
第5章 I(4)

All this pleased me,and in a measure numbed the suspicion that was thoroughly aroused.Eventually the blue-eyed one discovered,nay,insisted,that I had a taste for cards (this was clumsily worked in,but it was my fault,for in that I met him half-way and allowed him no chance of good acting).Hereupon I laid my head upon one side and simulated unholy wisdom,quoting odds and ends of poker talk,all ludicrously misapplied.My friend kept his countenance admirably,and well he might,for five minutes later we arrived,always by the purest of chance,at a place where we could play cards and also frivol with Louisiana State Lottery tickets.Would I play?

"Nay,"said I,"for to me cards have neither meaning nor continuity;but let us assume that I am going to play.How would you and your friends get to work?Would you play a straight game,or make me drunk,or--well,the fact is,I'm a newspaper man,and I'd be much obliged if you'd let me know something about bunco steering."My blue-eyed friend erected himself into an obelisk of profanity.

He cursed me by his gods--the right and left bower;he even cursed the very good cigars he had given me.But,the storm over,he quieted down and explained.I apologized for causing him to waste an evening,and we spent a very pleasant time together.

Inaccuracy,provincialism,and a too hasty rushing to conclusions,were the rocks that he had split on,but he got his revenge when he said:--"How would I play with you?From all the poppy-cock Anglice bosh you talked about poker,I'd ha'played a straight game,and skinned you.I wouldn't have taken the trouble to make you drunk.You never knew anything of the game,but how I was mistaken in going to work on you,makes me sick."He glared at me as though I had done him an injury.To-day Iknow how it is that year after year,week after week,the bunco steerer,who is the confidence trick and the card-sharper man of other climes,secures his prey.He clavers them over with flattery as the snake clavers the rabbit.The incident depressed me because it showed I had left the innocent East far behind and was come to a country where a man must look out for himself.The very hotels bristled with notices about keeping my door locked and depositing my valuables in a safe.The white man in a lump is bad.Weeping softly for O-Toyo (little I knew then that my heart was to be torn afresh from my bosom)I fell asleep in the clanging hotel.

Next morning I had entered upon the deferred inheritance.There are no princes in America--at least with crowns on their heads--but a generous-minded member of some royal family received my letter of introduction.Ere the day closed I was a member of the two clubs,and booked for many engagements to dinner and party.Now,this prince,upon whose financial operations be continual increase,had no reason,nor had the others,his friends,to put himself out for the sake of one Briton more or less,but he rested not till he had accomplished all in my behalf that a mother could think of for her debutante daughter.

Do you know the Bohemian Club of San Francisco?They say its fame extends over the world.It was created,somewhat on the lines of the Savage,by men who wrote or drew things,and has blossomed into most unrepublican luxury.The ruler of the place is an owl--an owl standing upon a skull and cross-bones,showing forth grimly the wisdom of the man of letters and the end of his hopes for immortality.The owl stands on the staircase,a statue four feet high;is carved in the wood-work,flutters on the frescoed ceiling,is stamped on the note-paper,and hangs on the walls.He is an ancient and honorable bird.Under his wing 'twas my privilege to meet with white men whose lives were not chained down to routine of toil,who wrote magazine articles instead of reading them hurriedly in the pauses of office-work,who painted pictures instead of contenting themselves with cheap etchings picked up at another man's sale of effects.Mine were all the rights of social intercourse,craft by craft,that India,stony-hearted step-mother of collectors,has swindled us out of.

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