

"Pray don't send and seek after me; I will write and relieve all your anxieties. You know, Norah, we must get our living for ourselves; I have only gone to get mine in the manner which is fittest for me. Whether Isucceed, or whether I fail, I can do myself no harm either way. I have no position to lose, and no name to degrade. Don't doubt I love you--don't let Miss Garth doubt my gratitude. I go away miserable at leaving you;but I must go. If I had loved you less dearly, I might have had the courage to say this in your presence--but how could I trust myself to resist your persuasions, and to bear the sight of your distress? Farewell, my darling!

Take a thousand kisses from me, my own best, dearest love, till we meet again.


IV. From Sergeant Bulmer (of the Detective Police) to Mr. Pendril.

"Scotland Yard, September 29th, 1846.

"SIR--Your clerk informs me that the parties interested in our inquiry after the missing young lady are anxious for news of the same. I went to your office to speak to you about the matter to-day. Not having found you, and not being able to return and try again to-morrow, I write these lines to save delay, and to tell you how we stand thus far.

"I am sorry to say, no advance has been made since my former report.

The trace of the young lady which we found nearly a week since, still remains the last trace discovered of her. This case seems a mighty simple one looked at from a distance. Looked at close, it alters very considerably for the worse, and becomes, to speak the plain truth--a Poser.

"This is how we now stand:

"We have traced the young lady to the theatrical agent's in Bow Street.

We know that at an early hour on the morning of the twenty-third the agent was called downstairs, while he was dressing, to speak to a young lady in a cab at the door. We know that, on her production of Mr. Huxtable's card, he wrote on it Mr. Huxtable's address in the country, and heard her order the cabman to drive to the Great Northern terminus. We believe she left by the nine o'clock train. We followed her by the twelve o'clock train.

We have ascertained that she called at half-past two at Mr. Huxtable's lodgings; that she found he was away, and not expected back till eight in the evening; that she left word she would call again at eight; and that she never returned. Mr. Huxtable's statement is--he and the young lady have never set eyes on each other. The first consideration which follows, is this: Are we to believe Mr. Huxtable? I have carefully inquired into his character; I know as much, or more, about him than he knows about himself;and my opinion is, that we are to believe him. To the best of my knowledge, he is a perfectly honest man.

"Here, then, is the hitch in the case. The young lady sets out with a certain object before her. Instead of going on to the accomplishment of that object, she stops short of it. Why has she stopped? and where?

Those are, unfortunately, just the questions which we can't answer yet.

"My own opinion of the matter is, briefly, as follows: I don't think she has met with any serious accident. Serious accidents, in nine cases out of ten, discover themselves. My own notion is, that she has fallen into the hands of some person or persons interested in hiding her away, and sharp enough to know how to set about it. Whether she is in their charge, with or without her own consent, is more than I can undertake to say at present. I don't wish to raise false hopes or false fears; I wish to stop short at the opinion I have given already.

"In regard to the future, I may tell you that I have left one of my men in daily communication with the authorities. I have also taken care to have the handbills offering a reward for the discovery of her widely circulated. Lastly, I have completed the necessary arrangements for seeing the play-bills of all country theaters, and for having the dramatic companies well looked after. Some years since, this would have cost a serious expenditure of time and money. Luckily for our purpose, the country theaters are in a bad way. Excepting the large cities, hardly one of them is open, and we can keep our eye on them, with little expense and less difficulty.

"These are the steps which I think it needful to take at present. If you are of another opinion, you have only to give me your directions, and I will carefully attend to the same. I don't by any means despair of our finding the young lady and bringing her back to her friends safe and well.

Please to tell them so; and allow me to subscribe myself, yours respectfully, "ABRAHAM BULMER."V. Anonymous Letter addressed to Mr. Pendril.

"SIR--A word to the wise. The friends of a certain young lady are wasting time and money to no purpose. Your confidential clerk and your detective policeman are looking for a needle in a bottle of hay. This is the ninth of October, and they have not found her yet: they will as soon find the Northwest Passage. Call your dogs off; and you may hear of the young lady's safety under her own hand. The longer you look for her, the longer she will remain, what she is now--lost."[The preceding letter is thus indorsed, in Mr. Pendril's handwriting:

"No apparent means of tracing the inclosed to its source. Post-mark, 'Charing Cross.' Stationer's stamp cut off the inside of the envelope. Handwriting, probably a man's, in disguise. Writer, whoever he is, correctly informed.

No further trace of the younger Miss Vanstone discovered yet."]

[Next Chapter]





  • 九天应元雷声普化天尊玉枢宝忏


  • 上清秘道九精回曜合神上真玉经


  • 效特牲


  • 人的杂志


  • 古墓古堡(走进科学)


  • 倾天娱后


    S城知名设计师叶菲菲华丽到巅峰的人生因为一场抄袭风波而彻底熄灭。 好在天无绝人之路,绝境之中,“霉神”居然秒变“救星! 可是,等一下,这真的是来雪中送炭的? 说好带她去当演员,赞美她颜值高的,居然让她去演躺尸! 说好带她去玩综艺从新起航的,结果她成了抬摄像机跟拍的! 叶菲菲表示:姐不干了!然后,果断扭头走人。 然而,就在这个时候,抄袭风波的真相浮出水面,渣男渣女,姐与你们势不两立!于是,一场升级虐渣的娱乐圈大戏终于拉开了华丽丽的帷幕! PS:这是一场戏精与戏精的终极碰撞,请看娱乐圈升级虐渣大戏!(另有完结古言《谋尽帝王宠》,群572526177)
  • 生死“中介”人


    当今社会,很多职业有“中介”人,房产租赁、银行贷款、汽车代驾、婚姻介绍等,其实都是一种有利益的商业中介人,甲方乙方中间人三者之间存在经济利益,“中介”人从中受益,当事人也得到该得的利益,这是一种新兴职业。可生与死这样的事,也逐渐产生了“中介” 人。有人叫他们“劝捐员”,专业称谓是“器官捐献协调员”。协调员一边要协调病人以及家属捐献器官,另一边,要与医疗评估组织联系评估器官是否可用后,并立即手术取出有效器官,按照分配原则安放到器官衰竭的病人身上。
  • 妃你不可之病太子偏宠煞妃


  • 重生影后撩男神


  • 穿到末世要带娃


  • 古音王传


  • 我的零食有异能


  • 钓个皇子当老公

