

"Will He Live?"

Soon there were busy scenes in the Swift home, as preparations were made for a serious operation on the aged inventor.Tom's father had sunk into deep unconsciousness, and was stretched out on the bed as though there was no more life in him.In fact, Tom, for the moment, feared that it was all over.But good old Dr.Kurtz, noting the look on the lad's face, said:

"Ach, Dom, doan't vorry! Maybe it vill yet all be vell, und der vater vill hear of der great race.Bluck up your courage, und doan't gif up.Der greatest surgeon in der vorld is here now, und if anybody gan safe your vater, Herr Hendriz gan.Dot vos a great drip you made--a great drip!"Tom felt a little comforted and, after a sight of his father, and a silent prayer that God would spare his life for years to come, the young inventor went out in the yard.He wanted to be busy about something, for he knew, with the doctors, and a trained nurse who had been hastily summoned, there was no immediate need for him.He wanted to get his mind off the operation that would soon take place, and so he decided to look over his aeroplane.

Mr.Damon came out when Tom was going over the guy wires and braces, to see how they had stood the strain.

"Well, Tom, my lad," said the eccentric man, sadly, as he grasped our hero's hand, "it's too bad.But hope for the best.I'm sure your father will pull through.We will have to begin taking the Humming-Bird apart soon; won't we, if we're going to ship it to Eagle Park?" He wanted to take Tom's mind off his troubles.

"I don't know whether we will or not," was the answer, and Tom tried to speak unbrokenly, but there was a troublesome lump in his throat, and a mist of tears in his eyes that prevented him from seeing well.The Hamming-Bird, to him, looked as if she was in a fog.

"Nonsense! Of course we will!" cried Mr.Damon."Why, bless my wishbone! Tom, you don't mean to say you're going to let that little shrimpAndy Foger walk away with that ten-thousand-dollar prize without giving him a fight for it; are you?"This was just what Tom needed, and it seemed good to have Mr.Damon bless something again, even if it was only a wishbone.

"No!" exclaimed Tom, in ringing tones."Andy Foger isn't going to beat me, and if I find out he is going to race with a machine made after my stolen plans, I'll make him wish he'd never taken them.""But if the machine he had flying over here when he dropped that bomb on the shed roof, and set fire to it, is the one he's going to race with, it isn't like yours," suggested Mr.Damon, who was glad he had turned the conversation into a more cheerful channel.

"That's so," agreed the young inventor."We'll, we'll have to wait and see." He was busy now, going over every detail of the Humming-Bird.Mr.Damon helped him, and they discovered the defect in the equilibrium weights, and remedied it.

"We can't afford to have an accident in the race," said Tom.He glanced toward the house, and wondered if the operation had begun yet.He could see the trained nurse hurrying here and there, Mrs.Baggert helping her.

Eradicate Sampson shuffled out from the stable where he kept his mule Boomerang.On the face of the honest colored man there was a dejected look.

"Am Massa Swift any better, Massa Tom?" he asked."We can't tell yet," was the answer.

"Well, if he doan't git well, den I'm goin' t' sell mah mule," went on the dirt-chaser, from which line of activity Eradicate had derived his name.

"Sell Boomerang! Bless my curry comb! what for?" asked Mr.Damon."'Case as how he wouldn't neber be any good fo' wuk any mo'," explained Eradicate."He's got so attached t' dis place, an' all de folkes on it, dat he'd feel so sorry ef-- ef--well, ef any ob 'em went away, dat I couldn't git no mo' wuk out ob him, no how.So ef Massa Swift doan't gitwell, den I an' Boomerang parts!"

"Well, we hope it won't happen," said Tom, greatly touched by the simple grief of Eradicate.The young inventor was silent a moment, and then he softly added: "I--I wonder when--when we'll know?""Soon now, I think," answered Mr.Damon, in a low voice.

Silently they waited about the aeroplane.Tom tried to busy himself, but he could not.He kept his eyes fastened on the house.

It seemed like several hours, but it was not more than one, ere the white-capped nurse came to the door and waved her hand to Tom.He sprang to his feet and rushed forward.What would be the message he was to receive?

He stood before the nurse, his heart madly beating.She looked gently at him.

"Will he--will he live?" Tom asked, pantingly.

"I think so," she answered gently."The operation is over.It was a success, so far.Time alone will tell, now.Dr.Hendrix says you can see your father for lust a moment."

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    侦探小说历史“黄金时代”的不朽经典,一百多年来被译成57种文字,风靡全世界,是历史上最受读者推崇,绝对不能错过的侦探小说。在充满雾气的伦敦贝克街上,住着一位富有正义感的侦探福尔摩斯。他和他忠实的医生朋友华生一起经历了无数千奇百怪的案子,他们的故事情节曲折离奇,一波三折,扣人心弦,伴随了一代义一代人的成长。 清瘦的高个子,身披大氅,嘴衔炯斗,鹰钩鼻,目光锐利。在与罪恶与魔鬼的较量中,他运筹帷幄、抽丝剥茧,一步步驱散了笼罩在各种案件上的阴云。最后一刻,我们总是恍然大悟,并惊叹于他敏捷的思维与过人的智慧!打开本书,让我们随着福尔摩斯一起去挖掘隐藏在黑暗中的真正凶手!