

"The fact is," said he to himself, "that I have much more need of her than she can have of me. Her presence will be useful in drawing off suspicion from me. A man traveling alone across the steppe, may be easily guessed to be a courier of the Czar. If, on the contrary, this young girl accompanies me, I shall appear, in the eyes of all, the Nicholas Korpanoff of my podorojna. Therefore, she must accompany me. Therefore, I must find her again at any cost.

It is not probable that since yesterday evening she has been able to get a carriage and leave Nijni-Novgorod. I must look for her.

And may God guide me!"

Michael left the great square of Nijni-Novgorod, where the tumult produced by the carrying out of the prescribed measures had now reached its height. Recriminations from the banished strangers, shouts from the agents and Cossacks who were using them so brutally, together made an indescribable uproar. The girl for whom he searched could not be there. It was now nine o'clock in the morning.

The steamboat did not start till twelve. Michael Strogoff had therefore nearly two hours to employ in searching for her whom he wished to make his traveling companion.

He crossed the Volga again and hunted through the quarters on the other side, where the crowd was much less considerable.

He entered the churches, the natural refuge for all who weep, for all who suffer. Nowhere did he meet with the young Livonian.

"And yet," he repeated, "she could not have left Nijni-Novgorod yet.

We'll have another look." He wandered about thus for two hours.

He went on without stopping, feeling no fatigue, obeying a potent instinct which allowed no room for thought. All was in vain.

It then occurred to him that perhaps the girl had not heard of the order--though this was improbable enough, for such a thunder-clap could not have burst without being heard by all.

Evidently interested in knowing the smallest news from Siberia, how could she be ignorant of the measures taken by the governor, measures which concerned her so directly?

But, if she was ignorant of it, she would come in an hour to the quay, and there some merciless agent would refuse her a passage!

At any cost, he must see her beforehand, and enable her to avoid such a repulse.

But all his endeavors were in vain, and he at length almost despaired of finding her again. It was eleven o'clock, and Michael thought of presenting his podorojna at the office of the head of police.

The proclamation evidently did not concern him, since the emergency had been foreseen for him, but he wished to make sure that nothing would hinder his departure from the town.

Michael then returned to the other side of the Volga, to the quarter in which was the office of the head of police.

An immense crowd was collected there; for though all foreigners were ordered to quit the province, they had notwithstanding to go through certain forms before they could depart.

Without this precaution, some Russian more or less implicated in the Tartar movement would have been able, in a disguise, to pass the frontier--just those whom the order wished to prevent going.

The strangers were sent away, but still had to gain permission to go.

Mountebanks, gypsies, Tsiganes, Zingaris, mingled with merchants from Persia, Turkey, India, Turkestan, China, filled the court and offices of the police station.

Everyone was in a hurry, for the means of transport would be much sought after among this crowd of banished people, and those who did not set about it soon ran a great risk of not being able to leave the town in the prescribed time, which would expose them to some brutal treatment from the governor's agents.

Owing to the strength of his elbows Michael was able to cross the court.

But to get into the office and up to the clerk's little window was a much more difficult business. However, a word into an inspector's ear and a few judiciously given roubles were powerful enough to gain him a passage.

The man, after taking him into the waiting-room, went to call an upper clerk. Michael Strogoff would not be long in making everything right with the police and being free in his movements.

Whilst waiting, he looked about him, and what did he see?

There, fallen, rather than seated, on a bench, was a girl, prey to a silent despair, although her face could scarcely be seen, the profile alone being visible against the wall.

Michael Strogoff could not be mistaken. He instantly recognized the young Livonian.

Not knowing the governor's orders, she had come to the police office to get her pass signed. They had refused to sign it. No doubt she was authorized to go to Irkutsk, but the order was peremptory--it annulled all previous au-thorizations, and the routes to Siberia were closed to her. Michael, delighted at having found her again, approached the girl.

She looked up for a moment and her face brightened on recognizing her traveling companion. She instinctively rose and, like a drowning man who clutches at a spar, she was about to ask his help.

At that moment the agent touched Michael on the shoulder, "The head of police will see you," he said.

"Good," returned Michael. And without saying a word to her for whom he had been searching all day, without reassuring her by even a gesture, which might compromise either her or himself, he followed the man.

The young Livonian, seeing the only being to whom she could look for help disappear, fell back again on her bench.

Three minutes had not passed before Michael Strogoff reappeared, accompanied by the agent. In his hand he held his podorojna, which threw open the roads to Siberia for him. He again approached the young Livonian, and holding out his hand:

"Sister," said he.

She understood. She rose as if some sudden inspiration prevented her from hesitating a moment.

"Sister," repeated Michael Strogoff, "we are authorized to continue our journey to Irkutsk. Will you come with me?""I will follow you, brother," replied the girl, putting her hand into that of Michael Strogoff. And together they left the police station.

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    优昙花者,此言灵瑞,三千年一现。乃天花也,为世间所无。她是拘那含佛悟道时生后那颗树上开出的金色波罗花,芳香极美,翌晨即萎。在大梵天王将她摘下献给佛以后的冗长千年,始终沉睡在花中,不解人间事。建武十五年,九月初七,她从憩居在波罗花中的幽魂变成南国权势无双的孟光长公主。片段一: 前世女子靠在床畔,垂着眼看着给她把脉的男子。“你看看我,那些佛像有什么好的,你看看我,我是你娶回来的妻啊!”男子温和的笑了笑,不为所动。“你若好好爱我,我就让他们广修佛寺,我让南国的子民都去爱你的佛。可是你爱我好不好?”男子收回搭在女子腕间的手,淡淡摇头,道:“殿下,我早已说过,我心中只有佛祖。”“那好,你就把我当做佛祖来爱,否则,我就···我就让你生生世世都不能潜心向佛。我会烧光南国的佛寺,杀光南国的和尚,族灭求佛的百姓,我会让你悔不当初。”女子笑了笑,似是玩笑,又似是誓言。片段二:今世萧元皱眉看着景行止,过了一会儿说:“老师何出此问,不过本宫倒是觉得可以比着老师来挑驸马。”“真的?”“当然,学识只能比老师差一点,容貌得比老师差上一大截才行,免得招蜂引蝶,武功倒是可以与老师比肩,不过行军打仗,一定得比老师强。对了,他家中最好没有人信佛的,我这辈子,一听见有人念经,就头疼。”“这,有点难,我尽量。” 片段三:  “你杀了他?景行止,你杀人了?” 萧元看着景行止手上拎着的,还睁着大眼的头颅,简直像是在做梦似的。“你可以不杀他的,你是和尚啊!你忘了出家人慈悲为怀?”“元儿,我不是和尚。”“那是什么?”“身心都背弃佛的人。”
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