

The next day Mr.Henderland found for me a man who had a boat of his own and was to cross the Linnhe Loch that afternoon into Appin,fishing.Him he prevailed on to take me,for he was one of his flock;and in this way I saved a long day's travel and the price of the two public ferries I must otherwise have passed.

It was near noon before we set out;a dark day with clouds,and the sun shining upon little patches.The sea was here very deep and still,and had scarce a wave upon it;so that I must put the water to my lips before I could believe it to be truly salt.The mountains on either side were high,rough and barren,very black and gloomy in the shadow of the clouds,but all silver-laced with little watercourses where the sun shone upon them.It seemed a hard country,this of Appin,for people to care as much about as Alan did.

There was but one thing to mention.A little after we had started,the sun shone upon a little moving clump of scarlet close in along the water-side to the north.It was much of the same red as soldiers'coats;every now and then,too,there came little sparks and lightnings,as though the sun had struck upon bright steel.

I asked my boatman what it should be,and he answered he supposed it was some of the red soldiers coming from Fort William into Appin,against the poor tenantry of the country.Well,it was a sad sight to me;and whether it was because of my thoughts of Alan,or from something prophetic in my bosom,although this was but the second time I had seen King George's troops,I had no good will to them.

At last we came so near the point of land at the entering in of Loch Leven that I begged to be set on shore.My boatman (who was an honest fellow and mindful of his promise to the catechist)would fain have carried me on to Balachulish;but as this was to take me farther from my secret destination,I insisted,and was set on shore at last under the wood of Lettermore (or Lettervore,for I have heard it both ways)in Alan's country of Appin.

This was a wood of birches,growing on a steep,craggy side of a mountain that overhung the loch.It had many openings and ferny howes;and a road or bridle track ran north and south through the midst of it,by the edge of which,where was a spring,I sat down to eat some oat-bread of Mr.Henderland's and think upon my situation.

Here I was not only troubled by a cloud of stinging midges,but far more by the doubts of my mind.What I ought to do,why I was going to join myself with an outlaw and a would-be murderer like Alan,whether I should not be acting more like a man of sense to tramp back to the south country direct,by my own guidance and at my own charges,and what Mr.Campbell or even Mr.Henderland would think of me if they should ever learn my folly and presumption:these were the doubts that now began to come in on me stronger than ever.

As I was so sitting and thinking,a sound of men and horses came to me through the wood;and presently after,at a turning of the road,I saw four travellers come into view.The way was in this part so rough and narrow that they came single and led their horses by the reins.The first was a great,red-headed gentleman,of an imperious and flushed face,who carried his hat in his hand and fanned himself,for he was in a breathing heat.

The second,by his decent black garb and white wig,I correctly took to be a lawyer.The third was a servant,and wore some part of his clothes in tartan,which showed that his master was of a Highland family,and either an outlaw or else in singular good odour with the Government,since the wearing of tartan was against the Act.If I had been better versed in these things,Iwould have known the tartan to be of the Argyle (or Campbell)colours.This servant had a good-sized portmanteau strapped on his horse,and a net of lemons (to brew punch with)hanging at the saddle-bow;as was often enough the custom with luxurious travellers in that part of the country.

As for the fourth,who brought up the tail,I had seen his like before,and knew him at once to be a sheriff's officer.

I had no sooner seen these people coming than I made up my mind (for no reason that I can tell)to go through with my adventure;and when the first came alongside of me,I rose up from the bracken and asked him the way to Aucharn.

He stopped and looked at me,as I thought,a little oddly;and then,turning to the lawyer,"Mungo,"said he,"there's many a man would think this more of a warning than two pyats.Here am Ion my road to Duror on the job ye ken;and here is a young lad starts up out of the bracken,and speers if I am on the way to Aucharn.""Glenure,"said the other,"this is an ill subject for jesting."These two had now drawn close up and were gazing at me,while the two followers had halted about a stone-cast in the rear.

"And what seek ye in Aucharn?"said Colin Roy Campbell of Glenure,him they called the Red Fox;for he it was that I had stopped.

"The man that lives there,"said I.

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    A Discourse on Method

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