

IF IT WERE TRUE that she was in love, she was certainly very quiet about it; but the doctor was of course prepared to admit that her quietness might mean volumes.She had told Morris Townsend that she would not mention him to her father, and she saw no reason to retract this vow of discretion.It was no more than decently civil, of course, that, after having dined in Washington Square, Morris should call there again; and it was no more than natural that, having been kindly received on this occasion, he should continue to present himself.He had had plenty of leisure on his hands; and thirty years ago, in New York, a young man of leisure had reason to be thankful for aids to self-oblivion.Catherine said nothing to her father about these visits, though they had rapidly become the most important, the most absorbing thing in her life.The girl was happy.She knew not as yet what would come of it; but the present had suddenly grown rich and solemn.If she had been told she was in love, she would have been a good deal surprised; for she had an idea that love was an eager and exacting passion, and her own heart was filled in these days with the impulse of self-effacement and sacrifice.Whenever Morris Townsend had left the house, her imagination projected itself, with all its strength, into the idea of his soon coming back; but if she had been told at such a moment that he would not return for a year, or even that he would never return, she would not have complained nor rebelled, but would have humbly accepted the decree, and sought for consolation in thinking over the times she had already seen him, the words he had spoken, the sound of his voice, of his tread, the expression of his face.Love demands certain things as a right; but Catherine had no sense of her rights; she had only a consciousness of immense and unexpected favors.Her very gratitude for these things had hushed itself; for it seemed to her that there would be something of impudence in making a festival of her secret.Her father suspected Morris Townsend's visits, and noted her reserve.She seemed to beg pardon for it; she looked at him constantly in silence, as if she meant to say that she said nothing because she was afraid of irritating him.But the poor girl's dumb eloquence irritated him more than anything else would have done, and he caught himself murmuring more than once that it was a grievous pity his only child was a simpleton.His murmurs, however, were inaudible;and for awhile he said nothing to anyone.He would have liked to know exactly how often young Townsend came; but he had determined to ask no questions of the girl herself- to say nothing more to her that would show that he watched her.The doctor had a great idea of being largely just: He wished to leave his daughter her liberty, and interfere only when the danger should be proved.It was not in his manner to obtain information by indirect methods, and it never even occurred to him to question the servants.As for Lavinia, he hated to talk to her about the matter; she annoyed him with her mock romanticism.But he had to come to this.Mrs.Penniman's convictions as regards the relations of her niece and the clever young visitor, who saved appearances by coming ostensibly for both the ladies- Mrs.

Penniman's convictions had passed into a riper and richer phase.There was to be no crudity in Mrs.Penniman's treatment of the situation;she had become as uncommunicative as Catherine herself.She was tasting of the sweets of concealment; she had taken up the line of mystery."She would be enchanted to be able to prove to herself that she is persecuted," said the doctor; and when at last he questioned her, he was sure she would contrive to extract from his words a pretext for this belief.

"Be so good as to let me know what is going on in the house," he said to her, in a tone which, under the circumstances, he himself deemed genial.

"Going on, Austin?" Mrs.Penniman exclaimed."Why, I am sure I don't know.I believe that last night the old gray cat had kittens.""At her age?" said the doctor."The idea is startling- almost shocking.Be so good as to see that they are all drowned.But what else has happened?""Ah, the dear little kittens!" cried Mrs.Penniman."I wouldn't have them drowned for the world!"Her brother puffed his cigar a few moments in silence."Your sympathy with kittens, Lavinia," he presently resumed, "arises from a feline element in your own character.""Cats are very graceful, and very clean," said Mrs.Penniman, smiling.

"And very stealthy.You are the embodiment both of grace and of neatness; but you are wanting in frankness.""You certainly are not, dear brother."

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