
第23章 CHUN AH CHUN(4)

Besides, as the years came upon him, he found himself harking back more and more to his own kind.The reeking smells of the Chinese quarter were spicy to him.He sniffed them with satisfaction as he passed along the street, for in his mind they carried him back to the narrow tortuous alleys of Canton swarming with life and movement.He regretted that he had cut off his queue to please Stella Allendale in the prenuptial days, and he seriously considered the advisability of shaving his crown and growing a new one.The dishes his highly paid chef concocted for him failed to tickle hisreminiscent palate in the waythat the weird messes did in the stuffy restaurant down in the Chinese quarter.He enjoyed vastly more a half-hour's smoke and chat with two or three Chinese chums, than to preside at the lavish and elegant dinners for which his bungalow was famed, where the pick of the Americans and Europeans sat at the long table, men and women on equality, the women with jewels that blazed in the subdued light against white necks and arms, the men in evening dress, and all chattering and laughing over topics and witticisms that, while they were not exactly Greek to him, did not interest him nor entertain.

But it was not merely his alienness and his growing desire to return to his Chinese flesh-pots that constituted the problem.There was also his wealth.He had looked forward to a placid old age.He had worked hard.His reward should have been peace and repose.But he knew that with his immense fortune peace and repose could not possibly be his.Already there were signs and omens.He had seen similar troubles before.There was his old employer, Dantin, whose children had wrested from him, by due process of law, the management of his property, having the Court appoint guardians to administer it for him.Ah Chun knew, and knew thoroughly well, that had Dantin been a poor man, it would have been found that he could quite rationally manage his own affairs.And old Dantin had had only three children and half a million, while he, Chun Ah Chun, had fifteen children and no one but himself knew how many millions.

"Our daughters are beautiful women," he said to his wife, one evening."There are many young men.The house is always full of young men.My cigar bills are very heavy.Why are there no marriages?"Mamma Achun shrugged her shoulders and waited.

"Women are women and men are men--it is strange there are no marriages. Perhaps the young men do not like our daughters.""Ah, they like them well enough," Mamma Chun answered; "but you see,they cannot forget that you are your daughters' father.""Yet you forgot who my father was," Ah Chun said gravely."All you asked was for me to cut off my queue.""The young men are more particular than I was, I fancy.""What is the greatest thing in the world?" Ah Chun demanded with abrupt irrelevance.

Mamma Achun pondered for a moment, then replied:"God."He nodded."There are gods and gods.Some are paper, some are wood, some are bronze.I use a small one in the office for a paper- weight.In the Bishop Museum are many gods of coral rock and lava stone.""But there is only one God," she announced decisively, stiffening her ample frame argumentatively.

Ah Chun noted the danger signal and sheered off.

"What is greater than God, then?" he asked."I will tell you.It is money.In my time I have had dealings with Jews and Christians, Mohammedans and Buddhists, and with little black men from the Solomons and New Guinea who carried their god about them, wrapped in oiled paper.They possessed various gods, these men, but they all worshipped money.There is that Captain Higginson.He seems to like Henrietta.""He will never marry her," retorted Mamma Achun."He will be an admiral before he dies--""A rear-admiral," Ah Chun interpolated."Yes, I know.That is the way they retire.""His family in the United States is a high one. They would not like it if he married...if he did not marry an American girl."Ah Chun knocked the ashes out of his pipe, thoughtfully refilling the silver bowl with a tiny pleget of tobacco.He lighted it and smoked it out before he spoke.

"Henrietta is the oldest girl.The day she marries I will give her three hundred thousand dollars.That will fetch that Captain Higginson and his high family along with him.Let the word go out to him.I leave it to you."And Ah Chun sat and smoked on, and in the curling smoke-wreaths he saw take shape the face and figure of Toy Shuey--Toy Shuey, the maid of all work in his uncle's house in the Cantonese village, whoseworkwas never done and who received for a whole year's work one dollar.And he saw his youthful self arise in the curling smoke, his youthful self who had toiled eighteen years in his uncle's field for little more.And now he, Ah Chun, the peasant, dowered his daughter with three hundred thousand years of such toil.And she was but one daughter of a dozen.He was not elated at the thought.It struck him that it was a funny, whimsical world, and he chuckled aloud and startled Mamma Achun from a revery which he knew lay deep in the hidden crypts of her being where he had never penetrated.

But Ah Chun's word went forth, as a whisper, and Captain Higginson forgot his rear-admiralship and his high family and took to wife three hundred thousand dollars and a refined and cultured girl who was one thirty-second Polynesian, one-sixteenth Italian, one- sixteenth Portuguese, eleven thirty-seconds English and Yankee, andone-half Chinese.

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    "Miss Civilization" is founded on a story by the late James Harvey Smith. All professional rights in this play belong to Richard Harding Davis.汇聚授权电子版权。
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    《国民阅读文库·青少年心灵成长直通车》系列从成长中可能遇到的问题出发,内容涵盖了勤奋、坚强、自信、乐观等诸多与孩子健康成长密 切相关的方面,人选的故事通俗易懂,道理清晰明了,版式活泼多样,容 易激发孩子强烈的阅读兴趣,能够起到极好的教育和熏陶作用,对于提高 孩子的文化素养、拓展孩子的知识面大有帮助。好习惯成就好未来,孩子 从小养成良好的习惯,成就大事业将不再是遥不可及的梦想。生命需要鼓舞,心灵需要滋润。《青少年心灵成长直通车》图书的故事极具启蒙意义,可以启迪孩子的心灵,开发孩子的潜能 ,塑造孩子健康的人格,为孩子健康茁壮成长创造必要的条件。愿孩子们 拥有一次快乐的阅读之旅。
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