

"If the Philistines will but come out unto us, we will make them like unto Zeba and Zalmunna.""Quite true," said Amyas."Game cocks are game cocks, but reason's reason.""If the Philistines are not coming out, they are going to send a messenger instead," quoth Cary."Look out, all thin skulls!"And as he spoke, a puff of white smoke rolled from the eastern fort, and a heavy ball plunged into the water between it and the ship.

"I don't altogether like this," quoth Amyas."What do they mean by firing on us without warning? And what are these ships of war doing here? Drew, you told me the armadas never lay here.""No more, I believe, they do, sir, on account of the anchorage being so bad, as you may see.I'm mortal afeared that rascal's story was true, and that the Dons have got wind of our coming.""Run up a white flag, at all events.If they do expect us, they must have known some time since, or how could they have got their craft hither?""True, sir.They must have come from Santa Marta, at the least;perhaps from Cartagena.And that would take a month at least going and coming."Amyas suddenly recollected Eustace's threat in the wayside inn.

Could he have betrayed their purpose? Impossible!

"Let us hold a council of war, at all events, Frank."Frank was absorbed in a very different matter.A half-mile to the eastward of the town, two or three hundred feet up the steep mountain side, stood a large, low, white house embosomed in trees and gardens.There was no other house of similar size near; no place for one.And was not that the royal flag of Spain which flaunted before it? That must be the governor's house; that must be the abode of the Rose of Torridge! And Frank stood devouring it with wild eyes, till he had persuaded himself that he could see a woman's figure walking upon the terrace in front, and that the figure was none other than hers whom he sought.Amyas could hardly tear him away to a council of war, which was a sad, and only not a peevish one.

The three adventurers, with Brimblecombe, Yeo, and Drew, went apart upon the poop; and each looked the other in the face awhile.For what was to be done? The plans and hopes of months were brought to naught in an hour.

"It is impossible, you see," said Amyas, at last, "to surprise the town by land, while these ships are here; for if we land our men, we leave our ship without defence.""As impossible as to challenge Don Guzman while he is not here,"said Cary.

"I wonder why the ships have not opened on us already," said Drew.

"Perhaps they respect our flag of truce," said Cary."Why not send in a boat to treat with them, and to inquire for--"For her?" interrupted Frank."If we show that we are aware of her existence, her name is blasted in the eyes of those jealous Spaniards.""And as for respecting our flag of truce, gentlemen," said Yeo, "if you will take an old man's advice, trust them not.They will keep the same faith with us as they kept with Captain Hawkins at San Juan d'Ulloa, in that accursed business which was the beginning of all the wars; when we might have taken the whole plate-fleet, with two hundred thousand pounds' worth of gold on board, and did not, but only asked license to trade like honest men.And yet, after they had granted us license, and deceived us by fair speech into landing ourselves and our ordnance, the governor and all the fleet set upon us, five to one, and gave no quarter to any soul whom he took.No, sir; I expect the only reason why they don't attack us is, because their crews are not on board.""They will be, soon enough, then," said Amyas."I can see soldiers coming down the landing-stairs."And, in fact, boats full of armed men began to push off to the ships.

"We may thank Heaven," said Drew, "that we were not here two hours agone.The sun will be down before they are ready for sea, and the fellows will have no stomach to go looking for us by night.""So much the worse for us.If they will but do that, we may give them the slip, and back again to the town, and there try our luck;for I cannot find it in my heart to leave the place without having one dash at it."Yeo shook his head."There are plenty more towns along the coast more worth trying than this, sir: but Heaven's will be done!"And as they spoke, the sun plunged into the sea, and all was dark.

At last it was agreed to anchor, and wait till midnight.If the ships of war came out, they were to try to run in past them, and, desperate as the attempt might be, attempt their original plan of landing to the westward of the town, taking it in flank, plundering the government storehouses, which they saw close to the landing-place, and then fighting their way back to their boats, and out of the roadstead.Two hours would suffice if the armada and the galleys were but once out of the way.

Amyas went forward, called the men together, and told them the plan.It was not very cheerfully received: but what else was there to be done!

They ran down about a mile and a half to the westward, and anchored.

The night wore on, and there was no sign of stir among the shipping; for though they could not see the vessels themselves, yet their lights (easily distinguished by their relative height from those in the town above) remained motionless; and the men fretted and fumed for weary hours at thus seeing a rich prize (for of course the town was paved with gold) within arm's reach, and yet impossible.

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