

On the forenoon of the second day,coming to the top of a hill,Isaw all the country fall away before me down to the sea;and in the midst of this descent,on a long ridge,the city of Edinburgh smoking like a kiln.There was a flag upon the castle,and ships moving or lying anchored in the firth;both of which,for as far away as they were,I could distinguish clearly;and both brought my country heart into my mouth.

Presently after,I came by a house where a shepherd lived,and got a rough direction for the neighbourhood of Cramond;and so,from one to another,worked my way to the westward of the capital by Colinton,till I came out upon the Glasgow road.And there,to my great pleasure and wonder,I beheld a regiment marching to the fifes,every foot in time;an old red-faced general on a grey horse at the one end,and at the other the company of Grenadiers,with their Pope's-hats.The pride of life seemed to mount into my brain at the sight of the red coats and the hearing of that merry music.

A little farther on,and I was told I was in Cramond parish,and began to substitute in my inquiries the name of the house of Shaws.It was a word that seemed to surprise those of whom Isought my way.At first I thought the plainness of my appearance,in my country habit,and that all dusty from the road,consorted ill with the greatness of the place to which Iwas bound.But after two,or maybe three,had given me the same look and the same answer,I began to take it in my head there was something strange about the Shaws itself.

The better to set this fear at rest,I changed the form of my inquiries;and spying an honest fellow coming along a lane on the shaft of his cart,I asked him if he had ever heard tell of a house they called the house of Shaws.

He stopped his cart and looked at me,like the others.

"Ay"said he."What for?"

"It's a great house?"I asked.

"Doubtless,"says he."The house is a big,muckle house.""Ay,"said I,"but the folk that are in it?"

"Folk?"cried he."Are ye daft?There's nae folk there --to call folk.""What?"say I;"not Mr.Ebenezer?"

"Ou,ay"says the man;"there's the laird,to be sure,if it's him you're wanting.What'll like be your business,mannie?""I was led to think that I would get a situation,"I said,looking as modest as I could.

"What?"cries the carter,in so sharp a note that his very horse started;and then,"Well,mannie,"he added,"it's nane of my affairs;but ye seem a decent-spoken lad;and if ye'll take a word from me,ye'll keep clear of the Shaws."The next person I came across was a dapper little man in a beautiful white wig,whom I saw to be a barber on his rounds;and knowing well that barbers were great gossips,I asked him plainly what sort of a man was Mr.Balfour of the Shaws.

"Hoot,hoot,hoot,"said the barber,"nae kind of a man,nae kind of a man at all;"and began to ask me very shrewdly what my business was;but I was more than a match for him at that,and he went on to his next customer no wiser than he came.

I cannot well describe the blow this dealt to my illusions.The more indistinct the accusations were,the less I liked them,for they left the wider field to fancy.What kind of a great house was this,that all the parish should start and stare to be asked the way to it?or what sort of a gentleman,that his ill-fame should be thus current on the wayside?If an hour's walking would have brought me back to Essendean,had left my adventure then and there,and returned to Mr.Campbell's.But when I had come so far a way already,mere shame would not suffer me to desist till I had put the matter to the touch of proof;I was bound,out of mere self-respect,to carry it through;and little as I liked the sound of what I heard,and slow as I began to travel,I still kept asking my way and still kept advancing.

It was drawing on to sundown when I met a stout,dark,sour-looking woman coming trudging down a hill;and she,when Ihad put my usual question,turned sharp about,accompanied me back to the summit she had just left,and pointed to a great bulk of building standing very bare upon a green in the bottom of the next valley.The country was pleasant round about,running in low hills,pleasantly watered and wooded,and the crops,to my eyes,wonderfully good;but the house itself appeared to be a kind of ruin;no road led up to it;no smoke arose from any of the chimneys;nor was there any semblance of a garden.My heart sank."That!"I cried.

  • 丹经极论


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  • Old Indian Days

    Old Indian Days

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