
第4章 PREFACE(4)

"Dr.Kennedy, you have said something terrible, which I cannot allow to pass. You must either prove or, or...""Prove it yourself.Turn around and look at him.You've got him inprofile.Look at his nose.That's Isaac Ford's.Yours is a thinedition of it.That's right.Look.The lines are fuller, but theyare all there."Percival Ford looked at the Kanaka half-breed who played under the hau tree, and it seemed, as by some illumination, that he was gazing on a wraith of himself.Feature after feature flashed up an unmistakable resemblance.Or, rather, it was he who was the wraith of that other full-muscled and generously moulded man.And his features, and that other man's features, were all reminiscent of Isaac Ford.And nobody had told him.Every line of Isaac Ford's face he knew.Miniatures, portraits, and photographs of his father were passing in review through his mind, and here and there, over and again, in the face before him, he caught resemblances and vague hints of likeness.It was devil's work that could reproduce the austere features of Isaac Ford in the loose and sensuous features before him.Once, the man turned, and for one flashing instant it seemed to Percival Ford that he saw his father, dead and gone,peering at him out of the face of Joe Garland.

"It's nothing at all," he could faintly hear Dr.Kennedy saying, "They were all mixed up in the old days.You know that.You've seen it all your life.Sailors married queens and begat princesses and all the rest of it. It was the usual thing in the Islands.""But not with my father," Percival Ford interrupted.

"There you are." Kennedy shrugged his shoulders."Cosmic sap andsmoke of life. Old Isaac Ford was straitlaced and all the rest, and I know there's no explaining it, least of all to himself.He understood it no more than you do.Smoke of life, that's all.And don't forget one thing, Ford.There was a dab of unruly blood in old Isaac Ford, and Joe Garland inherited it--all of it, smoke of life and cosmic sap; while you inherited all of old Isaac's asceticblood. And just because your blood is cold, well-ordered, and well- disciplined, is no reason that you should frown upon Joe Garland.When Joe Garland undoes the work you do, remember that it is only old Isaac Ford on both sides, undoing with one hand what he does with the other. You are Isaac Ford's right hand, let us say; JoeGarland is his left hand."Percival Ford made no answer, and in the silence Dr.Kennedyfinished his forgotten Scotch and soda.From across the grounds an automobile hooted imperatively.

"There's the machine," Dr.Kennedy said, rising."I've got to run.I'm sorry I've shaken you up, and at the same time I'm glad.And know one thing, Isaac Ford's dab of unruly blood was remarkably small, and Joe Garland got it all.And one other thing.If your father's left hand offend you, don't smite it off.Besides, Joe is all right.Frankly, if I could choose between you and him to live with me on a desert isle, I'd choose Joe."Little bare-legged children ran about him, playing, on the grass; but Percival Ford did not see them.He was gazing steadily at the singer under the hau tree.He even changed his position once, to get closer.The clerk of the Seaside went by, limping with age and dragging his reluctant feet.He had lived forty years on the Islands.Percival Ford beckoned to him, and the clerk came respectfully, and wondering that he should be noticed by PercivalFord.

"John," Ford said, "I want you to give me some information.Won't you sit down?"The clerk sat down awkwardly, stunned by the unexpected honour.Heblinked at the other and mumbled, "Yes, sir, thank you.""John, who is Joe Garland?"

The clerk stared at him, blinked, cleared his throat, and saidnothing."Go on," Percival Ford commanded.

"Who is he?"

"You're joking me, sir," the other managed to articulate."I spoke to you seriously."The clerk recoiled from him.

"You don't mean to say you don't know?" he questioned, his question in itself the answer.

"I want to know."

"Why, he's--" John broke off and looked about him helplessly."Hadn't you better ask somebody else? Everybody thought you knew.We always thought...""Yes, go ahead."

"We always thought that that was why you had it in for him."Photographs and miniatures of Isaac Ford were trooping through his son's brain, and ghosts of Isaac Ford seemed in the air about hint "I wish you good night, sir," he could hear the clerk saying, and he saw him beginning to limp away.

"John," he called abruptly.

John came back and stood near him, blinking and nervously moisteninghis lips.

"You haven't told me yet, you know." "Oh, about Joe Garland?""Yes, about Joe Garland.Who is he?"

"He's your brother, sir, if I say it who shouldn't." "Thank you, John.Good night.""And you didn't know?" the old man queried, content to linger, now that the crucial point was past.

"Thank you, John.Good night," was the response.

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