

[6] Bercastel and Henrion, XIII., 43. (Observations of Abbé Emery on the Concordat.) " None of the past Popes, not even those who have extended their authority the farthest, have been able to carry such heavy, authoritative blows out, as those struck at this time by Pius VII."[7] Pr?lectiones juris canonici habit? in seminario Sancti Sulpitii, 1867 (Par l'abbé Icard), I., 138. "Sancti canones passim memorant distinctionem duplicis potestatis qua utitur sanctus pontifex: unam appelant ordinariam, aliam absolutam, vel plenitudinem potestatis. . .

. Pontifex potestate ordinaria utitur, quando juris positivi dispositionem retinet. . . . Potestatem extraordinariam exserit, quando jus humanum non servat, ut si jus ipsum auferat, si 1egibus conciliorum deroget, privilegia acquisita immutet. . . . Plenitudo potestatis nullis publici juris regulis est limitata." - Ibid., I , 333.

[8] Principal Concordats: with Bavaria, 1817; with Prussia, 1821; with Wurtemburg, Baden, Nassau, the two Hesses, 1821; with Hanover, 1824;with the Netherlands, 1827 ; with Russia, 1847 ; with Austria, 1855 ;with Spain, 1851 ; with the two Sicilies, 1818; with Tuscany, 1851;with Portugal (for the patronat of the Indies and of China), 1857;with Costa Rica, 1852; Guatemala, 1853; Haiti, 1860; Honduras 1861;Ecuador, Venezuela, Nicaragua and San Salvador, 1862.

[9] Bercastel et Henrion, XIII, 524.

[10] Adstantibus non judicantibus." - One of the prelates assembled at the Vatican, Nov. 20, 1854, observed that if the Pope decided on the definition of the Immaculate Conception. . . this decision would furnish a practical demonstration . . . of the infallibility with which Jesus Christ had invested his vicar on earth." (émile Ollivier, "L'église et l'état au concile du Vatican, I., 313.)[11] Bercastel et Henrion, XIII., 105. (Circular of Pius VII., February 25, 1808.) "It is said that all cults should be free and publicly exercised; but we have thrown this article out as opposed to the canons and to the councils, to the catholic religion." - Ibid., (Pius VII. to the Italian bishops on the French system, May 22, 1808.)"This system of indifferentism, which supposes no religion, is that which is most injurious and most opposed to the Catholic apostolic and Roman religion, which, because it is divine, is necessarily sole and unique and, on that very account, cannot ally itself with any other."- Cf. the "Syllabus" and the encyclical letter "Quanta Cura"of December 8, 1864.

[12] Sauzay, "Histoire de la persecution révolutionnaire dans le departement du Doubs," X., 720-773. (List in detail of the entire staff of the diocese of Besan?on, in 1801 and in 1822, under Archbishop Lecoz, a former assermenté. - During the Empire, and especially after 1806, this mixed clergy keeps refining itself. Alarge number, moreover, of assermentés do not return to the Church.

They are not disposed to retract, and many of them enter into the new university. For example ("Vie du Cardinal Bonnechose," by M. Besson, I., 24), the principal teachers in the Roman college in 1815-1816 were a former Capuchin, a former Oratorian and three assermentés priests.

One of these, M. Nicolas Bignon, docteur ès lettres, professor of grammar in the year IV at the Ecole Centrale, then professor of rhetoric at the Lycée and member of the Roman Academy, "lived as a philosopher, not as a Christian and still less as a priest."Naturally, he is dismissed in 1816. After that date, the purging goes on increasing against all ecclesiastics suspected of having compromised with the Revolution, either liberals or Jansenists. Cf.

the "Mémoires de l'abbé Babou, évêque nommé de Séez," on the difficulties encountered by a too Gallican bishop and on the bitterness towards him of the local aristocracy of his diocese.

[13] Cf. the "Mémoires de l'abbé Babou, évêque nommé de Séez," on the difficulties encountered by a too Gallican bishop and on the bitterness towards him of the local aristocracy of his diocese.

[14] " Mémorial," July 31, 1816.

[15] Both systems, set forth with rare impartiality and clearness, may be found in "L'église et l'Etat au concile du Vatican," by émile Ollivier, I., chs. II. and III.

[16] Bercastel et Henrion, XIII., p. 14. (Letter of M. d'Avian, archbishop of Bordeaux, October 28, 1815.) "A dozen consecutive Popes do not cease, for more than one hundred and thirty years, improving that famous Declaration of 1682."[17] Ernile Olliver, ibid., I. 315-319. (Declarations of the French provincial councils and of foreign national and provincial councils before 1870.) - Cf. M. de Montalembert, "Des Intérets Catholiques,"1852, ch. II. and VI. "The ultramontane doctrine is the only true one.

The great Count de Maistre's ideas in his treatise on the Pope have become commonplace for all Catholic youth." - Letter of Mgr. Guibert, February 22, 1853. "Gallicanism no longer exists." - "Diary in France," by Chris. Wordsworth, D.D., 1845. "There are not two bishops in France who are not ultramontane, that is to say devoted to the interests of the Roman See."[18] "Constitutio dogmatica prima de Ecclesia Christi," July 18, 1870.

"Ejusmodi romani pontificis definitiones ex sese, non ex consensu Ecclesi? irreformabiles esse." (ch. IV.)[19] Ibid., ch. III. "Si quis dixerit romanum pontificem habere tantummodo officium inspectionis vel directionis, non autem plenam et supremam potestatem juridictionis in universam Ecclesiam, non solum in rebus qu? ad fidem et mores, sed etiam in iis qu? ad disciplinam et regimen Ecclesi? per totum orbem diffus? pertinent; aut etiam habere tantum potiores partes, non vero totam plenitudinem hujus suprem?

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