

"Is the loss a serious one?" asked his father."Have you no copy of the plans?""Yes, I have a rough draft from which I made the completed drawings, and I can easily make another set.But that isn't what worries me--the mere loss of the plans.""What is it, then, Tom?"

"The fact that whoever took them must know what they are the plans for a sky racer that is to take part in the big meet.I have worked it out on a new principle, and it is not yet patented.Whoever stole my plans can make the same kind of a sky racer that I intended to construct, and so stand as good a chance to win the prize of ten thousand dollars as I will.""That certainly is too bad, Tom.I never thought of that.Do you suspect any one?""No one, unless it's Andy Foger.He's mean enough to do a thing like that, but I didn't think he'd have the nerve.However, I'll see if I can learn anything about him.He may have been sneaking around, and if he has my plans he'd ask nothing better than to make a sky racer and beat me.""Oh, Tom, I'm so sorry!" exclaimed Mr.Swift "I--I feel very bad aboutit!"

"There, never mind!" spoke the lad, seeing that his father was lookingill again."Don't think any more about it, dad.I'll get back those plans.Come, now.It's time for your medicine, and then you must lie down." For the aged inventor was looking tired and weak.

Wearily he let Tom lead him to his room, and after seeing that the invalid was comfortable Tom called up Dr.Gladby, to have him come and see Mr.Swift.The doctor said his patient had been overdoing himself a little, and must rest more if he was to completely recover.

Learning that his father was no worse, Tom set off to find Andy Foger."I can't rest until I know whether or not he has my plans," he said to himself."I don't want to make a speedy aeroplane, and find out at the lastminute that Andy, or some of his cronies, have duplicated it."But Tom got little satisfaction from Andy Foger.When that bully was accused of having been around Tom's house he denied it, and though the young inventor did not actually accuse him of taking the plans, he hinted at it.Andy muttered many indignant negatives, and called on some of his cronies to witness that at the time the plans were taken he and they were some distance from the Swift home.

So Tom was baffled; and though he did not believe the red-haired lad's denial, there was no way in which he could prove to the contrary.

"If he didn't take the plans, who did?" mused Tom.

As the young inventor turned away after cross-questioning Andy, the bully called out:

"You'll never win that ten thousand dollars!""What do you know about that?" demanded Tom quickly.

"Oh, I know," sneered Andy."There'll be bigger and better aeroplanes in that meet than you can make, and you'll never win the prize.""I suppose you heard about the affair by sneaking around under our windows, and listening," said Tom.

"Never mind how I know it, but I do," retorted the bully.

"Well, I'll tell you one thing," said Tom calmly."If you come around again it won't be healthy for you.Look out for live wires, if you try to do the listening act any more, Andy!" And with that ominous warning Tom turned away.

"What do you suppose he means, Andy?" asked Pete Bailey, one of Andy's cronies.

"It means he's got electrical wires strung around his place," declared Sam Snedecker, "and that we'll be shocked if we go up there.I'm not going!""Me, either," added Pete, and Andy laughed uneasily.

Tom heard what they said, and in the next few days he made himself busy by putting some heavy wires in and about the grounds where they would show best.But the wires carried no current, and were only displayed to impress a sense of fear on Andy and his cronies, which purpose they served well.

But it was like locking the stable door after the horse had been stolen, for with all the precautions he could take Tom could not get back his plans, and he spent many anxious days seeking them.They seemed to have completely disappeared, however, and the young inventor decided there was nothing else to do but to draw new ones.

He set to work on them, and in the meanwhile tried to learn whether or not Andy had the missing plans.He sought this information by stealth, and was aided by his chum, Ned Newton.But all to no purpose.Not the slightest trace or clue was discovered.

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