"I am very glad to announce to my brethren in arms that all the positions are at the disposal of the government. The actual government, which is revolutionary, whose intentions are pure, and which merely desires the happiness of all, . . . . will search everywhere, even into the attics for virtuous men, . . . . poor and genuine sans-culottes." And there is enough to satisfy them thirty-five thousand places of public employment in the capital alone:[28] it is a rich mine; already, before the month of May, 1793, "the Jacobin club boasted of having placed nine thousand agents in the administration,"[29] and since the 2nd of June, "virtuous men, poor, genuine sans-culottes," arrive in crowds from "their garrets," dens and hired rooms, each to grab his share. -- They besiege and install themselves by hundreds the ancient offices in the War, Navy and Public-Works departments, in the Treasury and Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Here they rule, constantly denouncing all the remaining, able employees thus creating vacancies in order to fill them.[30] Then there are twenty new administrative departments which they keep for themselves: commissioners of the first confiscation of national property, commissioners of national property arising from emigrants and the convicted, commissioners of conscripted carriage-horses, commissioners on clothing, commissioners on the collecting and manufacturing of saltpeter, commissioners on monopolies, civil-commissioners in each of the forty-eight sections, commissioners on propagandas in the departments, Commissioners on provisions, and many others. Fifteen hundred places are counted in the single department of subsistence in Paris,[31] and all are salaried. Here, already, are a number of desirable offices. - Some are for the lowest rabble, two hundred, at twenty sous a day, paid to "stump-speakers," employed to direct opinion in the Palais-Royal, also among the Tuileries groups, as well as in the tribunes of the Convention and of the H?tel-de-Ville;[32] two hundred more at four hundred francs per annum, to waiters in coffee-houses, gambling-saloons and hotels, for watching foreigners and customers; hundreds of places at two, three, and five francs a day with meals, for the guardians of seals, and for garrisoning the domiciles of "suspects"; thousands, with premiums, pay, and full license, for brigands who, under Ronsin, compose the revolutionary army, and for the gunners, paid guard and gendarmes of Henriot. - The principal posts, however, are those which subject lives and freedom to the discretion of those who occupy them: for, through this more than regal power, they possess all other power, and such is that of the men composing the forty-eight revolutionary committees, the bureaus of the Committee of General Security and of the Commune, and the staff-officers of the armed force. They are the prime-movers and active incentives of the system of Terror, all picked Jacobins and tested by repeated selection, all designated or approved by the Central Club, which claims for itself the monopoly of patriotism, and which, erected into a supreme council of the party, issues no patent of orthodoxy except to its own henchmen.[33]
莫名其妙的,她撒景色穿了,貌似这感觉还不错……片段一:“娘亲!”“噗——咳咳咳…”景色被两个男孩异口同声的称呼呛得脸红脖子粗。……“小桃,你怎么没告诉我有两个儿子呢?”片段二:“什么?吃了熊心豹子胆了,大白天的抢劫!”看到前面一个急速逃窜的人影,景色撒腿追了过去。……“少爷!”扭头看去,竟然是上官靖哲和上官靖磊,惊喜啊!刚要咽下口中的茶开口,就听到:“爹爹!”噗——一口茶全部喷了出来,正好一滴不落的喷到了走到她身旁的上官兄弟俩身上。……现在该怎么办呢?谁见过做妻子的,孩子都俩了还不认识孩子他爹的?……片段三:“实话?呵呵……”景色笑着,眼底一片冰冷,这就是全心爱着的男人,她不会哭,可是却管不住自己的心,狠狠的痛了!她依然好爱他,但绝不允许自己卑微的去爱他……抓过红铁,对准自己的鬓角,一咬牙,狠狠地落了下去……从此后她再不要为他心痛,他们桥归桥、路归路,她要潇洒离开,策马红尘……男猪脚们:上官漓尘:自发现她的变化,自心开始为她而变化,他知道自己爱上了她,那个做了他四年之久妻子的小女人!伤害她,他的心比她更痛,可是为什么要在伤害她之后才让他发现,原来是他错了!他还能找回她吗?在她离开之后,他病了,山庄里再没了他的身影……风孤:他冷漠、残酷、腹黑、霸道,算计她,只因爱上了她,恨不相逢未嫁时,他就让她变成凄惨的下堂妇,以后,换他来疼她爱她,再不让任何人欺负她……月无忧:他是高贵谪仙般的环月无忧王,无意之中将心遗失在大大咧咧的她身上,但是他知道她的心里只有她的夫君,所以他将自己的情深深的埋葬!可是谁能告诉他,为什么在她的夫君遗弃了她之后,她的心里依然不能有他,宁愿让那个丑陋的男子呵护她,也丝毫不接受他的关爱,难道她不知道他的心吗……树:我是为她而出现的,我暂时还不能说我是谁,你们只要知道我很爱她就好了……为了让亲有一个心里准备,草提前打个招呼,本文结局是绝对的一对一!有点搞笑、有些情殇…Only the Worthy (The Way of Steel—Book 1)
From Morgan Rice, #1 Bestselling author of THE SORCERER'S RING, comes a riveting new fantasy series.ONLY THE WORTHY (The Way of Steel—Book 1) tells the epic coming of age story of Royce, 17, a peasant farmer who senses, with his special fighting skills, that he is different from all the other boys in his village. There resides within him a power he does not understand, and a hidden destiny he is afraid to face.让你学会做人的128个故事(影响一生的故事全集)