"It's too big a risk to take," went on the aged inventor."I'm inclined to think it might be one of the gang of men who made the diamonds in the cave in the mountains.They might have sent a spy on East, and he might try to damage the aeroplane to be revenged for what Tom and Mr.Jenks did to them.""It's possible," agreed the engineer."Well, we'll wait until Tom can talk, and we'll go over it with him.""Not until he is stronger, though," stipulated the physician as he went away."Don't excite Tom for a few days."The young inventor was much better the following day, and when Dr.Gladby called he said Tom could sit up for a little while.Two days later Tom was well enough to he talked to, and his father and Mr.Jackson went over all the details of the matter.Mr.Damon, who had returned home, came to see his friend as soon as he heard of his plight, and was also a member of the consulting party.
"Bless my dictionary!" exclaimed the eccentric man."I wish I had been here to take a hand in it.But, Tom, do you believe it was one of the diamond-making gang?""I hardly think so," was the reply."They would take some other means of revenge than by destroying my new aeroplane.I'm inclined to think it was some one who is in with Andy Foger.""Then we'll hire detectives, and locate him and them," declared Mr.Damon, blessing several things in succession.
Tom, however, did not like that plan, and it was decided to do nothingright away.In another few days Tom was able to be up, though he was still a semi-invalid, not venturing out of the house.
It was one afternoon, when, rather tired of his confinement, he was wishing he could resume work on his air craft, that Mrs.Baggert came in, and said:
"Some one to see you, Tom." "Is it Mr.Damon?""No, it's a lady.She--"
"Oh, Tom! How are you?" cried a girlish voice, and Mary Nestor walked into the room, holding out both hands to the young inventor.Tom, with a blush, arose hastily.
"No! no! Sit still!" commanded the girl."Oh! I'm so sorry to hear about your accident! In fact, I only heard this morning.We've been away, mamma and I, and we just got back.Tell me all about it, that is, if you feel able.But don't exert yourself.Oh! I wish I had hold of that man!"And Miss Nestor clenched her two pretty little hands and set her white, even teeth grimly together, as though she would do most desperate things indeed.
"I wish you did, too!" exclaimed Tom."That is, so you could hold him until I had a chance at him.But I'm all right now.It was very good of you to call.How are you, and how are your folks?""Very well.But I came to hear about you.Tell me," and she looked anxiously at Tom, while Mrs.Baggert discreetly withdrew to the adjoining room, and made a great noise, rattling papers and moving chairs about.
Thereupon Tom told what had happened, while Mary Nestor listened interestedly and with expressions of fear at times.
"But if Andy had anything to do with it," concluded Tom, "I can't understand what his object is.Andy is acting very strangely lately.We can't locate him, nor find out where he is building his airship.That's what I want to know; but Mr.Damon and I, after a lot of trouble, only found his aeroplane shed empty.""And you want to find out where Andy Foger is building his aeroplane which he has entered in the big race?" asked Miss Nestor.
"That's what I'd like to know," declared Tom earnestly."Only we can'tseem to do it.No one knows."
"Why don't you write to Mr.Sharp, or some one of the aviation meet committee?" asked the girl simply."They would know, for you say Andy made his formal entry with them, and the rules require him to tell from what city and State he will enter his craft.Write to the committee, Tom."For a moment the young inventor stared at her.Then he banged his fist down on the arm of his chair.
"By Jove, Mary! That's the very thing!" he cried."I wonder why I never thought of that, instead of fiddling around in disguises, and things like that? I wonder why I never thought of that plan?""Perhaps because it was so simple," she answered, with a pretty blush."I guess that's it," agreed Tom."It takes a woman to jump across abridge to a conclusion every time.I'll write to Mr.Sharp at once."