
第3章 PREFACE(3)

I avow myself an extreme Pacifist.I am against the man who first takes up the weapon.I carry my pacifism far beyond the ambiguous little group of British and foreign sentimentalists who pretend so amusingly to be socialists in the /Labour Leader/, whose conception of foreign policy is to give Germany now a peace that would be no more than a breathing time for a fresh outrage upon civilisation, and who would even make heroes of the crazy young assassins of the Dublin crime.I do not understand those people.I do not merely want to stop this war.

I want to nail down war in its coffin.Modern war is an intolerable thing.It is not a thing to trifle with in this Urban District Council way, it is a thing to end forever.I have always hated it, so far that is as my imagination enabled me to realise it; and now that I have been seeing it, sometimes quite closely for a full month, I hate it more than ever.I never imagined a quarter of its waste, its boredom, its futility, its desolation.It is merely a destructive and dispersive instead of a constructive and accumulative industrialism.It is a gigantic, dusty, muddy, weedy, bloodstained silliness.It is the plain duty of every man to give his life and all that he has if by so doing he may help to end it.I hate Germany, which has thrust this experience upon mankind, as I hate some horrible infectious disease.The new war, the war on the modern level, is her invention and her crime.I perceive that on our side and in its broad outlines, this war is nothing more than a gigantic and heroic effort in sanitary engineering; an effort to remove German militarism from the life and regions it has invaded, and to bank it in and discredit and enfeeble it so that never more will it repeat its present preposterous and horrible efforts.All human affairs and all great affairs have their reservations and their complications, but that is the broad outline of the business as it has impressed itself on my mind and as I find it conceived in the mind of the average man of the reading class among the allied peoples, and as I find it understood in the judgment of honest and intelligent neutral observers.

It is my unshakeable belief that essentially the Allies fight for a permanent world peace, that primarily they do not make war but resist war, that has reconciled me to this not very congenial experience of touring as a spectator all agog to see, through the war zones.At any rate there was never any risk of my playing Balaam and blessing the enemy.This war is tragedy and sacrifice for most of the world, for the Germans it is simply the catastrophic outcome of fifty years of elaborate intellectual foolery.Militarism, Welt Politik, and here we are! What else /could/ have happened, with Michael and his infernal War Machine in the very centre of Europe, but this tremendous disaster?

It is a disaster.It may be a necessary disaster; it may teach a lesson that could be learnt in no other way; but for all that, Iinsist, it remains waste, disorder, disaster.

There is a disposition, I know, in myself as well as in others, to wriggle away from this verity, to find so much good in the collapse that has come to the mad direction of Europe for the past half-century as to make it on the whole almost a beneficial thing.But at most I can find it in no greater good than the good of a nightmare that awakens the sleeper in a dangerous place to a realisation of the extreme danger of his sleep.Better had he been awake--or never there.In Venetia Captain Pirelli, whose task it was to keep me out of mischief in the war zone, was insistent upon the way in which all Venetia was being opened up by the new military roads; there has been scarcely a new road made in Venetia since Napoleon drove his straight, poplar-bordered highways through the land.M.Joseph Reinach, who was my companion upon the French front, was equally impressed by the stirring up and exchange of ideas in the villages due to the movement of the war.Charles Lamb's story of the discovery of roast pork comes into one's head with an effect of repartee.

More than ideas are exchanged in the war zone, and it is doubtful how far the sanitary precautions of the military authorities avails against a considerable propaganda of disease.A more serious argument for the good of war is that it evokes heroic qualities that it has brought out almost incredible quantities of courage, devotion, and individual romance that did not show in the suffocating peace time that preceded the war.The reckless and beautiful zeal of the women in the British and French munition factories, for example, the gaiety and fearlessness of the common soldiers everywhere; these things have always been there--like champagne sleeping in bottles in a cellar.But was there any need to throw a bomb into the cellar?

I am reminded of a story, or rather of the idea for a story that I think I must have read in that curious collection of fantasies and observations, Hawthorne's /Note Book./ It was to be the story of a man who found life dull and his circumstances altogether mediocre.He had loved his wife, but now after all she seemed to be a very ordinary human being.He had begun life with high hopes--and life was commonplace.He was to grow fretful and restless.His discontent was to lead to some action, some irrevocable action; but upon the nature of that action I do not think the /Note Book/ was very clear.It was to carry him in such a manner that he was to forget his wife.Then, when it was too late, he was to see her at an upper window, stripped and firelit, a glorious thing of light and loveliness and tragic intensity....

The elementary tales of the world are very few, and Hawthorne's story and Lamb's story are, after all, only variations upon the same theme.But can we poor human beings never realise our quality without destruction?


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