

"You may be equally surprised, senors, at my presence in such a spot, and at my asking you to become my guests even for one evening, while I have no better hospitality to offer you.""It is superfluous, senor, to offer us food in your own habitation when you have already put all that you possess at our command.""True, senors: and my motive for inviting you was, perhaps, somewhat of a selfish one.I am possessed by a longing to unburthen my heart of a tale which I never yet told to man, and which I fear can give to you nothing but pain; and yet I will entreat you, of your courtesy, to hear of that which you cannot amend, simply in mercy to a man who feels that he must confess to some one, or die as miserable as he has lived.And I believe my confidence will not be misplaced, when it is bestowed upon you.Ihave been a cavalier, even as you are; and, strange as it may seem, that which I have to tell I would sooner impart to the ears of a soldier than of a priest; because it will then sink into souls which can at least sympathize, though they cannot absolve.And you, cavaliers, I perceive to be noble, from your very looks; to be valiant, by your mere presence in this hostile land; and to be gentle, courteous, and prudent, by your conduct this day to me and to your captives.Will you, then, hear an old man's tale? I am, as you see, full of words; for speech, from long disuse, is difficult to me, and I fear at every sentence lest my stiffened tongue should play the traitor to my worn-out brain: but if my request seems impertinent, you have only to bid me talk as a host should, of matters which concern his guests, and not himself."The three young men, equally surprised and interested by this exordium, could only entreat their host to "use their ears as those of his slaves," on which, after fresh apologies, he began:

"Know, then, victorious cavaliers, that I, whom you now see here as a poor hermit, was formerly one of the foremost of that terrible band who went with Pizarro to the conquest of Peru.Eighty years old am I this day, unless the calendar which I have carved upon yonder tree deceives me; and twenty years old was I when I sailed with that fierce man from Panama, to do that deed with which all earth, and heaven, and hell itself, I fear, has rung.How we endured, suffered, and triumphed; how, mad with success, and glutted with blood, we turned our swords against each other, I need not tell to you.For what gentleman of Europe knows not our glory and our shame?"His hearers bowed assent.

"Yes; you have heard of our prowess: for glorious we were awhile, in the sight of God and man.But I will not speak of our glory, for it is tarnished; nor of our wealth, for it was our poison; nor of the sins of my comrades, for they have expiated them; but of my own sins, senors, which are more in number than the hairs of my head, and a burden too great to bear.Miserere Domine!"And smiting on his breast, the old warrior went on:

"As I said, we were mad with blood; and none more mad than I.

Surely it is no fable that men are possessed, even in this latter age, by devils.Why else did I rejoice in slaying? Why else was I, the son of a noble and truthful cavalier of Castile, among the foremost to urge upon my general the murder of the Inca? Why did Irejoice over his dying agonies? Why, when Don Ferdinando de Soto returned, and upbraided us with our villainy, did I, instead of confessing the sin which that noble cavalier set before us, withstand him to his face, ay, and would have drawn the sword on him, but that he refused to fight a liar, as he said that I was?""Then Don de Soto was against the murder? So his own grandson told me.But I had heard of him only as a tyrant and a butcher.""Senor, he was compact of good and evil, as are other men: he has paid dearly for his sin; let us hope that he has been paid in turn for his righteousness."John Brimblecombe shook his head at this doctrine, but did not speak.

"So you know his grandson? I trust he is a noble cavalier?"Amyas was silent; the old gentleman saw that he had touched some sore point, and continued:

"And why, again, senors, did I after that day give myself up to cruelty as to a sport; yea, thought that I did God service by destroying the creatures whom He had made; I who now dare not destroy a gnat, lest I harm a being more righteous than myself?

Was I mad? If I was, how then was I all that while as prudent as Iam this day? But I am not here to argue, senors, but to confess.

In a word, there was no deed of blood done for the next few years in which I had not my share, if it were but within my reach.When Challcuchima was burned, I was consenting; when that fair girl, the wife of Inca Manco, was tortured to death, I smiled at the agonies at which she too smiled, and taunted on the soldiers, to try if Icould wring one groan from her before she died.You know what followed, the pillage, the violence, the indignities offered to the virgins of the Sun.Senors, I will not pollute your chaste ears with what was done.But, senors, I had a brother."And the old man paused awhile.

"A brother--whether better or worse than me, God knows, before whom he has appeared ere now.At least he did not, as I did, end as a rebel to his king! There was a maiden in one of those convents, senors, more beautiful than day: and (I blush to tell it) the two brothers of whom I spoke quarrelled for the possession of her.

They struck each other, senors! Who struck first I know not; but swords were drawn, and-- The cavaliers round parted them, crying shame.And one of those two brothers--the one who speaks to you now--crying, 'If I cannot have her, no man shall!' turned the sword which was aimed at his brother, against that hapless maiden--and--hear me out, senors, before you flee from my presence as from that of a monster!--stabbed her to the heart.And as she died--one moment more, senors, that I may confess all!--she looked up in my face with a smile as of heaven, and thanked me for having rid her once and for all from Christians and their villainy."The old man paused.

"God forgive you, senor!" said Jack Brimblecombe, softly.

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