

With one arm in the sleeve of his doublet, and the other in a not over spotless shirt; holding up his hose with one hand, and with the other a candle, whereby he had lighted himself to his own confusion; foaming with rage, stood Mr.Evan Morgans, alias Father Parsons, looking, between his confused habiliments and his fiery visage (as Yeo told him to his face), "the very moral of a half-plucked turkey-cock." And behind him, dressed, stood Eustace Leigh.

"We found the maid letting these here two out by the front door,"said one of the captors.

"Well, Mr.Parsons," said Amyas; "and what are you about here? Apretty nest of thieves and Jesuits we seem to have routed out this evening.""About my calling, sir," said Parsons, stoutly."By your leave, Ishall prepare this my wounded lamb for that account to which your man's cruelty has untimely sent him."The wounded man, who lay upon the floor, heard Parsons' voice, and moaned for the "Patrico.""You see, sir," said he, pompously, "the sheep know their shepherd's voice.""The wolves you mean, you hypocritical scoundrel!" said Amyas, who could not contain his disgust."Let the fellow truss up his points, lads, and do his work.After all, the man is dying.""The requisite matters, sir, are not at hand," said Parsons, unabashed.

"Eustace, go and fetch his matters for him; you seem to be in all his plots."Eustace went silently and sullenly.

"What's that fresh noise at the back, now?""The maid, sir, a wailing over her uncle; the fellow that we saw sneak away when we came up.It was him the horse killed."It was true.The wretched host had slipped off on their approach, simply to call the neighboring outlaws to the spoil; and he had been filled with the fruit of his own devices.

"His blood be on his own head," said Amyas.

"I question, sir," said Yeo, in a low voice, "whether some of it will not be on the heads of those proud prelates who go clothed in purple and fine linen, instead of going forth to convert such as he, and then wonder how these Jesuits get hold of them.If they give place to the devil in their sheepfolds, sure he'll come in and lodge there.Look, sir, there's a sight in a gospel land!"And, indeed, the sight was curious enough.For Parsons was kneeling by the side of the dying man, listening earnestly to the confession which the man sobbed out in his gibberish, between the spasms of his wounded chest.Now and then Parsons shook his head;and when Eustace returned with the holy wafer, and the oil for extreme unction, he asked him, in a low voice, "Ballard, interpret for me."And Eustace knelt down on the other side of the sufferer, and interpreted his thieves' dialect into Latin; and the dying man held a hand of each, and turned first to one and then to the other stupid eyes,--not without affection, though, and gratitude.

"I can't stand this mummery any longer," said Yeo."Here's a soul perishing before my eyes, and it's on my conscience to speak a word in season.""Silence!" whispered Amyas, holding him back by the arm; "he knows them, and he don't know you; they are the first who ever spoke to him as if he had a soul to be saved, and first come, first served;you can do no good.See, the man's face is brightening already.""But, sir, 'tis a false peace."

"At all events he is confessing his sins, Yeo; and if that's not good for him, and you, and me, what is?""Yea, Amen! sir; but this is not to the right person.""How do you know his words will not go to the right person, after all, though he may not send them there? By heaven! the man is dead!"It was so.The dark catalogue of brutal deeds had been gasped out;but ere the words of absolution could follow, the head had fallen back, and all was over.

"Confession in extremis is sufficient," said Parsons to Eustace ("Ballard," as Parsons called him, to Amyas's surprise), as he rose."As for the rest, the intention will be accepted instead of the act.""The Lord have mercy on his soul!" said Eustace.

"His soul is lost before our very eyes," said Yeo.

"Mind your own business," said Amyas.

"Humph; but I'll tell you, sir, what our business is, if you'll step aside with me.I find that poor fellow that lies dead is none other than the leader of the Gubbings; the king of them, as they dare to call him.""Well, what of that?"

"Mark my words, sir, if we have not a hundred stout rogues upon us before two hours are out; forgive us they never will; and if we get off with our lives, which I don't much expect, we shall leave our horses behind; for we can hold the house, sir, well enough till morning, but the courtyard we can't, that's certain!""We had better march at once, then."

"Think, sir; if they catch us up--as they are sure to do, knowing the country better than we--how will our shot stand their arrows?""True, old wisdom; we must keep the road; and we must keep together; and so be a mark for them, while they will be behind every rock and bank; and two or three flights of arrows will do our business for us.Humph! stay, I have a plan." And stepping forward he spoke--"Eustace, you will be so kind as to go back to your lambs; and tell them, that if they meddle with us cruel wolves again to-night, we are ready and willing to fight to the death, and have plenty of shot and powder at their service.Father Parsons, you will be so kind as to accompany us; it is but fitting that the shepherd should be hostage for his sheep.""If you carry me off this spot, sir, you carry my corpse only,"said Parsons."I may as well die here as be hanged elsewhere, like my martyred brother Campian.""If you take him, you must take me too," said Eustace.

"What if we won't?"

  • 泰特斯·安德洛尼克斯


  • 佛说阿阇贳王女阿术达菩萨经


  • 亡题


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  • 易牙遗意


  • 穿越之医仙神妃


  • 陆少,宠妻忙


  • 世界帝国史话 奥斯曼帝国

    世界帝国史话 奥斯曼帝国

  • 阿阔的城门


  • 天地玄灵兽


  • 灵宝净明院教师周真公起请画


  • 影响力的本质


  • 废材王妃风华绝代


  • 不一样的自然保健法


  • 刘云若作品集(中国现代文学名家作品集)

