

The main inconvenience I suffered at their hands was that at first I was shy of letting it break upon them that my artful little servant had begun to sit to me for "Rutland Ramsay." They knew Ihad been odd enough--they were prepared by this time to allow oddity to artists--to pick a foreign vagabond out of the streets when I might have had a person with whiskers and credentials; but it was some time before they learned how high I rated his accomplishments.They found him in an attitude more than once, but they never doubted I was doing him as an organ-grinder.There were several things they never guessed, and one of them was that for a striking scene in the novel, in which a footman briefly figured, it occurred to me to make use of Major Monarch as the menial.I kept putting this off, I didn't like to ask him to don the livery--besides the difficulty of finding a livery to fit him.At last, one day late in the winter, when I was at work on the despised Oronte, who caught one's idea on the wing, and was in the glow of feeling myself go very straight, they came in, the Major and his wife, with their society laugh about nothing (there was less and less to laugh at); came in like country-callers--they always reminded me of that--who have walked across the park after church and are presently persuaded to stay to luncheon.Luncheon was over, but they could stay to tea--I knew they wanted it.The fit was on me, however, and I couldn't let my ardour cool and my work wait, with the fading daylight, while my model prepared it.So Iasked Mrs.Monarch if she would mind laying it out--a request which for an instant brought all the blood to her face.Her eyes were on her husband's for a second, and some mute telegraphy passed between them.Their folly was over the next instant; his cheerful shrewdness put an end to it.So far from pitying their wounded pride, I must add, I was moved to give it as complete a lesson as Icould.They bustled about together and got out the cups and saucers and made the kettle boil.I know they felt as if they were waiting on my servant, and when the tea was prepared I said:

"He'll have a cup, please--he's tired." Mrs.Monarch brought him one where he stood, and he took it from her as if he had been a gentleman at a party squeezing a crush-hat with an elbow.

Then it came over me that she had made a great effort for me--made it with a kind of nobleness--and that I owed her a compensation.

Each time I saw her after this I wondered what the compensation could be.I couldn't go on doing the wrong thing to oblige them.

Oh it WAS the wrong thing, the stamp of the work for which they sat--Hawley was not the only person to say it now.I sent in a large number of the drawings I had made for "Rutland Ramsay," and Ireceived a warning that was more to the point than Hawley's.The artistic adviser of the house for which I was working was of opinion that many of my illustrations were not what had been looked for.Most of these illustrations were the subjects in which the Monarchs had figured.Without going into the question of what HADbeen looked for, I had to face the fact that at this rate Ishouldn't get the other books to do.I hurled myself in despair on Miss Churm--I put her through all her paces.I not only adopted Oronte publicly as my hero, but one morning when the Major looked in to see if I didn't require him to finish a Cheapside figure for which he had begun to sit the week before, I told him I had changed my mind--I'd do the drawing from my man.At this my visitor turned pale and stood looking at me."Is HE your idea of an English gentleman?" he asked.

I was disappointed, I was nervous, I wanted to get on with my work;so.I replied with irritation: "Oh my dear Major--I can't be ruined for YOU!"It was a horrid speech, but he stood another moment--after which, without a word, he quitted the studio.I drew a long breath, for Isaid to myself that I shouldn't see him again.I hadn't told--him definitely that I was in danger of having my work rejected, but Iwas vexed at his not having felt the catastrophe in the air, read with me the moral of our fruitless collaboration, the lesson that in the deceptive atmosphere of art even the highest respectability may fail of being plastic.

  • 吴光禄使闽奏稿选录


  • 书集传或问卷


  • 广百论疏卷第一


  • 黄华集


  • 佛说尼拘陀梵志经


  • 在路上,放下他


  • “上瘾”才像话(财蜜eMook)


    这年头,谁没点儿小瘾啊?作为21世纪的现代女青年,抽烟成瘾那叫文艺酷范儿;好吃成瘾那叫光荣的美食家;再不济,总得时不时承认自己购物成狂,欢天喜地加入“剁手党”吧。 花钱这件事儿,好的说辞是,赚钱是为了花的,千金难买我乐意;文艺一点那叫,人生苦短,有点沉迷还不孤单;励志一点来说,还有人成瘾致富呢,伟大的瘾引领我们成功。 往坏了说,爽是一时的,害处可能是一辈子的。无感消费不说,你为了口福之瘾,时不时来点麻辣烫炸油条水煮鱼,身体吃坏了谁买单?再讨论深一点,现代社会里,你上瘾的这些东西,是怎么一点点侵入你的生活的,你闹明白了吗?
  • 且以深情共流年


  • 晏林子


  • 超级仙帝重生都市


  • 谋心计之帝凰


  • 中国大政治家的故事


  • 山家义苑


  • 亡命天涯


  • 公司董事会(公司董事会丛书)

