

"I have always delighted in analysis," said he, one day, "and should Iever fall seriously in love I would take my sentiment to pieces. Why and How are such important questions one cannot put them to one's self too often.""It is certain," writes an observer, "that he, of all men, is the one who has most meditated on the why which controls human actions."His method, that of the experimental sciences, consists in testing every hypothesis or deduction by some positive fact, observed by him under definite conditions; a physical force being ascertained and accurately measured through the deviation of a needle, or through the rise and fall of a fluid, this or that invisible moral force can likewise be ascertained and approximately measured through some emotional sign, some decisive manifestation, consisting of a certain word, tone, or gesture. It is these words, tones, and gestures which he dwells on; he detects inward sentiments by the outward expression;he figures to himself the internal by the external, by some facial appearance, some telling attitude, some brief and topical scene, by such specimen and shortcuts, so well chosen and detailed that they provide a summary of the innumerable series of analogous cases. In this way, the vague, fleeting object is suddenly arrested, brought to bear, and then gauged and weighed, like some impalpable gas collected and kept in a graduated transparent glass tube. - Accordingly, at the Council of State, while the others, either jurists or administrators, see abstractions, articles of the law and precedents, he sees people as they are - the Frenchman, the Italian, the German; that of the peasant, the workman, the bourgeois, the noble, the returned émigré,[62] the soldier, the officer and the functionary - everywhere the individual man as he is, the man who plows, manufactures, fights, marries, brings forth children, toils, enjoys himself, and dies. -Nothing is more striking than the contrast between the dull, grave arguments advanced by the wise official editor, and Napoleon's own words caught on the wing, at the moment, vibrating and teeming with illustrations and imagery.[63] Apropos of divorce, the principle of which he wishes to maintain:

"Consult, now, national manners and customs. Adultery is no phenomenon; it is common enough - une affaire de canapé . . . There must be some curb on women who commit adultery for trinkets, poetry, Apollo, and the muses, etc."But if divorce be allowed for incompatibility of temper you undermine marriage; the fragility of the bond will be apparent the moment the obligation is contracted;"it is just as if a man said to himself, 'I am going to marry until Ifeel different.' "Nullity of marriage must not be too often allowed; once a marriage is made it is a serious matter to undo it.

"Suppose that, in marrying my cousin just arrived from the Indies, Iwed an adventuress. She bears me children, and I then discover she is not my cousin - is that marriage valid? Does not public morality demand that it should be so considered? There has been a mutual exchange of hearts, of transpiration."On the right of children to be supported and fed although of age, he says:

"Will you allow a father to drive a girl of fifteen out of his house?

A father worth 60,000 francs a year might say to his son, 'You are stout and fat; go and turn plowman.' The children of a rich father, or of one in good circumstances, are always entitled to the paternal porridge. Strike out their right to be fed, and you compel children to murder their parents."As to adoption :

"You regard this as law-makers and not as statesmen. It is not a civil contract nor a judicial contract. The analysis (of the jurist)leads to vicious results. Man is governed by imagination only;without imagination he is a brute. It is not for five cents a day, simply to distinguish himself, that a man consents to be killed; if you want to electrify him touch his heart. A notary, who is paid a fee of twelve francs for his services, cannot do that. It requires some other process, a legislative act. Adoption, what is that? An imitation by which society tries to counterfeit nature. It is a new kind of sacrament. . . . Society ordains that the bones and blood of one being shall be changed into the bones and blood of another. It is the greatest of all legal acts. It gives the sentiments of a son to one who never had them, and reciprocally those of a parent. Where ought this to originate? From on high, like a clap of thunder !"All his expressions are bright flashes one after another.[64] Nobody, since Voltaire and Galiani, has launched forth such a profusion of them; on society, laws, government, France and the French, some penetrate and explain, like those of Montesquieu, as if with a flash of lightening. He does not hammer them out laboriously, but they burst forth, the outpourings of his intellect, its natural, involuntary, constant action. And what adds to their value is that, outside of councils and private conversations, he abstains from them, employing them only in the service of thought; at other times he subordinates them to the end he has in view, which is always their practical effect. Ordinarily, he writes and speaks in a different language, in a language suited to his audience; he dispenses with the oddities, the irregular improvisations and imagination, the outbursts of genius and inspiration. He retains and uses merely those which are intended to impress the personage whom he wishes to dazzle with a great idea of himself, such as Pius VII., or the Emperor Alexander.

  • 钱氏私志


  • 世范


  • 居士分灯录


  • 太上三辟五解秘法


  • 周易阐真


  • 逆天修仙传


  • 商务谈判成功技巧


  • 武之天晶轮回


  • 三世荼蘼为君倾


  • 绝杀孤岛


  • 重生麻雀变凤凰


  • 重生之妃倾天下


  • 粽香在舌尖舞蹈


  • 所有的温柔都给你


    苏卿儿都快烦死了,只是一次正常急救,却惹到一只狼狗,总是喜欢撩她逗她……顾少辰也没想到,偶然情况下,会遇到一只纯纯的小兔子,一撩就脸红,简直是可爱死了…… 苏卿儿真想一掌拍死自己,喝醉酒主动投怀送抱,还说出想一辈子抱着香香的他睡觉这样的混话! 顾少辰更是没想到,电梯门一打开,心心念念的人儿就扑到他怀里,还说想抱一辈子。 既然都这样说了,那他就光明正大求娶,正好他也想抱着香香的她一辈子。 婚后小剧场 苏卿儿:好痒,别蹭了,你快把胡子刮了。 顾少辰:卿儿给我刮。 苏卿儿:不要。 顾少辰:(撒娇)我就要卿儿给我刮,谁让你是我老婆的嘛。 苏卿儿:晚上要吹干头发才能睡。 顾少辰:那卿儿帮我吹,嗯呀,谁让你是我老婆的嘛! 苏卿儿撩过他的发丝,这手感也太好了吧,好滑好柔呀。 顾少辰:(深意一笑)嗯?顺毛吗? 苏卿儿:我不是你老婆的嘛,摸一下还不行了。 顾少辰:(揽过怀中的人儿)摸多少下都行,这可是只有我老婆才有的特权哦。
  • 如去如来

