

At the foot of the butte the road circled and dipped into the coulee.She braced herself for the shock, but, though the wheels skidded till her heart was in her throat, the automobile, hanging on the balance of disaster, swept round in safety.

Her horn screamed an instant warning to the trapped man.She could not see him, and for an instant her heart sank with the fear that they had killed him.But she saw then that they were still firing, and she continued her honking invitation as the car leaped forward into the zone of spittingbullets.

By this time she was recovering control of the motor, and she dared not let her attention wander, but out of the corner of her eye she appreciated the situation.Temporarily, out of sheer amaze at this apparition from the blue, the guns ceased their sniping.She became aware that a light curly head, crouched low in the sage-brush, was moving rapidly to meet her at right angles, and in doing so was approaching directly the line of fire.She could see him dodging to and fro as he moved forward, for the rifles were again barking.

She was within two hundred yards of him, still going rapidly, but not with the same headlong rush as before, when the curly head disappeared in the sage-brush.It was up again presently, but she could see that the man came limping, and so uncertainly that twice he pitched forward to the ground.Incautionsly one of his assailants ran forward with a shout the second time his head went down.Crack! The unerring rifle rang out, and the impetuous one dropped in his tracks.

As she approached, the young woman slowed without stopping, and as the car swept past Curly Head flung himself in headlong.He picked himself up from her feet, crept past her to the seat beyond, and almost instantly whipped his rifle to his shoulder in prompt defiance of the fire that was now converged on them.

Yet in a few moments the sound died away, for a voice midway in the crescent had shouted an amazed discovery:

"By God, it's a woman!"

The car skimmed forward over the uneven ground toward the end of the semicircle, and passed within fifty yards of the second man from the end, the one she had picked out as the leader of the party.He was a black, swarthy fellow in plain leather chaps and blue shirt.As they passed he took a long, steady aim.

"Duck!" shouted the man beside her, and dragged her down on the seat so that his body covered hers.

A puff of wind fanned the girl's cheek.

"Near thing," her companion said coolly.He looked back at the swarthy man and laughed softly."Some day you'll mebbe wish you hadsent your pills straighter, Mr.Judd Morgan."Yet a few wheel-turns and they had dipped forward out of range among the great land waves that seemed to stretch before them forever.The unexpected had happened, and she had achieved a rescue in the face of the impossible.

"Hurt badly?" the girl inquired briefly, her dark-blue eyes meeting his as frankly as those of a boy.

"No need for an undertaker.I reckon I'll survive, ma'am," "Where are you hit?""I just got a telegram from my ankle saying there was a cargo of lead arrived there unexpected," he drawled easily.

"Hurts a good deal, doesn't it?"

"No more than is needful to keep my memory jogged up.It's a sort of a forget-me-not souvenir.For a good boy; compliments of Mr.Jim Henson," he explained.

Her dark glance swept him searchingly.She disapproved the assurance of his manner even while the youth in her applauded his reckless sufficiency.His gay courage held her unconsenting admiration even while she resented it.He was a trifle too much at his ease for one who had just been snatched from dire peril.Yet even in his insouciance there was something engaging; something almost of distinction.

"What was the trouble?"

Mirth bubbled in his gray eyes."I gathered, ma'am, that they wanted to collect my scalp.""Do what?" she frowned.

"Bump me off--send me across the divide." "Oh, I know that.But why?"He seemed to reproach himself."Now how could I be so neglectful? I clean forgot to ask.""That's ridiculous," was her sharp verdict.

"Yes, ma'am, plumb ridiculous.My only excuse is that they began scattering lead so sudden I didn't have time to ask many 'Whyfors.' I reckon we'll just have to call it a Wyoming difference of opinion," he concluded pleasantly.

"Which means, I suppose, that you are not going to tell me.""I got so much else to tell y'u that's a heap more important," he laughed."Y'u see, I'm enjoyin' my first automobile ride.It was certainly thoughful of y'u to ask me to go riding with y'u, Miss Messiter.""So you know my name.May I ask how?" was her astonished question.

He gave the low laugh that always seemed to suggest a private source of amusement of his own."I suspicioned that might be your name when I say y'u come a-sailin' down from heaven to gather me up like Enoch.""Why?"

"Well, ma'am, I happened to drift in to Gimlet Butte two or three days ago, and while I was up at the depot looking for some freight a train sashaid in and side tracked a flat car.There was an automobile on that car addressed to Miss Helen Messiter.Now, automobiles are awful seldom in this country.I don't seem to remember having seen one before.""I see.You're quite a Sherlock Holmes.Do you know anything more about me?""I know y'u have just fallen heir to the Lazy D.They say y'u are a schoolmarm, but I don't believe it.""Well, I am." Then, "Why don't you believe it?" she added.

He surveyed her with his smile audacious, let his amused eyes wander down from the mobile face with the wild-rose bloom to the slim young figure so long and supple, then serenely met her frown.

"Y'u don't look it."

"No? Are you the owner of a composite photograph of the teachers of the country?"He enjoyed again his private mirth."I should like right well to have the pictures of some of them."She glanced at him sharply, but he was gazing so innocently at the purple Shoshones in the distance that she could not give him the snub she thought he needed.

  • 醒世录


  • 忠志


  • 洞真太上上皇民籍定真玉箓


  • 明伦汇编人事典十一岁部


  • 净土十要


  • 剪纸传说


  • 诱人的海洋


  • 最强王牌教练


  • 摆臭脸的化学大佬


  • 丛林两序须知


  • 噬爱宠妻:老婆要抱抱


  • 英雄联盟在异武世界


  • The Eldest Son

    The Eldest Son

  • 根本说一切有部苾芻尼戒经


  • 私情

