

Why recount the tragic comedy they play at home and which they repeat abroad? The piece abroad is the same as that played in Paris for the past eight years,[120] an absurd, hasty translation in Flemish, Dutch, German, and Italian, a local adaptation, just as it happens, with variations, elisions and abbreviations, but always with the same ending, a shower of blows with gun and sword on all property-owners, communities, and individuals, compelling the surrender of their purses and valuables of every description, and which they gave up, even to remaining without a sou or even a shirt. As a rule, the nearest general, or resident titulary in every small state which has to be turned to account, stirs up malcontents against the established authorities, never lacking under the ancient régime, especially all social outcasts, adventurers, coffee-house ranters and young hot-heads, in short the Jacobins of the country ; these, to the French representative, are henceforth the people of the country, if only a knot of the vilest sort. The legal authorities are forbidden to repress them, or punish them; they are inviolable. Employing threats or main force, he interferes in their support, or to sanction their assaults; he breaks up, or obliges them to break up, the vital organ of society; here, royalty or aristocracy, there, the senate and the magistracy, everywhere the old hierarchy, all cantonal, provincial and municipal statutes and secular federation or constitutions. He then inaugurates on this cleared ground the government of Reason, that is to say, some artificial imitation of the French constitution; he himself, to this end, appoints the new magistrates. If he allows them to be elected, it is by his clients and under his bayonets; this constitutes a subject republic under the name of an ally, and which commissioners dispatched from Paris manage to the beat of the drum.

The revolutionary régime with anti-Christian despoiling and leveling laws, is despotically applied. The 18th of Fructidor is carried out over and over again; the constitution is revised according to the last Parisian pattern, while the Legislative Corps and Directory are repeatedly purged in military fashion.[121] Only valets are tolerated at the head of it: its army is added to the French army; twenty thousand Swiss are drafted in Switzerland and made to fight against the Swiss and the friends of Switzerland. Belgium, incorporated with France, is subjected to the conscription. National and religious sentiment suppressed, exploited, offended, to the extend of stirring up insurrections,[122] religious and national. Five or six rural and lasting Vendées take place in Belgium, Switzerland, Piedmont, Venetia, Lombardy, the Roman States and Naples, while fire, pillaging and shooting are employed to repress them. Any description of this would be feeble; statements in figures are necessary and I can give but two.

One of them is the list of robberies committed abroad,[123] and this comprises only the rapine executed according to order; it omits private plunderings without any orders by officers, generals, soldiers and commissaries; these are enormous, but cannot be estimated. The only approximate total which can be arrived at, is the authentic list of robberies which the Jacobin corsair, authorized by letters of marque, had already committed in December, 1798, outside of France, on public or on private parties; exactions in coin imposed in Belgium, Holland, Germany and Italy, amounting to 655 millions; seizure and removal of gold and silver objects, plate, jewels, works of art and other precious objects, 305 millions; requisitions of provisions, 361millions; confiscations of the property, real estate and movables, of deposed sovereigns, that of the regular and secular clergy, that of corporations and associations even laic, of absent or fugitive proprietors, 700 millions; in all, in three years 2 billion livres. -If we closely examine this monstrous sum, we find, as in the coffers of an Algerian pirate, a booty which up to this time, belligerent Christians, commanders of regular armies, would have shrunk from taking, and on which the Jacobin chiefs incontinently and preferably lay hands:

  • 上清北极天心正法


  • 剪灯余话


  • 叙净土往生传


  • 佛说慈氏菩萨誓愿陀罗尼经


  • 幕学举要


  • 快乐作文大全集(优秀小学生必读)


  • 甜妻撩人:狂傲老公太嚣张


  • 魔幻青银龙


  • 妙门


  • 所有花朵开满的春天


  • 传道在地球


  • 皇明诗选


  • 金人铭


  • 杀神之虐杀原形


  • 末世之女配要黑化


    推荐作者新书《穿成末世文中男主前女友》,欢迎大家移步观看哦!沈蔓穿进了一本末世甜宠文里,武力值炸裂的男主带着一群小伙伴,和女主一起创建基地,然后快乐生活的故事。然而,快乐是属于别人的,沈蔓命不好,成为男主漫长人生中的唯一黑点。末世前,嫌贫爱富甩掉男主的初恋女友,最重要的是,她在这本书里没有活过第一章。看着这危机四伏的末世,柔弱废柴的小辣鸡觉得自己抱紧偶遇的前男友,似乎还可以挣扎一下! 【原书简介:末世十年,丧尸横行,韩清涟没有死在丧尸手中,却死在了男朋友和他的小情人手下。没想到死后,心中却涌起了一阵明悟。自己所处的世界是由一本书演化而来,自己原本身为女主的机缘被穿书人所夺……重回十年前,韩清涟早已不是当初那个傻白甜……】