
第3章 PREFACE(3)

"Not so," was the quick answer."I had him into my private office and talked with him for half an hour.""You discharged him for inefficiency?" "For immoral living, if you please."Dr.Kennedy laughed with a grating sound."Who the devil gave it toyou to be judge and jury? Does landlordism give you control of the immortal souls of those that toil for you? I have been your physician.Am I to expect tomorrow your ukase that I give up Scotch and soda or your patronage? Bah! Ford, you take life too seriously. Besides, when Joe got into that smuggling scrape (he wasn't in your employ, either), and he sent word to you, asked you to pay his fine, you left him to do his six months' hard labour on the reef.Don't forget, you left Joe Garland in the lurch that time.You threw him down, hard; and yet I remember the first dayyou came to school--we boarded, you were only a day scholar--you had to be initiated.Three times under in the swimming tank--you remember, it was the regular dose every new boy got.And you held back.You denied that you could swim.You were frightened,hysterical--""Yes, I know," Percival Ford said slowly."I was frightened.And it was a lie, for I could swim...And I was frightened.""And you remember who fought for you? who lied for you harder than you could lie, and swore he knew you couldn't swim? Who jumped into the tank and pulled you out after the first under and was nearly drowned for it by the other boys, who had discovered by that time that you COULD swim?""Of course I know," the other rejoined coldly."But a generous act as a boy does not excuse a lifetime of wrong living.""He has never done wrong to you?--personally and directly, I mean?" "No," was Percival Ford's answer."That is what makes my positionimpregnable.I have no personal spite against him.He is bad, thatis all. His life is bad--""Which is another way of saying that he does not agree with you in the way life should be lived," the doctor interrupted.

"Have it that way.It is immaterial.He is an idler--""With reason," was the interruption, "considering the jobs out of which you have knocked him.""He is immoral--"

"Oh, hold on now, Ford.Don't go harping on that.You are pure NewEngland stock. Joe Garland is half Kanaka.Your blood is thin.

His is warm.Life is one thing to you, another thing to him.He laughs and sings and dances through life, genial, unselfish, childlike, everybody's friend.You go through life like a perambulating prayer- wheel, a friend of nobody but the righteous, and the righteous are those who agree with you as to what is right.And after all, who shall say? You live like an anchorite.Joe Garland lives like a good fellow.Who has extracted the most from life? We are paid to live, you know.When the wages are too meagre we throw up the job, which is the cause, believe me, of all rational suicide.Joe Garland would starve to death on the wages you get from life.You see, he is made differently.So would you starve onhis wages, which are singing, and love--""Lust, if you will pardon me," was the interruption.Dr.Kennedy smiled.

"Love, to you, is a word of four letters and a definition which you have extracted from the dictionary.But love, real love, dewy and palpitant and tender, you do not know.If God made you and me, and men and women, believe me He made love, too.But to come back.It's about time you quit hounding Joe Garland.It is not worthy of you, and it is cowardly. The thing for you to do is to reach outand lend him a hand.""Why I, any more than you?" the other demanded."Why don't you reach him a hand?""I have.I'm reaching him a hand now.I'm trying to get you not to down the Promotion Committee's proposition of sending him away.I got him the job at Hilo with Mason and Fitch.I've got him half a dozen jobs, out of every one of which you drove him.But never mind that.Don't forget one thing--and a little frankness won't hurt you--it is not fair play to saddle another fault on Joe Garland; and you know that you, least of all, are the man to do it.Why, man, it's not good taste.It's positively indecent.""Now I don't follow you," Percival Ford answered."You're up in the air with some obscure scientific theory of heredity and personal irresponsibility.But how any theory can hold Joe Garland irresponsible for his wrongdoings and at the same time hold mepersonally responsible for them--more responsible than any one else, including Joe Garland--is beyond me.""It's a matter of delicacy, I suppose, or of taste, that prevents you from following me," Dr.Kennedy snapped out."It's all very well, for the sake of society, tacitly to ignore some things, but you do more than tacitly ignore.""What is it, pray, that I tacitly ignore!"Dr.Kennedy was angry.A deeper red than that of constitutional Scotch and soda suffused his face, as he answered:

"Your father's son."

"Now just what do you mean?"

"Damn it, man, you can't ask me to be plainer spoken than that.But if you will, all right--Isaac Ford's son--Joe Garland--yourbrother."Percival Ford sat quietly, an annoyed and shocked expression on his face.Kennedy looked at him curiously, then, as the slow minutes dragged by, became embarrassed and frightened.

"My God!" he cried finally, "you don't mean to tell me that you didn't know!"As in answer, Percival Ford's cheeks turned slowly grey."It's a ghastly joke," he said; "a ghastly joke."The doctor had got himself in hand.

"Everybody knows it," he said."I thought you knew it.And since you don't know it, it's time you did, and I'm glad of the chance of setting you straight. Joe Garland and you are brothers--half- brothers.""It's a lie," Ford cried."You don't mean it.Joe Garland's mother was Eliza Kunilio." (Dr.Kennedy nodded.) "I remember her well, with her duck pond and taro patch.His father was Joseph Garland, the beach-comber." (Dr.Kennedy shook his head.) "He died only two or three years ago.He used to get drunk.There's where Joe got his dissoluteness. There's the heredity for you.""And nobody told you," Kennedy said wonderingly, after a pause.

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