


Henry slipped forth with the crowd from the Long House, stooping somewhat and shrinking into the smallest possible dimensions.

But there was little danger now that any one would notice him, as long as he behaved with prudence, because all grief and solemnity were thrown aside, and a thousand red souls intended to rejoice.

A vast banquet was arranged.Great fires leaped up all through the village.At every fire the Indian women, both young and old, were already far forward with the cooking.Deer, bear, squirrel, rabbit, fish, and every other variety of game with which the woods and rivers of western New York and Pennsylvania swarmed were frying or roasting over the coals, and the air was permeated with savory odors.There was a great hum of voices and an incessant chattering.Here in the forest, among themselves, and in complete security, the Indian stoicism was relaxed.According to their customs everybody fell to eating at a prodigious rate, as if they had not tasted anything for a month, and as if they intended to eat enough now to last another month.

It was far into the night, because the ceremonies had lasted a long time, but a brilliant moon shone down upon the feasting crowd, and the flames of the great fires, yellow and blue, leaped and danced.This was an oasis of light and life.Timmendiquas and Thayendanegea sat together before the largest fire, and they ate with more restraint than the others.Even at the banquet they would not relax their dignity as great chiefs.Old Skanawati, the Onondaga, old Atotarho, Onondaga, too, Satekariwate, the Mohawk, Kanokarih, the Seneca, and others, head chiefs though they were of the three senior tribes, did not hesitate to eat as the rich Romans of the Empire ate, swallowing immense quantities of all kinds of meat, and drinking a sort of cider that the women made.Several warriors ate and drank until they fell down in a stupor by the fires.The same warriors on the hunt or the war path would go for days without food, enduring every manner of hardship.Now and then a warrior would leap up and begin a chant telling of some glorious deed of his.Those at his own fire would listen, but elsewhere they took no notice.

In the largest open space a middle-aged Onondaga with a fine face suddenly uttered a sharp cry: " Hehmio!" which he rapidly repeated twice.Two score voices instantly replied, "Heh!" and a rush was made for him.At least a hundred gathered around him, but they stood in a respectful circle, no one nearer than ten feet.He waved his hand, and all sat down on the ground.Then, he, too, sat down, all gazing at him intently and with expectancy.

He was a professional story-teller, an institution great and honored among the tribes of the Iroquois farther back even than Hiawatha.He began at once the story of the warrior who learned to talk with the deer and the bear, carrying it on through many chapters.Now and then a delighted listener would cry " Hah!"but if anyone became bored and fell asleep it was considered an omen of misfortune to the sleeper, and he was chased ignominiously to his tepee.The Iroquois romancer was better protected than the white one is.He could finish some of his stories in one evening, but others were serials.When he arrived at the end of the night's installment he would cry, "Si-ga!"which was equivalent to our "To be continued in our next." Then all would rise, and if tired would seek sleep, but if not they would catch the closing part of some other story-teller's romance.

At three fires Senecas were playing a peculiar little wooden flute of their own invention, that emitted wailing sounds not without a certain sweetness.In a corner a half dozen warriors hurt in battle were bathing their wounds with a soothing lotion made from the sap of the bass wood.

Henry lingered a while in the darkest corners, witnessing the feasting, hearing the flutes and the chants, listening for a space to the story-tellers and the enthusiastic "Hahs!" They were so full of feasting and merrymaking now that one could almost do as he pleased, and he stole toward the southern end of the village, where he had noticed several huts, much more strongly built than the others.Despite all his natural skill and experience his heart beat very fast when he came to the first.He was about to achieve the great exploration upon which he had ventured so much.Whether he would find anything at the end of the risk he ran, he was soon to see.

The hut, about seven feet square and as many feet in height, was built strongly of poles, with a small entrance closed by a clapboard door fastened stoutly on the outside with withes.The hut was well in the shadow of tepees, and all were still at the feasting and merrymaking.He cut the withes with two sweeps of his sharp hunting knife, opened the door, bent his head, stepped in and then closed the door behind him, in order that no Iroquois might see what had happened.

It was not wholly dark in the hut, as there were cracks between the poles, and bars of moonlight entered, falling upon a floor of bark.They revealed also a figure lying full length on one side of the but.A great pulse of joy leaped up in Henry's throat, and with it was a deep pity, also.The figure was that of Shif'less Sol, but be was pale and thin, and his arms and legs were securely bound with thongs of deerskin.

Leaning over, Henry cut the thongs of the shiftless one, but he did not stir.Great forester that Shif'less Sol was, and usually so sensitive to the lightest movement, be perceived nothing now, and, had he not found him bound, Henry would have been afraid that he was looking upon his dead comrade.The hands of the shiftless one, when the hands were cut, had fallen limply by his side, and his face looked all the more pallid by contrast with the yellow hair which fell in length about it.But it was his old-time friend, the dauntless Shif'less Sol, the last of the five to vanish so mysteriously.

  • 碧鸡漫志


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  • 异界之魔刀悍厨


  • 岁月静美


  • 这个徒弟,成年之后照样打


    此书耽美向!! 前世,青渡寒只是闭了个关,出门后玄韶山满门被灭,自己也因修为不够而被斩杀。怎么就这么气呢?!!!死后,青渡寒怨气太强,一朝重生,强压心中的戾气,世界还是那么美好。只是,为什么总有人看起来不正常,说的话也怪怪的。师尊青无月:徒儿啊,最近是不是又和徒孙闹别扭了?别否认,为师都算到了。青渡寒:……某妖界大佬:你个前期小炮灰,浪荡到现在还没挂,能不能好好的走剧情了?!原作者很伤心的。 青渡寒:??? 反正这俩人说话他听不懂,不听就是了。 直到某天…… 徒弟御决:师尊,既然我们情投意合,双修吧! 青渡寒:…… 谁TM和你情投意合?!!!
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