
第42章 Irving’s Bonneville - Chapter 14(2)

may have a correct idea of the kind of blessing the worthy hunter in question had invoked tosolace

him in the wilderness.

"The free trapper, while a bachelor, has no greater pet than his horse; but the moment hetakes a wife

(a sort of brevet rank in matrimony occasionally bestowed upon some Indian fair one, like theheroes

of ancient chivalry in the open field), he discovers that he has a still more fanciful and capriciousanimal on which to lavish his expenses.

"No sooner does an Indian belle experience this promotion, than all her notions at once riseand

expand to the dignity of her situation, and the purse of her lover, and his credit into the bargain,are

taxed to the utmost to fit her out in becoming style. The wife of a free trapper to be equipped andarrayed like any ordinary and undistinguished squaw? Perish the grovelling thought! In the firstplace, she must have a horse for her own riding; but no jaded, sorry, earth-spirited hack, such asis

sometimes assigned by an Indian husband for the transportation of his squaw and her pappooses:


wife of a free trader must have the most beautiful animal she can lay her eyes on. And then, as tohis

decoration: headstall, breast-bands, saddle and crupper are lavishly embroidered with beads, andhung with thimbles, hawks' bells, and bunches of ribbons. From each side of the saddle hangs anesquimoot, a sort of pocket, in which she bestows the residue of her trinkets and nick-nacks,which

cannot be crowded on the decoration of her horse or herself. Over this she folds, with great care,a

drapery of scarlet and bright-colored calicoes, and now considers the caparison of her steedcomplete.

"As to her own person, she is even still more extravagant. Her hair, esteemed beautiful inproportion

to its length, is carefully plaited, and made to fall with seeming negligence over either breast. Herriding hat is stuck full of parti-colored feathers; her robe, fashioned somewhat after that of thewhites, is of red, green, and sometimes gray cloth, but always of the finest texture that can beprocured. Her leggings and moccasins are of the most beautiful and expensive workman-ship,and

fitted neatly to the foot and ankle, which with the Indian woman are generally well formed anddelicate. Then as to jewelry: in the way of finger-rings, ear-rings, necklaces, and other femaleglories, nothing within reach of the trapper's means is omitted that can tend to impress thebeholder

with an idea of the lady's high estate. To finish the whole, she selects from among her blankets ofvarious dyes one of some glowing color, and throwing it over her shoulders with a native grace,vaults into the saddle of her gay, prancing steed, and is ready to follow her mountaineer 'to thelast

gasp with love and loyalty.' "

Such is the general picture of the free trapper's wife, given by Captain Bonneville; how far itapplied

in its details to the one in question does not altogether appear, though it would seem from theoutset

of her connubial career, that she was ready to avail herself of all the pomp and circumstance ofher

new condition. It is worthy of mention that wherever there are several wives of free trappers in acamp, the keenest rivalry exists between them, to the sore detriment of their husbands' purses.


whole time is expended and their ingenuity tasked by endeavors to eclipse each other in dressand

decoration. The jealousies and heart-burnings thus occasioned among these so-styled children ofnature are equally intense with those of the rival leaders of style and fashion in the luxuriousabodes

of civilized life.

The genial festival of Christmas, which throughout all Christendom lights up the fireside ofhome

with mirth and jollity, followed hard upon the wedding just described. Though far from kindredand

friends, Captain Bonneville and his handful of free trappers were not disposed to suffer thefestival

to pass unenjoyed; they were in a region of good cheer, and were disposed to be joyous; so it wasdetermined to "light up the yule clog," and celebrate a merry Christmas in the heart of thewilderness.

On Christmas eve, accordingly, they began their rude fetes and rejoicings. In the course ofthe night

the free trappers surrounded the lodge of the Pierced-nose chief and in lieu of Christmas carols,saluted him with a feude joie .

Kowsoter received it in a truly Christian spirit, and after a speech, in which he expressed hishigh

gratification at the honor done him, invited the whole company to a feast on the following day.


invitation was gladly accepted. A Christmas dinner in the wigwam of an Indian chief! There wasnovelty in the idea. Not one failed to be present. The banquet was served up in primitive style:


of various kinds, nicely dressed for the occasion, were spread upon the ground; upon these wereheaped up abundance of venison, elk meat, and mountain mutton, with various bitter roots whichthe Indians use as condiments.

After a short prayer, the company all seated themselves cross-legged, in Turkish fashion, tothe

banquet, which passed off with great hilarity. After which various games of strength and agilityby

both white men and Indians closed the Christmas festivities. [Return to Contents].

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