

The house of ANTIPHOLUS OF EPHESUS Enter ADRIANA and LUCIANAADRIANA. Ah, Luciana, did he tempt thee so? Might'st thou perceive austerely in his eye That he did plead in earnest? Yea or no? Look'd he or red or pale, or sad or merrily? What observation mad'st thou in this case Of his heart's meteors tilting in his face? LUCIANA. First he denied you had in him no right. ADRIANA. He meant he did me none-the more my spite. LUCIANA. Then swore he that he was a stranger here. ADRIANA. And true he swore, though yet forsworn he were. LUCIANA. Then pleaded I for you. ADRIANA. And what said he? LUCIANA. That love I begg'd for you he begg'd of me. ADRIANA. With what persuasion did he tempt thy love? LUCIANA. With words that in an honest suit might move. First he did praise my beauty, then my speech. ADRIANA. Didst speak him fair? LUCIANA. Have patience, I beseech. ADRIANA. I cannot, nor I will not hold me still; My tongue, though not my heart, shall have his will. He is deformed, crooked, old, and sere, Ill-fac'd, worse bodied, shapeless everywhere; Vicious, ungentle, foolish, blunt, unkind; Stigmatical in making, worse in mind. LUCIANA. Who would be jealous then of such a one? No evil lost is wail'd when it is gone. ADRIANA. Ah, but I think him better than I say, And yet would herein others' eyes were worse. Far from her nest the lapwing cries away; My heart prays for him, though my tongue do curse.


DROMIO OF SYRACUSE. Here go-the desk, the purse. Sweet now, make haste. LUCIANA. How hast thou lost thy breath? DROMIO OF SYRACUSE. By running fast. ADRIANA. Where is thy master, Dromio? Is he well? DROMIO OF SYRACUSE. No, he's in Tartar limbo, worse than hell. A devil in an everlasting garment hath him; One whose hard heart is button'd up with steel; A fiend, a fairy, pitiless and rough; A wolf, nay worse, a fellow all in buff; A back-friend, a shoulder-clapper, one that countermands The passages of alleys, creeks, and narrow lands; A hound that runs counter, and yet draws dry-foot well; One that, before theJudgment, carries poor souls to hell. ADRIANA. Why, man, what is the matter? DROMIO OF SYRACUSE. I do not know the matter; he is rested on the case. ADRIANA. What, is he arrested? Tell me, at whose suit? DROMIO OF SYRACUSE. I know not at whose suit he is arrested well; But he's in a suit of buff which 'rested him, that can I tell. Will you send him, mistress, redemption, the money in his desk? ADRIANA. Go fetch it, sister. [Exit LUCIANA] This I wonder at: Thus he unknown to me should be in debt. Tell me, was he arrested on a band? DROMIO OF SYRACUSE. on a band, but on a stronger thing, A chain, a chain. Do you not hear it ring? ADRIANA. What, the chain? DROMIO OF SYRACUSE. No, no, the bell; 'tis time that I were gone. It was two ere I left him, and now the clock strikes one. ADRIANA. The hours come back! That did I never hear. DROMIO OF SYRACUSE. O yes. If any hour meet a sergeant, 'a turns back for very fear. ADRIANA. As if Time were in debt! How fondly dost thou reason! DROMIO OF SYRACUSE. Time is a very bankrupt, and owes more than he's worth to season. Nay, he's a thief too: have you not heard men say That Time comes stealing on by night and day? If 'a be in debt and theft, and a sergeant in the way, Hath he not reason to turn back an hour in a day?

Re-enter LUCIANA with a purse

ADRIANA. Go, Dromio, there's the money; bear it straight, And bring thy master home immediately. Come, sister; I am press'd down with conceit- Conceit, my comfort and my injury. <Exeunt

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    不妨点进来看看初见之时,惊鸿一瞥,原以为不会再见,却不想,有些事是一早就注定了的,改变不了。 本可以更早成全,却偏要坎坎坷坷,如果世界只有彼此,那是不是哪怕在世界的彼端,也不会如此艰难吧? 一个又一个的阴谋,笼罩着她却不知,若非是他,恐怕就真的傻了吧?他曾承诺护她一世周全,终是没有食言,她曾暗暗发誓,一定会想起来他的,亦是没有食言…… 在她信仰破灭之时,幸得他在身边,陪着她唯愿守得云开见月明。不负此生。 另外,更新可能不定时,还望各位海涵☆彡▽`)ノ
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