

"He'll do," said the Doctor quietly. "It must have been a toss-up all through the night. 'Think you're to be congratulated on this case.""Oh, bosh!" said Bobby. "I thought the man had gone out long ago -only - only I didn't care to take my hand away. Rub my arm down, there's a good chap. What a grip the brute has! I'm chilled to the marrow!" He passed out of the tent shivering.

Private Dormer was allowed to celebrate his repulse of Death by strong waters. Four days later, he sat on the side of his cot and said to the patients mildly: "I'd 'a' liken to 'a' spoken to 'im -so I should."

But at that time Bobby was reading yet another letter, - he had the most persistent correspondent of any man in camp, - and was even then about to write that the sickness had abated, and in another week at the outside would be gone. He did not intend to say that the chill of a sick man's hand seemed to have struck into the heart whose capacities for affection he dwelt on at such length. He did intend to enclose the illustrated programme of the forthcoming Sing-song, whereof he was not a little proud. He also intended to write on many other matters which do not concern us, and doubtless would have done so but for the slight feverish headache which made him dull and unresponsive at mess.

"You are overdoing it, Bobby," said his skipper. "'Might give the rest of us credit of doing a little work. You go on as if you were the whole Mess rolled into one. Take it easy.""I will," said Bobby. "I'm feeling done up, somehow." Revere looked at him anxiously and said nothing.

There was a flickering of lanterns about the camp that night, and a rumour that brought men out of their cots to the tent doors, a paddling of the naked feet of doolie-bearers, and the rush of a galloping horse.

"Wot's up?" asked twenty tents; and through twenty tents ran the answer - "Wick, 'e's down."They brought the news to Revere and he groaned. "Any one but Bobby and I shouldn't have cared! The Sergeant-Major was right.""Not going out this journey," gasped Bobby, as he was lifted from the doolie. "Not going out this journey." Then with an air of supreme conviction - "I can't, you see.""Not if I can do anything!" said the Surgeon-Major, who had hastened over from the mess where he had been dining.

He and the Regimental Surgeon fought together with Death for the life of Bobby Wick. Their work was interrupted by a hairy apparition in a blue-gray dressing-gown, who stared in horror at the bed and cried - "Oh, my Gawd! It can't be 'im!" until an indignant Hospital Orderly whisked him away.

If care of man and desire to live could have done aught, Bobby would have been saved. As it was, he made a fight of three days, and the Surgeon-Major's brow uncreased. "We'll save him yet," he said; and the Surgeon, who, though he ranked with the Captain, had a very youthful heart, went out upon the word and pranced joyously in the mud.

"Not going out this journey," whispered Bobby Wick gallantly, at the end of the third day.

"Bravo!" said the Surgeon-Major. "That's the way to look at it, Bobby."As evening fell a gray shade gathered round Bobby's mouth, and he turned his face to the tent-wall wearily. The Surgeon-Major frowned.

"I'm awfully tired," said Bobby, very faintly. "What's the use of bothering me with medicine? I - don't - want - it. Let me alone."The desire for life had departed, and Bobby was content to drift away on the easy tide of Death.

"It's no good," said the Surgeon-Major. "He doesn't want to live.

He's meeting it, poor child." And he blew his nose.

Half a mile away, the regimental band was playing the overture to the Sing-song, for the men had been told that Bobby was out of danger. The clash of the brass and the wail of the horns reached Bobby's ears.

Is there a single joy or pain, That I should never kno-ow?

You do not love me, 'tis in vain, Bid me good-bye and go!

An expression of hopeless irritation crossed the boy's face, and he tried to shake his head.

The Surgeon-Major bent down -" What is it, Bobby? "---" Not that waltz," muttered Bobby. "That's our own - our very ownest own . .

Mummy dear."

With this he sank into the stupor that gave place to death early next morning.

Revere, his eyes red at the rims and his nose very white, went into Bobby's tent to write a letter to Papa Wick which should bow the white head of the ex-Commissioner of Chota-Buldana in the keenest sorrow of his life. Bobby's little store of papers lay in confusion on the table, and among them a half-finished letter. The last sentence ran: "So you see, darling, there is really no fear, because as long as I know you care for me and I care for you, nothing can touch me."Revere stayed in the tent for an hour. When he came out, his eyes were redder than ever.

Private Conklin sat on a turned-down bucket, and listened to a not unfamiliar tune. Private Conklin was a convalescent and should have been tenderly treated.

"Ho! "said Private Conklin. "There's another bloomin' orf'cer da-ed."

The bucket shot from under him, and his eyes filled with a smithyful of sparks. A tall man in a blue-gray bedgown was regarding him with deep disfavour.

"You ought to take shame for yourself, Conky! Orf'cer? - bloomin'

orf'cer? I'll learn you to misname the likes of 'im. Hangel!

Bloomin' Hangel! That's wot 'e is!"

And the Hospital Orderly was so satisfied with the justice of the punishment that he did not even order Private Dormer back to his cot.

  • 陀罗尼门诸部要目


  • 排调


  • 深衣考误


  • 归莲梦


  • 速疾立验魔醯首罗天说阿尾奢法


  • The Link

    The Link

    The work The Link began as a 557-page outline that Richard Matheson wrote for a proposed twenty-hour ABC mini-series in the late 1970s. The ABC executives asked Matheson to shorten the series into seven hours but after Matheson had written three hours of the series, the two parted company. Matheson's original vision could not be condensed without destroying the essence of the plot and characters. Here in The Link is the original outline, in narrative form, in publication for the first time.The story follows Robert Allright as he explores his own demons as well as those of psychics past as he also struggles to decipher his father's dying wish to explore an archeological dig in Arizona. Allright's only clue is the mystifying crystal that his father believes is the key to a great discovery.
  • 恐怖第三人


  • 绝世龙帝


  • 世外良田


  • 雕虫诗话


  • 俏丫头的强悍穿越


  • 奥特曼秘匙


  • 乌龙出阁


  • 男孩为什么要穷着养 女孩为什么要富着养

    男孩为什么要穷着养 女孩为什么要富着养

    “俗话说:富家子弟多骄,女家子弟多傲。在生活上,再富也要穷孩子,不要给男孩子太丰富的物质基础和太好的成长环境。要让他吃点苦,受点委屈,体会艰辛,这样长大了他才懂得坚韧,学会坚强。明白责任,自立自强。 “富养”不是娇生惯养,而是要充分关心和引导。使女孩见多识广、独立、有主见、明智。清楚自己要的是什么,什么是真正值得自已追求的东西,从而能够在这个花花世界里坚守自己的信仰。有着“采菊东篱下。悠然见南山”的心境,即便是在清贫的环境中,一样可以培养出卓然的气质。”
  • 创新的思考(现代人生成功方案丛书)

