

In the charming place in which he found himself there were so many sympathetic faces that he felt more than ever convinced of the certainty of making himself heard.

It was a bad blow, at first, to find that he had not been arrested for murder; but Ascham, who had come to him at once, explained that he needed rest, and the time to "review" his statements; it appeared that reiteration had made them a little confused and contradictory. To this end he had willingly acquiesced in his removal to a large quiet establishment, with an open space and trees about it, where he had found a number of intelligent companions, some, like himself, engaged in preparing or reviewing statements of their cases, and others ready to lend an interested ear to his own recital.

For a time he was content to let himself go on the tranquil current of this existence; but although his auditors gave him for the most part an encouraging attention, which, in some, went the length of really brilliant and helpful suggestion, he gradually felt a recurrence of his old doubts. Either his hearers were not sincere, or else they had less power to aid him than they boasted. His interminable conferences resulted in nothing, and as the benefit of the long rest made itself felt, it produced an increased mental lucidity which rendered inaction more and more unbearable. At length he discovered that on certain days visitors from the outer world were admitted to his retreat; and he wrote out long and logically constructed relations of his crime, and furtively slipped them into the hands of these messengers of hope.

This occupation gave him a fresh lease of patience, and he now lived only to watch for the visitors' days, and scan the faces that swept by him like stars seen and lost in the rifts of a hurrying sky.

Mostly, these faces were strange and less intelligent than those of his companions. But they represented his last means of access to the world, a kind of subterranean channel on which he could set his "statements" afloat,like paper boats which the mysterious current might sweep out into the open seas of life.

One day, however, his attention was arrested by a familiar contour, a pair of bright prominent eyes, and a chin insufficiently shaved. He sprang up and stood in the path of Peter McCarren.

The journalist looked at him doubtfully, then held out his hand with a startled deprecating, "WHY--?""You didn't know me? I'm so changed?" Granice faltered, feeling the rebound of the other's wonder.

"Why, no; but you're looking quieter--smoothed out," McCarren smiled.

"Yes: that's what I'm here for--to rest. And I've taken the opportunity to write out a clearer statement--"Granice's hand shook so that he could hardly draw the folded paper from his pocket. As he did so he noticed that the reporter was accompanied by a tall man with grave compassionate eyes. It came to Granice in a wild thrill of conviction that this was the face he had waited for. . .

"Perhaps your friend--he IS your friend?--would glance over it-- or I could put the case in a few words if you have time?" Granice's voice shook like his hand. If this chance escaped him he felt that his last hope was gone. McCarren and the stranger looked at each other, and the former glanced at his watch.

"I'm sorry we can't stay and talk it over now, Mr. Granice; but my friend has an engagement, and we're rather pressed--"Granice continued to proffer the paper. "I'm sorry--I think I could have explained. But you'll take this, at any rate?"The stranger looked at him gently. "Certainly--I'll take it." He had his hand out. "Good-bye.""Good-bye," Granice echoed.

He stood watching the two men move away from him through the long light hall; and as he watched them a tear ran down his face. But as soon as they were out of sight he turned and walked hastily toward his room, beginning to hope again, already planning a new statement.

Outside the building the two men stood still, and the journalist's companion looked up curiously at the long monotonous rows of barred windows.

"So that was Granice?"

"Yes--that was Granice, poor devil," said McCarren.

"Strange case! I suppose there's never been one just like it? He's still absolutely convinced that he committed that murder?""Absolutely. Yes."

The stranger reflected. "And there was no conceivable ground for the idea? No one could make out how it started? A quiet conventional sort of fellow like that--where do you suppose he got such a delusion? Did you ever get the least clue to it?"McCarren stood still, his hands in his pockets, his head cocked up in contemplation of the barred windows. Then he turned his bright hard gaze on his companion.

"That was the queer part of it. I've never spoken of it--but I DID get a clue.""By Jove! That's interesting. What was it?"McCarren formed his red lips into a whistle. "Why--that it wasn't a delusion."He produced his effect--the other turned on him with a pallid stare. "He murdered the man all right. I tumbled on the truth by the merestaccident, when I'd pretty nearly chucked the whole job." "He murdered him--murdered his cousin?""Sure as you live. Only don't split on me. It's about the queerest business I ever ran into. . . DO ABOUT IT? Why, what was I to do? I couldn't hang the poor devil, could I? Lord, but I was glad when they collared him, and had him stowed away safe in there!"The tall man listened with a grave face, grasping Granice's statement in his hand.

"Here--take this; it makes me sick," he said abruptly, thrusting the paper at the reporter; and the two men turned and walked in silence to the gates.

The End

THE DILETTANTE as first published in Harper's Monthly, December 1903It was on an impulse hardly needing the arguments he found himself advancing in its favor, that Thursdale, on his way to the club, turned as usual into Mrs. Vervain's street.

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    所谓的丹田不过是类似于电池一样的生物细胞组成的能量储存装置罢了。 所谓修炼者的晋升,不过是提高了电池的相对容量,毕竟激光炮和激光灯是不同的。所谓的筋脉,也不过是另类的生物电线。 修炼者需要天地灵气来修炼,那么灵气就是机器的燃料,而所谓灵根,就是不同效率的内燃机。修炼是吸收能量根据不同的反应机制使用储存能力,类似螺旋桨飞机和喷气式飞机的区别,这便有修炼体系的划分。 而一些小零件,是可以改造机器,提高机器的效率的,于是功法就有了等级。 灵石是天地灵气的压缩,是燃料,是类似于石油的东西,它给机器提供能量。 人可以造机器,机器同样可以造人。
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