

The Rifle

Dawn found him over the first crest; at noon he was struggling up the slope of the second range, whose rise was not half so sharp as the upward plunge out of the Asper, but in spite of that easier ground Grey Molly could not gain.She went with shorter steps, now, and her head hung lower and lower, yet when a down stretch opened before her she went at it with a gallop as light, almost, as her race out of Murphy's Pass.Not once had she offered to stop; not once had she winced from the labor of some sharp up-pitch; but still six horsemen hung behind her, and at their head rode a little dusty man on a little dusty roan.It was the lack of training as well as the rough going which held Molly back.

Beyond that second range, however, the down slope stretched smoothly, evenly, for mile on mile and mile on mile; perfect going for Grey Molly over easy hills with patches of forest here and there where he might double, or where he might stop with the hunt sweeping past.All this the sheriff must have known perfectly well, for he no longer kept back with his pack of five, but skirted on ahead, hunting alone.Again and again Vic heard the little shrill whistle with which Pete Glass encouraged the roan.

Vic used the spurs twice, and then he desisted from the useless brutality for Molly was doing her best and no power on earth could make her do more.

After all, her best would be good enough, for now Vic looked up and his heart leaped into his throat; there was only one more rise above him, and beyond lay the easy ground and a running chance for Molly's slender legs.

Even as he raised his head something whined evilly over him, followed by a sound like two heavy hammers swung together, face to face, and shattered by the stroke.A rifle!

He looked back, saw the roan standing broadside towards him, watched the sun waver and then flash in a straight steady line along the barrel of the sheriff's gun.The line of light jerked up, and before the sound reached him a blow on his right shoulder sent Vic lurching forward against the pommel.Afterwards the voice of the rifle rang around him and a sharp pain twitched up and down his side, then ran tingling to his fingertips.

It was the stunning blow which saved him, for the sheriff had the range and his third bullet would have clipped Vic between the shoulders, but Glass had seen his quarry pitch forward in the saddle and he would not waste ammunition.The thrift of his New England ancestry spoke in Pete now and then and he could only grit his teeth when he saw Vic, disappearing on the other side of the crest, straighten in the saddle; the next instant the top of the hill shielded the fugitive.

Well and nobly, then, Grey Molly repaid all the praise, all the tenderness and care which Vic had lavished upon her in the past years, for with her legs shaking from the struggle of that last climb, with a rider who wobbled crazily in his seat, with reins hanging loose on her neck, with not even a voice to guide or to encourage her, she swept straight across the falling ground, gaining strength and courage at every stride.By the time Vic had regained his self-control and rallied a little from that first terrible falling of the heart, the dusty roan was over the crest and streaking after the game.Grey Molly gained steadily, yet even when he gathered the reins in his left hand Vic knew that the fight was done, in effect.How could he double or dodge when his own blood spotted the trail he kept, and how long could he keep the saddle with the agony which tore like saw teeth at his shoulder?

Grey Molly plunged straight into the shadow of pine trees, and the cool gloom fell like a blessing upon Vic in his torment; it was heaven to be sheltered even for a few moments from the eyes of the posse.At the opposite edge of the wood he drew rein with a groan.Some devil had prompted Gus Reeve and some devil had poured Reeve's horse full of strength, for yonder down the valley, not a hundred yards away, galloped a rider on a black horse; yet Vic could have sworn that when he looked back from the crest he had seen Gus riding the very last in the posse.An instant later the illusion vanished, for the black horse of Gus was never an animal such as this, never had this marvelous, long gait.Its feet flicked the earth and shot it along with a reaching stride so easy, so flowing that only the fluttered mane and the tail stretching straight behind gave token of the speed.For the rest, it carried its head high, with pricking ears, the sure sign of a horse running well within his strength, yet Grey Molly, fresh and keen for racing, could hardly have kept pace with the black as it slid over the hills.God in heaven, if such a horse were his a thousand sheriffs on a thousand dusty roans could never take him; five minutes would sweep him out of sight and reach.

  • Brother Jacob

    Brother Jacob

  • 汤液本草


  • 太白经


  • 岭海焚余


  • 佛说七佛经


  • 魔术会:幻戏陷阱


  • 步步紧逼:总裁莫无赖


  • 傅影帝的小沙雕超级甜


  • 他存在过吗


  • 心理罪秘档


  • 娇鸾令


  • 巴比伦与希伯莱历史纵横谈(世界历史纵横谈)


    本套书用生动的文字, 再现了世界历史进程的恢弘画卷, 堪称一部贯通整个世界历史的简明百科全书, 串联起全部人类发展的瑰宝, 并以其光辉不朽的价值与流传恒久的魅力, 成就一部好读又好看的世界历史通俗读物, 具有很强的系统性、知识性和可读性, 不仅是广大读者学习世界历史知识的读物, 也是各级图书馆珍藏的版本。
  • 风华之恋


  • 豪门先生太傲娇


    推荐飞絮新书《小娇包被偏执大佬诱婚了》 不小心惹上帝国总裁,总裁一宠上瘾,全球疯狂示爱,苏韵玄表示吃不消。他说:“做我北景墨的妻子,京都你可以横着走。”婚后苏韵玄才发现自己上当了,北大总裁化身为狼,简直没完没了。苏韵玄哀嚎,被逼着生宝宝,生了一个还要生一个。这门生意亏了,退货可不可以?
  • 管理三经

