Before He Covets (A Mackenzie White Mystery—Book 3
From Blake Pierce, bestselling author of ONCE GONE (a #1 bestseller with over 600 five star reviews), comes book #3 in the heart-pounding Mackenzie White mystery series.In BEFORE HE COVETS (A Mackenzie White Mystery—Book 3), newly minted FBI agent Mackenzie White graduates the FBI Academy in Quantico only to find herself thrown into an urgent serial killer case. Women are turning up dead while camping in a remote national park in West Virginia. Yet the park is vast, and no connection can be found between them.At the same time, Mackenzie receives a call from Nebraska urging her to come home. After many years, a new clue has surfaced about her father's murder. The case no longer cold, Mackenzie desperately needs to help solve it.西部的太阳
西部历来是神奇而又迷人的。那些黄土地、红土地不仅生长着人们赖以维持生命的五谷,也生长着滋养人们精神和净化灵魂的诗歌。西部大开发,不应该仅仅是中国经济的增长点,也同样应该是民族文化的兴奋点,而且只有得到文化的虔诚关注,经济才能振兴和腾飞。晓燕的诗关注西部的历史和今天,关注西部的发展和未来,为西部黄金岁月的到来笑逐颜开:“时间之水流至 2000 年时 / 西部一改往日的无言和沉寂 / 突然站立起来 / 甩掉一年四季厚重沉闷的羊皮袄 / 西部,要把惰性和无奈扔掉”与其说这些诗句是诗人对开发西部的客观描述和主观警示,不如说是诗人对西部未来的迫切和激动。因为诗人已经预见到西部的土地......