Turned (Book #1 in the Vampire Journals)
TURNED is a book to rival TWILIGHT and VAMPIRE DIARIES, and one that will have you wanting to keep reading until the very last page! If you are into adventure, love and vampires this book is the one for you!重生异能妻:最强首席霸爱上瘾
(重生异能+女扮男装+可攻可受)林谨言:我不介意让你占点便宜。黎慎行:如果我介意呢?林谨言:……穿上白西装,她是万人敬仰的魔术界最年轻泰斗,坐上赌桌,她是庄家闻风丧胆的赌坛魔术手;脱下西装,她是红透半边天的影后,也是最年轻的世界记忆大师冠军。重生一世,林谨言只以撩到黎爷为己任,见面就抱,高兴就亲,兴致来了撩到他想杀人,但是抱歉……撩完就跑,概不负责!Crediting Poetry
The Nobel Lecture Seamus Heaney received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1995 'for works of lyrical beauty and ethical depth, which exalt the every day miracles and the living past'. Crediting Poetry is the first publication of the lecture he delivered at the Swedish Academy on 7 December 1995.