

"Oh, I guess his speech needs winding!" said the little girl, running behind the copper man to get the key off a hook at his back. She wound him up at a place under his right arm and he went on to say:

"Par-don me for run-ning down. I was a-bout to say I am pleased to meet Dor-o-thy's friends, who must be my friends." The words were somewhat jerky, but plain to understand.

"And this is Billina," continued Dorothy, introducing the yellow hen, and they all bowed to her in turn.

"I've such wonderful news," said the hen, turning her head so that one bright eye looked full at Dorothy.

"What is it, dear?" asked the girl.

"I've hatched out ten of the loveliest chicks you ever saw.""Oh, how nice! And where are they, Billina?""I left them at home. But they're beauties, I assure you, and all wonderfully clever. I've named them Dorothy.""Which one?" asked the girl.

"All of them," replied Billina.

"That's funny. Why did you name them all with the same name?""It was so hard to tell them apart," explained the hen. "Now, when I call 'Dorothy,' they all come running to me in a bunch; it's much easier, after all, than having a separate name for each.""I'm just dying to see 'em, Billina," said Dorothy, eagerly. "But tell me, my friends, how did you happen to be here, in the Country of the Winkies, the first of all to meet us?""I'll tell you," answered Tik-tok, in his monotonous voice, all the sounds of his words being on one level--"Prin-cess Oz-ma saw you in her mag-ic pic-ture, and knew you were com-ing here; so she sent Bil-lin-a and me to wel-come you as she could not come her-self; so that--fiz-i-dig-le cum-so-lut-ing hy-ber-gob-ble in-tu-zib-ick--""Good gracious! Whatever's the matter now?" cried Dorothy, as the copper man continued to babble these unmeaning words, which no one could understand at all because they had no sense.

"Don't know," said Button-Bright, who was half scared. Polly whirled away to a distance and turned to look at the copper man in a fright.

"His thoughts have run down, this time," remarked Billina composedly, as she sat on Tik-tok's shoulder and pruned her sleek feathers. "When he can't think, he can't talk properly, any more than you can. You'll have to wind up his thoughts, Dorothy, or else I'll have to finish his story myself."Dorothy ran around and got the key again and wound up Tik-tok under his left arm, after which he could speak plainly again.

"Par-don me," he said, "but when my thoughts run down, my speech has no mean-ing, for words are formed on-ly by thought. I was a-bout to say that Oz-ma sent us to wel-come you and in-vite you to come straight to the Em-er-ald Ci-ty. She was too bus-y to come her-self, for she is pre-par-ing for her birth-day cel-e-bra-tion, which is to be a grand af-fair.""I've heard of it," said Dorothy, "and I'm glad we've come in time to attend. Is it far from here to the Emerald City?""Not ve-ry far," answered Tik-tok, "and we have plen-ty of time.

To-night we will stop at the pal-ace of the Tin Wood-man, and to-mor-row night we will ar-rive at the Em-er-ald Ci-ty.""Goody!" cried Dorothy. "I'd like to see dear Nick Chopper again.

How's his heart?"

"It's fine," said Billina; "the Tin Woodman says it gets softer and kindlier every day. He's waiting at his castle to welcome you, Dorothy; but he couldn't come with us because he's getting polished as bright as possible for Ozma's party.""Well then," said Dorothy, "let's start on, and we can talk more as we go."They proceeded on their journey in a friendly group, for Polychrome had discovered that the copper man was harmless and was no longer afraid of him. Button-Bright was also reassured, and took quite a fancy to Tik-tok. He wanted the clockwork man to open himself, so that he might see the wheels go round; but that was a thing Tik-tok could not do. Button-Bright then wanted to wind up the copper man, and Dorothy promised he should do so as soon as any part of the machinery ran down. This pleased Button-Bright, who held fast to one of Tik-tok's copper hands as he trudged along the road, while Dorothy walked on the other side of her old friend and Billina perched by turns upon his shoulder or his copper hat. Polly once more joyously danced ahead and Toto ran after her, barking with glee. The shaggy man was left to walk behind; but he didn't seem to mind that a bit,and whistled merrily or looked curiously upon the pretty scenes they passed.

At last they came to a hilltop from which the tin castle of Nick Chopper could plainly be seen, its towers glistening magnificently under the rays of the declining sun.

"How pretty!" exclaimed Dorothy. "I've never seen the Emp'ror's new house before.""He built it because the old castle was damp, and likely to rust his tin body," said Billina. "All those towers and steeples and domes and gables took a lot of tin, as you can see.""Is it a toy?" asked Button-Bright softly.

"No, dear," answered Dorothy; "it's better than that. It's the fairy dwelling of a fairy prince."

  • 金刚场陀罗尼经


  • 邵兰荪医案


  • 佛说称赞如来功德神咒经


  • 郑敬中摘语


  • 西舫汇征


  • 陆费逵谈教育(名家谈教育)


  • 快穿系统病娇男神你等着


  • 不理财,30年后你怎么养活自己


    社会进入信息化时代,如还像工业时代那样仅靠工资、公司的养老保险,而不进行理财的话,未来的日子会很艰难,这就需要大家从现在开始理财。虽然现在很多人都知道理财这个概念,但是还有很多人没有意识到理财和不理财对自己生活的影响有多大,因此迟迟没有行动。本书第一部分就是要先唤醒读者的危机意识,激发读者理财的决心和行动力,让读者从现在开始就毫不犹豫地进入理财的大军,为自己未来的生活打下良好的基础。 同时作者还向读者介绍理财方方面面的知识,让读者能够娴熟地掌握理财方法和各类有效的投资工具,如股票、基金、黄金、房产、保险,让自己更加轻松地打理好自己的资产,在理财的道路上走得更加顺畅,更加长远。
  • 扎纸匠


  • 一品凰女


  • 斗罗大陆之神圣龙斗罗


  • 总裁大人,我跑了


  • 天界打工皇帝


  • 置酒行


  • 薨之灵(二)

