

"If, in your close intimacy with them, it seems strange that they should never have betrayed themselves, let me ask you to consider the circumstances and you will understand the apparent anomaly. Remember that they had been living as husband and wife, to all intents and purposes (except that the marriage-service had not been read over them), for fifteen years before you came into the house; and bear in mind, at the same time, that no event occurred to disturb Mr. Vanstone's happiness in the present, to remind him of the past, or to warn him of the future, until the announcement of his wife's death reached him, in that letter from America which you saw placed in his hand. From that day forth--when a past which he abhorred was forced back to his memory; when a future which she had never dared to anticipate was placed within her reach--you will soon perceive, if you have not perceived already, that they both betrayed themselves, time after time; and that your innocence of all suspicion, and their children's innocence of all suspicion, alone prevented you from discovering the truth.

"The sad story of the past is now as well known to you as to me. I have had hard words to speak. God knows I have spoken them with true sympathy for the living, with true tenderness for the memory of the dead."He paused, turned his face a little away, and rested his head on his hand, in the quiet, undemonstrative manner which was natural to him. Thus far, Miss Garth had only interrupted his narrative by an occasional word or by a mute token of her attention. She made no effort to conceal her tears; they fell fast and silently over her wasted cheeks, as she looked up and spoke to him. "I have done you some injury, sir, in my thoughts," she said, with a noble simplicity. "I know you better now. Let me ask your forgiveness; let me take your hand."Those words, and the action which accompanied them, touched him deeply. He took her hand in silence. She was the first to speak, the first to set the example of self-control. It is one of the noble instincts of women that nothing more powerfully rouses them to struggle with their own sorrow than the sight of a man's distress. She quietly dried her tears; she quietly drew her chair round the table, so as to sit nearer to him when she spoke again.

"I have been sadly broken, Mr. Pendril, by what has happened in this house," she said, "or I should have borne what you have told me better than I have borne it to-day. Will you let me ask one question before you go on? My heart aches for the children of my love--more than ever my children now. Is there no hope for their future? Are they left with no prospect but poverty before them?"The lawyer hesitated before he answered the question.

"They are left dependent," he said, at last, "on the justice and the mercy of a stranger.""Through the misfortune of their birth?"

"Through the misfortunes which have followed the marriage of their parents."With that startling answer he rose, took up the will from the floor, and restored it to its former position on the table between them.

"I can only place the truth before you," he resumed, "in one plain form of words. The marriage has destroyed this will, and has left Mr. Vanstone's daughters dependent on their uncle."As he spoke, the breeze stirred again among the shrubs under the window.

"On their uncle?" repeated Miss Garth. She considered for a moment, and laid her hand suddenly on Mr. Pendril's arm. "Not on Michael Vanstone!""Yes: on Michael Vanstone."

Miss Garth's hand still mechanically grasped the lawyer's arm. Her whole mind was absorbed in the effort to realize the discovery which had now burst on her.

"Dependent on Michael Vanstone!" she said to herself. "Dependent on their father's bitterest enemy? How can it be?""Give me your attention for a few minutes more," said Mr. Pendril, "and you shall hear. The sooner we can bring this painful interview to a close, the sooner I can open communications with Mr. Michael Vanstone, and the sooner you will know what he decides on doing for his brother's orphan daughters. I repeat to you that they are absolutely dependent on him. You will most readily understand how and why, if we take up the chain of events where we last left it--at the period of Mr. and Mrs. Vanstone's marriage.""One moment, sir," said Miss Garth. "Were you in the secret of that marriage at the time when it took place?""Unhappily, I was not. I was away from London--away from England at the time. If Mr. Vanstone had been able to communicate with me when the letter from America announced the death of his wife, the fortunes of his daughters would not have been now at stake."He paused, and, before proceeding further, looked once more at the letters which he had consulted at an earlier period of the interview. He took one letter from the rest, and put it on the table by his side.

  • 过去世佛分卫经


  • 慧上菩萨问大善权经


  • 淡然轩集


  • 仁王般若经疏


  • 芝园集


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  • 尸魂学院


  • 网游之那个武当你别跑


  • 一顿自己的晚餐


  • 优秀职场女人是飞行虫


  • 腹智禅师语录


  • 不想当神豪的王爷


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    当霸道冷面女演员遇上外表软萌天真内里腹黑,满满占有欲的小歌手,一遇动真心。没办法,这是缘分。…… 顾楠拉着苏念白的手,带上戒指:“小朋友,这下你可没有反悔的余地了。” “嗯,我是你的。” 一旁经纪人,你把你自己卖了你知道吗?你知道你眼前这个小朋友是黑芯的吗?(ノ`⊿?)ノ*多年后,记者会。“苏先生,有网友说,您今天的成就是靠顾影后包养的。您有什么看法吗?”“嗯,你说的没错,但她有能力包养我一辈子,我也是凭实力让她包养我一辈子,没问题。” 粉丝表示:“酸,想让楠楠也包养我们。” 苏念白皮笑肉不笑:“晚了,她的钱是我的,人是我的,心也是我的。”(`へ?)=3