

[HORNBLOWER] And seven.Three thousand seven hundred, and----[He pauses, quartering the audience.]

JILL.Who was that, Dodo?

HILLCRIST.Hornblower.It's the Duke in the centre.

AUCTIONEER.Come, gen'lemen, don't keep me all day.Four thousand may I say? [DAWKER] Thank you.We're beginning.And one? [A bid from the centre] Four thousand one hundred.[HORNBLOWER] Four thousand two hundred.May I have yours, sir? [To DAWKER] And three.Four thousand three hundred bid.No such site in the county, gen'lemen.I'm going to sell this land for what it's worth.

You can't bid too much for me.[He smiles] [HORNBLOWER] Four thousand five hundred bid.[Bid from the centre] And six.[DAWKER]

And seven.[HORNBLOWER] And eight.Nine, may I say? [But the centre has dried up] [DAWKER] And nine.[HORNBLOWER] Five thousand.Five thousand bid.That's better; there's some spirit in it.For five thousand.

[He pauses while he speak& to the SOLICITOR]

HILLCRIST.It's a duel now.

AUCTIONEER.Now, gen'lemen, I'm not going to give this property away.Five thousand bid.[DAWKER] And one.[HORNBLOWER] And two.

[DAWKER] And three.Five thousand three hundred bid.And five, did you say, sir? [HORNBLOWER] Five thousand five hundred bid.

[He looks at hip particulars.]

JILL.[Rather agonised] Enemy, Dodo.

AUCTIONEER.This chance may never come again.

"How you'll regret it If you don't get it,"as the poet says.May,I say five thousand six hundred, sir?

[DAWKER] Five thousand six hundred bid.[HORNBLOWER] And seven.

[DAWKER] And eight.For five thousand eight hundred pounds.We're gettin' on, but we haven't got the value yet.

A slight pause, while he wipes his brow at the suttees of his own efforts.

JILL.Us, Dodo?

[HILLCRIST nods.JILL looks over at ROLF, whose face is grimly set.CHLOE has never moved.MRS.HILLCRIST whispers to her husband.]

AUCTIONEER.Five thousand eight hundred bid.For five thousand eight hundred.Come along, gen'lemen, come along.We're not beaten.Thank you, sir.[HORNBLOWER] Five thousand nine hundred.

And--? [DAWKER] Six thousand.Six thousand bid.Six thousand bid.For six thousand! The Centry--most desirable spot in the county--going for the low price of six thousand.

HILLCRIST.[Muttering] Low! Heavens!

AUCTIONEER.Any advance on six thousand? Come, gen'lemen, we haven't dried up? A little spirit.Six thousand? For six thousand? For six thousand pounds? Very well, I'm selling.For six thousand once--[He taps] For six thousand twice--[He taps].

JILL.[Low] Oh! we've got it!

AUCTIONEER.And one, sir? [HORNBLOWER] Six thousand one hundred bid.

[The SOLICITOR touches his arm and says something, to which the AUCTIONEER responds with a nod.]

MRS.H.Blow your nose, Jack.

[HILLCRIST blows his nose.]

AUCTIONEER.For six thousand one hundred.[DAWKER] And two.

Thank you.[HORNBLOWER] And three.For six thousand three hundred.[DAWKER] And four.For six thousand four hundred pounds.

This coveted property.For six thousand four hundred pounds.Why, it's giving it away, gen'lemen.[A pause.]


AUCTIONEER.Six thousand four hundred bid.[HORNBLOWER] And five.

[DAWKER] And six.[HORNBLOWER] And seven.[DAWKER] And eight.

[A pause, during which, through the door Left, someone beckons to the SOLICITOR, who rises and confers.]

HILLCRIST.[Muttering] I've done if that doesn't get it.

AUCTIONEER.For six thousand eight hundred.For six thousand eight hundred-once--[He taps] twice--[He tape] For the last time.This dominating site.[HORNBLOWER] And nine.Thank you.For six thousand nine hundred.

[HILLCRIST has taken out his handkerchief.]

JILL.Oh! Dodo!

MRS.H.[Quivering] Don't give in!

AUCTIONEER.Seven thousand may I say? [DAWKER] Seven thousand.

MRS.H.[Whispers] Keep it down; don't show him.

AUCTIONEER.For seven-thousand--going for seven thousand--once--[Taps] twice [Taps] [HORNBLOWER] And one.Thank you, sir.

[HILLCRIST blows his nose.JILL, with a choke, leans back in her seat and folds her arms tightly on her chest.MRS.

HILLCRIST passes her handkerchief over her lips, sitting perfectly still.HILLCRIST, too, is motionless.]

[The AUCTIONEER, has paused, and is talking to the SOLICITOR, who has returned to his seat.]

MRS.H.Oh! Jack.

JILL.Stick it, Dodo; stick it!

AUCTIONEER.Now, gen'lemen, I have a bid of seven thousand one hundred for the Centry.And I'm instructed to sell if I can't get more.It's a fair price, but not a big price.[To his friend MR.

SPICER] A thumpin' price? [With his smile] Well, you're a judge of thumpin', I admit.Now, who'll give me seven thousand two hundred? What, no one? Well, I can't make you, gen'lemen.For seven thousand one hundred.Once--[Taps] Twice--[Taps].

[JILL utters a little groan.]

HILLCRIST.[Suddenly, in a queer voice) Two.

AUCTIONEER.[Turning with surprise and looking up to receive HILLCRIST'S nod] Thank you, sir.And two.Seven thousand two hundred.[He screws himself round so as to command both HILLCRISTand HORNBLOWER] May I have yours, sir? [HORNBLOWER] And three.

[HILLCRIST] And four.Seven thousand four hundred.For seven thousand four hundred.[HORNBLOWER] Five.[HILLCRIST] Six.For seven thousand six hundred.[A pause] Well, gen'lemen, this is.

better, but a record property shid fetch a record price.The possibilities are enormous.[HORNBLOWER] Eight thousand did you say, sir? Eight thousand.Going for eight thousand pounds.

[HILLCRIST] And one.[HORNBLOWER] And two.[HILLCRIST] And three.[HORNBLOWER] And four.[HILLCRIST] And five.For eight thousand five hundred.A wonderful property for eight thousand five hundred.

[He wipes his brow.]

JILL.[Whispering) Oh, Dodo!

MRS.H.That's enough, Jack, we must stop some time.

AUCTIONEER.For eight thousand five hundred.Once--[Taps]--twice--[Taps] [HORNBLOWER] Six hundred.[HILLCRIST] Seven.May I have yours, sir? [HORNBLOWER] Eight.

HILLCRIST.Nine thousand.

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