

[31] Campardon, II., 189, 190, 193, 197. (Depositions of Beaulieu, Duclos, Tirard, Ducray, etc.)[32] Berryat Saint-Prix, 395. (Letter of Representative Moyse Bayle,)- Ibid., 216. (Words of Representative Lecarpentier at Saint-Malo.)"Why such delays? Of what use are these eternal examinations? What need is there of going so deep into this matter? The name, profession and the upshot, and the trial is over." - He publicly stated to the informers: You don't know what facts you require to denounce the Moderates? Well, a gesture, one single gesture, suffices."[33] Letter of Payan to Roman Formosa, judge at Orange: "In the commissions charged with punishing the conspirators, no formalities should exist; the conscience of the judge is there as a substitute for these. . . The commissions must serve as political courts; they must remember that all the men who have not been on the side of the Revolution are against it, since they have done nothing for the country. . . I say to all judges, in the name of the country, do not risk saving a guilty man." - Robespierre made the same declaration in the Jacobin Club. Frimaire 19, year II.: "We judge, in politics, with the suspicions of an enlightened patriotism."[34] "Mémoires de Fréron" and on Fréron, (collection Barrière et Berville,) p.364. Letter of Fréron, Toulon, Niv?se 16. "More than eight hundred Toulonese have already been shot."[35] Lallier, p.90. (The eleven distinct drownings ascertained by M.

Lallier extend up to Pluvi?se 12, year II.)[36] Moniteur, XXII., 227. (Official documents read in the Convention, Vent?se 21, year III.) These documents authenticate an ulterior drowning. Vent?se 9, year II., by order of Lefévre, adjutant general, forty-one persons were drowned, among whom were two men seventy-eight years of age and blind, twelve women, twelve young girls, fifteen children, of which ten were between six and ten years old, and five at the breast. The drowning took place in the Bourgneuf bay.-Carrier says in the Convention, (Moniteur, XXII., p.578), in relation to the drowning of pregnant women: "At Laval, Angers, Saumur, Chaban-Gontier, everywhere the same things took place as at Nantes."[37] Camille Boursier, p.159.

[38] Ibid., 203. Representative Francastel announces "the firm determination to purge, to bleed freely this Vendean question." This same Francastel wrote to General Grignon: "Make those brigands tremble! Give them no quarter! The prisons in Vendée are overflowing with prisoners! . . . The conversion of this country into a desert must be completed. Show no weakness and no mercy. . . These are the views of the Convention. . . . I swear that Vendée shall be depopulated."[39] Granier de Cassagnac, "His. du Directoire," II., 241. - (Letter of General Hoche to the Minister of the Interior, Feb. 2, 1796.)"Only one out of five remains of the population of 1789."[40] Campardon, II., 247, 249, 251, 261, 321. (Examination of Fouquier-Tinville, Cambon's words.)[41] Article by Guffroy, in his journal Le Rougiff: "Down with the nobles, and so much the worse for the good ones, if there are any! Let the guillotine stand permanently throughout the Republic. Five millions of inhabitants are enough for France!" - Berryat Saint-Prix, 445. (Letter of Fauvety, Orange, Prairial 14, year II.) "We have but two confined in our arrondissement. What a trifle!" - Ibid., 447.

(Letter of the Orange Committee to the Committee of Public Safety, Messidor 3.) As soon as the Committee gets fully agoing it is to try all the priests, rich merchants and ex-nobles." - (Letter of Juge, Messidor 2.) "Judging by appearances more than three thousand heads will fall in the department." - Ibid., 311. At Bordeaux, a huge scaffold is put up, authorized by the Military Committee, with seven doors, two of which are large and like barn-doors, called a four-bladed guillotine, so as to work faster and do more. The warrant and orders for its construction bear date Thermidor 3 and 8, year II. -Berryat Saint-Prix, 285. Letter of Representative Blutel, on mission at Rochefort, after Thermidor: "A few men, sunk in debauchery and crime, dared proscribe (here) virtues, patriotism, because it was not associated with their sanguinary excitement: the tree of Liberty, they said, required for its roots ten feet of human gore."[42] "Recueil de Pièces Authentiques, concernant le Revolution àStrasbourg," I., 174, 178. Examples of revolutionary taxes. - Orders of Representatives Milhaud, Ruamps, Guyadin, approving of the following contributions, Brumaire 20, year II.

On 3 individuals of Stutzheim.....................150,000 livres.

" 3" Offenheim..... ...............30,000 ""21 "Molsheim .....................367,000 "" 17 " Oberenheim....................402,000 "" 84 " Rosheim.......................503,000 "" 10 " Mutzig........................114,000 "Another order by Daum and Tisseraud, members of the committee who temporarily replace the district administrators: "Whereas, it is owing to the county aristocrats that the Republic supports the war," they approve of the following taxes:

On the aristocrats of Geispolzheim, 400,000 livres.

ditto of Obersch?ffolsheim 200,000 "ditto of Düttlenheim 150,000 "ditto of Duppigheim100,000 "ditto of Achenheim 100,000 "List of contributions raised in the rural communes of the district of Strasbourg, according to an assessment made by Stamm, procureur pro tem. of the district, amounting to three millions one hundred and ninety-six thousand one hundred livres.

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