

"I thought not.I never saw her come aboard.Still I hoped, like;I hoped.Alackaday! God help me, Salvation Yeo!""What have you to do with this little maid, then, good fellow!"asked Grenville.

"Ah, sir, before I tell you that, I must go back and finish the story of Mr.Oxenham, if you will believe me enough to hear it.""I do believe thee, good fellow, and honor thee too.""Then, sir, I can speak with a free tongue.Where was I?""Where was he, Amyas?"

"At the Isle of Pearls."

"And yet, O gentles, tell me first, how Captain Drake came into the South Seas:--over the neck, as we did?""Through the Straits, good fellow, like any Spaniard: but go on with thy story, and thou shalt have Mr.Leigh's after.""Through the Straits! O glory! But I'll tell my tale.Well, sirs both--To the Island of Pearls we came, we and some of the negroes.

We found many huts, and Indians fishing for pearls, and also a fair house, with porches; but no Spaniard therein, save one man; at which Mr.Oxenham was like a man transported, and fell on that Spaniard, crying, 'Perro, where is your mistress? Where is the bark from Lima?' To which he boldly enough, 'What was his mistress to the Englishman?' But Mr.O.threatened to twine a cord round his head till his eyes burst out; and the Spaniard, being terrified, said that the ship from Lima was expected in a fortnight's time.So for ten days we lay quiet, letting neither negro nor Spaniard leave the island, and took good store of pearls, feeding sumptuously on wild cattle and hogs until the tenth day, when there came by a small bark; her we took, and found her from Quito, and on board 60,000 pezos of gold and other store.With which if we had been content, gentlemen, all had gone well.And some were willing to go back at once, having both treasure and pearls in plenty; but Mr.O., he waxed right mad, and swore to slay any one who made that motion again, assuring us that the Lima ship of which he had news was far greater and richer, and would make princes of us all; which bark came in sight on the sixteenth day, and was taken without shot or slaughter.The taking of which bark, I verily believe, was the ruin of every mother's son of us."And being asked why, he answered, "First, because of the discontent which was bred thereby; for on board was found no gold, but only 100,000 pezos of silver."Sir Richard Grenville.--Thou greedy fellow; and was not that enough to stay your stomachs?

Yeo answered that he would to God it had been; and that, moreover, the weight of that silver was afterwards a hindrance to them, and fresh cause of discontent, as he would afterwards declare."So that it had been well for us, sirs, if we had left it behind, as Mr.Drake left his three years before, and carried away the gold only.In which I do see the evident hand of God, and His just punishment for our greediness of gain; who caused Mr.Oxenham, by whom we had hoped to attain great wealth, to be a snare to us, and a cause of utter ruin.""Do you think, then," said Sir Richard, "that Mr.Oxenham deceived you wilfully?""I will never believe that, sir: Mr.Oxenham had his private reasons for waiting for that ship, for the sake of one on board, whose face would that he had never seen, though he saw it then, as I fear, not for the first time by many a one." And so was silent.

"Come," said both his hearers, "you have brought us thus far, and you must go on.""Gentlemen, I have concealed this matter from all men, both on my voyage home and since; and I hope you will be secret in the matter, for the honor of my noble captain, and the comfort of his friends who are alive.For I think it shame to publish harm of a gallant gentleman, and of an ancient and worshipful family, and to me a true and kind captain, when what is done cannot be undone, and least said soonest mended.Neither now would I have spoken of it, but that I was inwardly moved to it for the sake of that young gentleman there" (looking at Amyas), "that he might be warned in time of God's wrath against the crying sin of adultery, and flee youthful lusts, which war against the soul.""Thou hast done wisely enough, then," said Sir Richard; "and look to it if I do not reward thee: but the young gentleman here, thank God, needs no such warnings, having got them already both by precept and example, where thou and poor Oxenham might have had them also.""You mean Captain Drake, your worship?"

"I do, sirrah.If all men were as clean livers as he, the world would be spared one half the tears that are shed in it.""Amen, sir.At least there would have been many a tear spared to us and ours.For--as all must out--in that bark of Lima he took a young lady, as fair as the sunshine, sir, and seemingly about two or three-and-twenty years of age, having with her a tall young lad of sixteen, and a little girl, a marvellously pretty child, of about a six or seven.And the lady herself was of an excellent beauty, like a whale's tooth for whiteness, so that all the crew wondered at her, and could not be satisfied with looking upon her.

And, gentlemen, this was strange, that the lady seemed in no wise afraid or mournful, and bid her little girl fear naught, as did also Mr.Oxenham: but the lad kept a very sour countenance, and the more when he saw the lady and Mr.Oxenham speaking together apart.

"Well, sir, after this good luck we were minded to have gone straight back to the river whence we came, and so home to England with all speed.But Mr.Oxenham persuaded us to return to the island, and get a few more pearls.To which foolishness (which after caused the mishap) I verily believe he was moved by the instigation of the devil and of that lady.For as we were about to go ashore, I, going down into the cabin of the prize, saw Mr.

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