

Should she marry against his wish no dowry is given, and she enters penniless into her husband's family. It equally depends upon the father's pleasure whether he shall transfer a portion of his property to a grown-up son, or maintain it intact in spite of his son's manifest wishes. An act of insubordination on the part of the son, as for instance, his marrying without permission, may become the occasion for his complete disinheritance by the father, at least so far as the father's fortune is concerned. Imake this exception, inasmuch as, besides his share in the father's fortune, the son may be enabled to inherit from his mother's estate, or may possess property' the gift of some relative Or friend. Such property must be scrupulously guarded by the father whose rights over it are only those of the natural guardian of his son's fortune.

Hitherto we have spoken of the Russian family as of a kind of natural society, created by marriage and continued by the birth of children; but side by side with this form of family organisation, differing only in detail from that of Western Europe, there exists in Russia a peculiar mode of family communism. In various parts of the country numerous persons, sometimes amounting to fifty and rarely to less than ten, are to be found united in a common household, living under the same roof and taking their meals at the same table. A family constituted after this fashion is known to English scholars under the name of "The Joint Family" or "House Community." Sir Henry Maine has made the notion of it generally familiar through his marvellous investigations in the early law of Ireland and the modern customs of Northern India. He has also correctly settled the question of its origin by appealing to natural increase and non-division as the real sources of its growth. He has even made an attempt to show that it was not limited to distinct peoples or races, but that, notwithstanding the immense distance which separates the Eastern or Hindoo branch of the Aryan race from the European branches, notwithstanding, also, the difference in the historical development which may be traced between its Celtic and Slavonic ramifications, joint households are as likely to be met with in the defiles of the Himalayas as in the plains of old Erin or of modern Servia. Taking advantage of the recent investigations made by Professor Bogisic in the customary law of the Southern Slavs, Sir Henry Maine has presented a lively picture of the interior organisation of the famous Servian "Zadrouga," which, as he shows, has more than one feature in common with the House Community of the Rajpoots. The barrier of language, of which he so often complains, prevented this master in the field of comparative jurisprudence from completing his studies of the patriarchal system of House Communities by investigating the Undivided Household of Great Russia. This Undivided Household has been recently the subject of numerous and serious inquiries on the part of Russian ethnographers; and the results of their investigations I desire now to lay before you.

  • 英雄联盟之决胜巅峰


  • 洞真太上八素真经受食日月皇华诀


  • 穿越之村里村外


  • 小男孩找妈妈


  • 重生金尊女帝


  • 记异闻录


  • 生活工作好口才


  • 农门悍女掌家小厨娘


    新文《农家丑媳贼旺夫》连载中哦~ 一朝穿越,美女厨神变成人人唾弃的小灾星破房三间,爹残娘弱,还有两个骨瘦如柴的小妹拉扯什么?!娘连生三女,都是因她命硬克弟?爹摔下房来瘫床半年,只是因她在旁边玩泥巴?她叫一声爷奶,老两口就一个病一个摔;就连三叔家俩宝贝儿子吃饭噎着,也是因为那天是她生辰哼!叔可忍婶不可忍!老娘不发威,都当我是加菲猫了?!为了五两银子,就想把她卖给病秧子冲喜?好,反正我是小灾星,就让你家变难场!想把她妹妹卖入大户为奴为婢?她吆喝一声,扛起菜刀,遇魔砍魔,见妖斩妖,从此悍女泼妇的名声响遍全村悍便悍吧,为了至亲家人,她欣欣然做起悍女,凭借一手绝妙厨艺,开酒楼,做大厨,研究开发新菜谱,俘获一众食客的胃口,更是出新招,赚大钱,带领全家致富奔小康!至于那些舔着脸回来认亲的极品亲戚们,她笑容甜美,挥手送客:走好您嘞,断绝关系书可裱好了在墙上挂着呢!至于男人嘛,连小妹都知道:长得帅又不能当饭吃,能赚钱知宠妻、遵从三从四德才是极品好姐夫【男女主身心干净,1V1,美人儿们放心入坑】
  • 洪荒白衣圣人


  • 白莲令

