as that unhappy pair were discovered: Mrs. Tibbs seated in an arm-chair by the fireplace, and Mr. Evenson standing by her side,We must leave the scene that ensued to the reader's imagination.

We could tell, how Mrs. Tibbs forthwith fainted away, and how it required the united strength of Mr. Wisbottle and Mr. Alfred Tomkins to hold her in her chair; how Mr. Evenson explained, and how his explanation was evidently disbelieved; how Agnes repelled the accusations of Mrs. Tibbs by proving that she was negotiating with Mr. O'Bleary to influence her mistress's affections in his behalf; and how Mr. Gobler threw a damp counterpane on the hopes of Mr. O'Bleary by avowing that he (Gobler) had already proposed to, and been accepted by, Mrs. Bloss; how Agnes was discharged from that lady's service; how Mr. O'Bleary discharged himself from Mrs.

Tibbs's house, without going through the form of previously discharging his bill; and how that disappointed young gentleman rails against England and the English, and vows there is no virtue or fine feeling extant, 'except in Ireland.' We repeat that we COULD tell all this, but we love to exercise our self-denial, and we therefore prefer leaving it to be imagined.

The lady whom we have hitherto described as Mrs. Bloss, is no more.

Mrs. Gobler exists: Mrs. Bloss has left us for ever. In a secluded retreat in Newington Butts, far, far removed from the noisy strife of that great boarding-house, the world, the enviable Gobler and his pleasing wife revel in retirement: happy in their complaints, their table, and their medicine, wafted through life by the grateful prayers of all the purveyors of animal food within three miles round.

We would willingly stop here, but we have a painful duty imposed upon us, which we must discharge. Mr. and Mrs. Tibbs have separated by mutual consent, Mrs. Tibbs receiving one moiety of 43L. 15S. 10D., which we before stated to be the amount of her husband's annual income, and Mr. Tibbs the other. He is spending the evening of his days in retirement; and he is spending also, annually, that small but honourable independence. He resides among the original settlers at Walworth; and it has been stated, on unquestionable authority, that the conclusion of the volunteer story has been heard in a small tavern in that respectable neighbourhood.

The unfortunate Mrs. Tibbs has determined to dispose of the whole of her furniture by public auction, and to retire from a residence in which she has suffered so much. Mr. Robins has been applied to, to conduct the sale, and the transcendent abilities of the literary gentlemen connected with his establishment are now devoted to the task of drawing up the preliminary advertisement. It is to contain, among a variety of brilliant matter, seventy-eight words in large capitals, and six original quotations in inverted commas.

  • 注华严法界观科文


  • Paul Prescott's Charge

    Paul Prescott's Charge

  • 集古今佛道论衡实录


  • 樵谈


  • 议处安南事宜


  • 昆虫记:昆虫与蘑菇(第10卷)


  • 家庭第一:全世界美满家庭都在坚守的幸福法则


  • 浩森,我等你从早晨到黄昏


  • 昆虫记


    让-亨利·法布尔(Jean-Henri Fabre)(1823-1915),法国博物学家、昆虫学家、科普作家。出生于法国南部的一个农民家庭,天性好学,对化学、数学、物理和生物等学科有广泛涉猎。后潜心研究昆虫的习性和生活特征,写成十卷本观察手记《昆虫记》,被誉为“昆虫诗人”。
  • 断梦惊魂


    水波流连意朦胧,韶华擎就阑珊春,俏头微耸菡娉婷,云霞羞遮汉宫秋。芳草碧天花纷纷,香魂飘断暗袭心,流苏装扮成空梦,蝶影蕉仙醉芙蓉。小说以倪茗菡和丁永春的爱情为主线, 以与朱惠妹、刘雯等人的友情为辅线,共同勾勒出了一幅大学生活的多彩画卷。这幅画卷时而如同淡淡的柠檬草,甜蜜里透着辛酸的味道,使人回味,使人享受;时而如同天边的虹,转瞬即逝,却又柔美异常;时而如同清晨的雾,朦胧含蓄,却又适合徜徉。
  • 爱得多不如爱得对


    素质教育是教育的方向,也是现代教育中的一个难题。中国家教学会理事、青少年教育专家、 平行教育创始人崔宇用最家常的话告诉你什么是素质教育、为什么要重视素质教育,然后从家长、学生、教师、媒体这四个角度,与这四类人群中的代表对话,三言两语,解读孩子的教育问题。
  • 出轨俱乐部


  • 次维巨兽


  • 凤戏红尘


  • 皇后种田很忙

