

The Graces next would act their part, And show but little of their art;Their work was half already done, The child with native beauty shone, The outward form no help required:

Each breathing on her thrice, inspired That gentle, soft, engaging air Which in old times adorned the fair, And said, "Vanessa be the name By which thou shalt be known to fame;Vanessa, by the gods enrolled:

Her name on earth - shall not be told."

But still the work was not complete, When Venus thought on a deceit:

Drawn by her doves, away she flies, And finds out Pallas in the skies:

Dear Pallas, I have been this morn To see a lovely infant born:

A boy in yonder isle below, So like my own without his bow, By beauty could your heart be won, You'd swear it is Apollo's son;But it shall ne'er be said, a child So hopeful has by me been spoiled;I have enough besides to spare, And give him wholly to your care.

Wisdom's above suspecting wiles;

The queen of learning gravely smiles, Down from Olympus comes with joy, Mistakes Vanessa for a boy;Then sows within her tender mind Seeds long unknown to womankind;For manly bosoms chiefly fit, The seeds of knowledge, judgment, wit, Her soul was suddenly endued With justice, truth, and fortitude;With honour, which no breath can stain, Which malice must attack in vain:

With open heart and bounteous hand:

But Pallas here was at a stand;

She know in our degenerate days Bare virtue could not live on praise, That meat must be with money bought:

She therefore, upon second thought, Infused yet as it were by stealth, Some small regard for state and wealth:

Of which as she grew up there stayed A tincture in the prudent maid:

She managed her estate with care, Yet liked three footmen to her chair, But lest he should neglect his studies Like a young heir, the thrifty goddess (For fear young master should be spoiled)Would use him like a younger child;

And, after long computing, found 'Twould come to just five thousand pound.

The Queen of Love was pleased and proud To we Vanessa thus endowed;She doubted not but such a dame Through every breast would dart a flame;That every rich and lordly swain With pride would drag about her chain;That scholars would forsake their books To study bright Vanessa's looks:

As she advanced that womankind Would by her model form their mind, And all their conduct would be tried By her, as an unerring guide.

Offending daughters oft would hear Vanessa's praise rung in their ear:

Miss Betty, when she does a fault, Lets fall her knife, or spills the salt, Will thus be by her mother chid, "'Tis what Vanessa never did."Thus by the nymphs and swains adored, My power shall be again restored, And happy lovers bless my reign -So Venus hoped, but hoped in vain.

For when in time the martial maid Found out the trick that Venus played, She shakes her helm, she knits her brows, And fired with indignation, vows To-morrow, ere the setting sun, She'd all undo that she had done.

But in the poets we may find A wholesome law, time out of mind, Had been confirmed by Fate's decree;That gods, of whatso'er degree, Resume not what themselves have given, Or any brother-god in Heaven;Which keeps the peace among the gods, Or they must always be at odds.

And Pallas, if she broke the laws, Must yield her foe the stronger cause;A shame to one so much adored For Wisdom, at Jove's council-board.

Besides, she feared the queen of love Would meet with better friends above.

And though she must with grief reflect To see a mortal virgin deck'd With graces hitherto unknown To female breasts, except her own, Yet she would act as best became A goddess of unspotted fame;She knew, by augury divine, Venus would fail in her design:

She studied well the point, and found Her foe's conclusions were not sound, From premises erroneous brought, And therefore the deduction's nought, And must have contrary effects To what her treacherous foe expects.

In proper season Pallas meets The queen of love, whom thus she greets (For Gods, we are by Homer told, Can in celestial language scold), "Perfidious Goddess! but in vain You formed this project in your brain, A project for thy talents fit, With much deceit, and little wit;Thou hast, as thou shalt quickly see, Deceived thyself instead of me;For how can heavenly wisdom prove An instrument to earthly love?

Know'st thou not yet that men commence Thy votaries, for want of sense?

Nor shall Vanessa be the theme To manage thy abortive scheme;She'll prove the greatest of thy foes, And yet I scorn to interpose, But using neither skill nor force, Leave all things to their natural course."The goddess thus pronounced her doom, When, lo, Vanessa in her bloom, Advanced like Atalanta's star, But rarely seen, and seen from far:

In a new world with caution stepped, Watched all the company she kept, Well knowing from the books she read What dangerous paths young virgins tread;Would seldom at the park appear, Nor saw the play-house twice a year;Yet not incurious, was inclined To know the converse of mankind.

First issued from perfumers' shops A crowd of fashionable fops;They liked her how she liked the play?

Then told the tattle of the day, A duel fought last night at two About a lady - you know who;Mentioned a new Italian, come Either from Muscovy or Rome;Gave hints of who and who's together;

Then fell to talking of the weather:

Last night was so extremely fine, The ladies walked till after nine.

Then in soft voice, and speech absurd, With nonsense every second word, With fustian from exploded plays, They celebrate her beauty's praise, Run o'er their cant of stupid lies, And tell the murders of her eyes.

With silent scorn Vanessa sat, Scarce list'ning to their idle chat;Further than sometimes by a frown, When they grew pert, to pull them down.

At last she spitefully was bent To try their wisdom's full extent;And said, she valued nothing less Than titles, figure, shape, and dress;That merit should be chiefly placed In judgment, knowledge, wit, and taste;And these, she offered to dispute, Alone distinguished man from brute:

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