

Martin was not given to suspicion.He accepted people at their face value and believed in human nature.It never occurred to him, then, that the apparently ingenuous and disarming Irene, with her straight glance and wide smile, had brought Tootles to Devon except by accident or for anything but health and peace.He was awfully glad to see them.They added to the excellent effect upon his spirits which had been worked by the constant companionship of the irrepressible Howard, before whose habitual breeziness depression could stand little chance.

Also he had youth and health and plenty to do in gorgeous weather, and so his case, which he had been examining rather morbidly, assumed a less painful aspect.His love and need of Joan remained just as strong, but the sense of martyrdom brought about by loneliness and self-analysis left him.Once more he assured himself that Joan was a kid and must have her head until she became a woman and faced facts.Over and over again he repeated to himself the creed that she had flung into the teeth of fate, and in this he found more excuse than she deserved for the way in which she had used him to suit her purpose and put him into the position of a big elder brother whose duty it was to support her, in loco parentis, and not interfere with her pastimes.However much she fooled and flirted, he had an unshakable faith in her cleanness and sweetness, and if he continued to let her alone, to get fed up with what she called the Merry-go-round, she would one day come home and begin all over again.She was a kid, just a kid as she had said, and why, after all, should she be bullied and bully-ragged before she had had time to work it off? That's how he argued.

Meanwhile, he was, thankfully enough, no longer alone.Here were Howard and the two girls and the yawl and the sun, and he would keep merry and bright until Joan came back.He was too proud and sensitive to go to Joan and have it all out with her and thus dispel what had developed into a double misunderstanding, and too loyal to go to Joan's mother and tell his story and beg for help.Like Joan and Howard, and who knows how many other young things in the world, he was paying the inevitable penalty for believing that he could face the problems of life unassisted, unadvised and was making a dreadful hash of it in consequence.He little knew that his kindness to Tootles had made Joan believe that he had exchanged his armor for broadcloth and put her in a "who cares?" mood far more dangerous than the one which had sent her into the night life of New York, or that, owing to Tootles, she was, at that very moment, for the fun of the thing, driving Gilbert Palgrave to a state of anger and desperation which might lead to tragedy.Poor young things, misguided and falsely proud and at a loose end! What a waste of youth and spring which a few wise words of counsel would retrieve and render blessed.

And as for Tootles, with her once white face and red lips and hair that came out of a bottle, Martin was to her what Joan was to Palgrave and for the same reason.Irene's hints and innuendos had taken root.Caring nothing for the practical side of her friend's point of view,--the assured future business,--all her energies were bent to attract Martin, all that was feminine in her was making a huge effort to win, by hook or crook, somehow soon, an answer, however temporary, to her love.Never mind what happened after these summer weeks were over.What matter if she went mad so that she had her day? She had never come across any man like this young Martin, with his clean eyes and sensitive soul and honest hands, his, to her, inconceivable capacity of "being brother," his puzzling aloofness from the lure of sex.She didn't understand what it meant to a boy of Martin's type to cherish ideals and struggle to live up to a standard that had been set for him by his father.In her daily fight for mere self-preservation, in which joy came by accident, any such thing as principle seemed crazy.Her street--Arab interpretation of the law of life was to snatch at everything that she could reach because there was so much that was beyond her grasp.

Her love for Martin was the one passion of her sordid little life, and she would be thankful and contented to carry memories back to her garret which no future rough-and-tumble could ever take away or blot out.

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    权倾天下的五国之首,颠覆天下的政治格局。 阔别故国两载余,百里殿下携约而归,单依素手挑起千丈风波,只身独往打破百家制衡。棋音相知仅一人,埋骨不见冬雪至。一把破空而至的血刃,重重的在她心上抹去所有善意的同时,也划灭了她心底唯一的光亮。 天朽欲明,万人血河,以蹒跚之步,以铁骑血衣,入他国疆土,尽臣子之责。一涅槃一重归,杀歌四起,搅风云突变!一曲歌赋,一场末路,她是名动四方的京昭殿下,荣华屈辱,只待扶桑花落,重燃万里战火。隐藏本性十余年,林大皇子韬光养晦,不学无术终显雄才大略,花名在外换来半世荒唐。他精织谋局,诱敌深入,以惊世之才,藏暴戾之性,护一人周全,掌万人生死。一日铁戈征战,一朝踏破九霄,他是惊为天人的宋北皇子,丈量山河,管什么生灵涂炭,他只为目的,不择手段。他曾在京昭国宴一言惊人,以‘凤栖梧桐,终一日,策翼飞九霄,腾云万里’自喻。 她也曾举世风华,心怀天下,用一句‘肩上所扛是责任,脚下万里是天下。朱砂一点眉中痣,焉可御批臣子奏’答太傅于大殿前。 ——可有些人,初见便已沦陷,却至死也不知己心意。
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